May 23, 2021
This course is very useful for a beginner who is looking for the basics of UI/UX course.
This course will give you the basic idea of interface design which very important for its advanced studies.
Nov 20, 2018
I never thought this is possible. I am very grateful to Coursera and Calarts. This is a starting milestone to changing my career life for better. I am ready to pursue more and more with your support.
By Ankit S (
•Aug 30, 2023
Brilliant Teacher. Great pace great study materials. Opened my eyes to new prespectives of designing digital content.
By jatin s
•Feb 20, 2021
very informative for basic understanding, loved the whole experience moving to the next course in the specialization.
By Thelma T d S
•Jun 10, 2020
I think so interesting and amazing course. I learned so many things and for me the best one is very practical course.
By Musagala K
•Feb 9, 2022
Peer reviews, some are biased therefore there should be some neutral person to give a final grade after peer reviews
By Dan M
•Aug 9, 2021
The information is great for anyone looking to get into UX design. I especially like the exercises a peer critiques.
By Disha
•Jun 19, 2021
overall some help with the softwares that students need to use such as illustrator settings, would help a great deal
•Jun 2, 2020
Es un curso muy bien explicado, los temas vistos son concisos y creo que son buena base para seguir aprendiendo mas.
By Carlos A R
•Jan 1, 2021
Great course! I have no experience in graphic design and i managed to complete this course with no struggle at all.
By Yi W
•Nov 11, 2019
It's a good course to start with to know about uiux. Just hope to have more tutorial resource for designing tools.
By Janet X
•Feb 10, 2022
A helpful, zoomed-out overview of UI. I enjoyed the specific examples provided and the design of the assignments.
By Dhenada Y
•Aug 5, 2021
This course is really useful. The instructors explain the materi clearly. As a beginner, these are really helpful.
By Valentina R
•May 10, 2021
Simple explanations and practical work. Very useful for a first step into the world of UI/UX and interface design.
By Briana B
•Oct 20, 2020
Was a great introduction to the field. The class prodject was really cool to work on and enjoyed the peer reviews.
By Lyuba R
•May 30, 2020
Excellent, comprehensive and thorough class covering the basic fundamentals of UI/UX, with a concentration on UI.
By Layo R
•Nov 11, 2019
A great and insightful approach and very inline for people with a graphic design/ visual communication background.
By John M
•Sep 28, 2019
Michael is a gifted sherpa, leading us through the precarious terrain of graphic design in its sundry expressions.
By Muhammad A
•Feb 22, 2021
it covers basic stuff very nicely. Has changed the way i used to look at the stuff!! awesome job Mr. Worthington.
By Kwok Y X N
•May 30, 2020
Good instructor, enjoyable hands-on activities. Learnt a lot about UI in this course, would definitely recommend!
By Lauren P
•May 18, 2020
This was a really nice course for beginners. I really enjoyed the project and getting to see other students work.
By Mayank A
•Aug 27, 2019
The course was amazing I got to learn many new things about UI/ UX Design which will help me in future endeavors.
By Laura J
•Sep 20, 2023
It was so informative. I actually loved the course. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in this field.
By Ricardo M
•Feb 23, 2022
Very good course, it has a good pace and even though it is for beginners, doesn 't feel like it is for dummies.
By Dariia S
•Mar 18, 2021
It was very helpful course! We did a lot of practice but in same time it was not to much complicated! I love it!
By Dominika C
•May 4, 2020
Very good for beginners, a great way to understand what UI/UX Design is and to try a simple hands-on assignment.
By Melissa
•Jun 8, 2024
Es excelente el curso! Dinámico, completo y brinda herramientas interesantes para iniciar en el mundo del UX/UI