Sep 10, 2020
This is a fantastic course to run your imagination to it's top! You can built your own game world and show it to other students. The learning curve is definitely improving with this course!
Sep 20, 2019
i really loved this course. it inspired me to be more innovative and think out of the box. it changed my mindset a lot. so thanks to my instructor and my peers. your words meant a lot to me.
By Kim N D R
•Jul 12, 2020
I kinda dreaded this course at first since I'm the kind of person who'd rather focus on characters and pretty much avoided trying to solidify the world that they're set in, but towards the end I got more invested. Some of the videos were a little too short and more of like a pep talk rather than containing actual educational content, but most of the videos were still helpful and I did get some things out of them that I didn't know before.
By Taciane M
•Sep 10, 2019
This course has nice materials for reading and, although I had some difficulty understanding the instructor's pronunciation, it was effective in really getting me to think about the design of a game world of mine. It was very interesting to develop a map for my world and to structure its elements (besides a quick narrative of how it would begin) for the assignments!
By Farnoud F
•Jan 30, 2016
Compare to Last Course in this Specialization this course lacked the good pace through the assignments, they were out of pace or out of tune, and also there were mostly general talks more than tips to make the student get in to the flow and create a better work, All in All it was Great but compared to the course before it, it had issues :D
By Bojan P
•Mar 11, 2016
Even though it is a great course by itself, I have to look at it as a part of the whole specialization, and in that context it's just a little bit more abstract and undefined than the previous ones.
All in all, great course and fantastic specialization for now.
By Ethan A
•Oct 14, 2019
It is often hard to hear what the lecturer is saying because of his thick accent but his information is very informative and useful. It helped me understand my worlds better. Recommend, but I do say you should look at the subtitles below the video sometimes.
•Aug 13, 2020
the course is really good, however, the assignments could have been described more carefully, as it was sometimes confusing what to do, however, the example project given usually cleared any doubts.
really good course.
By Playgame p 2
•Jan 12, 2021
Well this course tells you step by step how you need to create your world in your game. I feel a little bit empty on week 3 so I stopped. If you have lack of creativity - you will like this course and this is for you
By Mustafa A K
•May 21, 2018
The lessons were pretty well designed and the material was sufficient, but (not meant to be rude) it was a bit distracting when the tutor pronounced and accented the words a bit weirdly. Nevertheless, great course.
By Isidro F E
•Mar 8, 2023
It's a good course and the instructor encourages us to work creatively. I think could feel too easy for people that have previous experience in storytelling, but even so, I learned valuable things.
By E. C C
•Aug 14, 2017
Really enjoyed this class. I am a very visual person and this class was much more fun and a bit easier as I could express my ideas visually much more easily than If I had to write everything down.
By Barış E
•Jul 11, 2021
This course is helpful if you are a beginner in game design. It's helping for idea creation, development, and publishing process. I'm giving it 4 stars because I would like more details added.
By Fraser R
•Jul 11, 2020
Excellent source material, took a bit of time to get round the tutors wording of what was being asked, but the tasks overall were really good fun and interesting to play with.
By Mario S
•Jul 21, 2020
Great course! I love how they bring techniques and concepts from other disciplines like gardening, teacher, and ballet that are super useful for world and level design.
By 王恺越
•Dec 18, 2017
The assignments are great but the videos don't seem well organized for me. They are just a bunch of tips for world designing and are not systematic.
By Juan D M
•May 16, 2016
Very intresting and fun, learned a lot. I just wish there´d be more examples of finished designers worlds and how they look like.
By Emil M
•Oct 13, 2021
It's a pretty great course, it shows the basics of worldbuing and from there we can start exploring the deepness of this topic.
By José Á
•Jan 28, 2016
The teacher is a litlle abstract. Maybe he would improve himself if he would give more tangible things, as methods.
By Regina P
•Jun 30, 2020
The only problem are the peer reviews; most of the time I only receive one word reviews, or no criticism at all.
By Fabricio N B
•Jan 2, 2016
I really enjoyed the course.
Opened my eyes for many things that I didn't gave much though while design my games.
By Lu M
•Feb 19, 2017
The teacher guided us to the basic of game world design. Give us the material of how to design the game world.
By Diego T
•Feb 1, 2017
Very useful to develop worlds and enviroments, not only for videogames, but for all kind of media.
By Haniya H
•Aug 23, 2021
This was a best course , well explained and made me learn a new skill hank you soo much calarts
By Juan C L R
•Jun 17, 2019
I very basic, I would like to learn how to create a deeper world but still I loved the course
•Sep 1, 2016
Contents were short and great but some tools and practicle s/w should be introduced in it.
By sebastian c
•Nov 28, 2015
i really like the material, i feel that i learning the basic of video game development