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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

1,050 ratings

About the Course

It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to dramatic improvements in drinking water quality. But does Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) also have global relevance? What are the potential treatment solutions and how do they function? Is there a standard strategy for successful HWTS implementation, or can we identify key components which make programs more likely to succeed? In this course you will learn about the most important water treatment methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and about assessing the impact of HWTS. MOOC SERIES “SANITATION, WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT” : This course is one of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development". FRANçAIS: Dans ce MOOC, vous allez apprendre les plus importantes méthodes de traitement de l'eau au niveau des ménages, les stratégies pour une mise en œuvre réussie et l’évaluation de l’impact du traitement et stockage sûr de l'eau à domicile. ESPAñOL: Aprende acerca de los métodos más importantes de tratamiento de agua a nivel domiciliario, de estrategias de implementación eficientes y de la evaluación del impacto del tratamiento doméstico y almacenamiento seguro del agua....

Top reviews


Jun 1, 2020

Very informative and practical course as water treatment is very useful and it is very nice to have knowledge about HWTS for a student.Teachers are very knowledgeful and interactive in this course.


Jun 23, 2021

Great intro course with renown professional in their respective fields. The interdisciplinary approach makes this course attractive and inspiring especially when you live in developing countries.

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1 - 25 of 260 Reviews for Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage

By Juan C L B

Nov 21, 2020

All information is clear, the professor in each topic he makes a example, real examples to allow that students can understand the topics, additionally, is important to know the processes and technologies that we have to do good water treatment and access for everyone. I strongly recommend this course.

By Janani K

Jun 12, 2019

I have able to learn new information of regarding microbial water contamination. The newly dealt topics about calculation of bacterial log reduction and DALY were totally not known before enrolling for the course. Still ale to learn nearly all topics in water safety in one month time.

By David A

Jul 21, 2017

No doubt the Proper water handling at the household level is a sure way to reducing risks of contamination in low income countries even though the practice here in my country Nigeria cannot be said to be efficient. Interesting and educating MOOC . I look forward to the re

By Hinterberger M

Jul 17, 2017

Very useful course that gives a general overview of the HWTS and plenty of ressources if you want to explore the subject more deeply. It gives you a very good start if you are interested in the field and maybe involved in a health project!

By Anatole R

Oct 2, 2017

Very interesting course with a lot of examples of studies. I believe this course should be taken by everyone to understand the importance of water treatment. It is sure to be useful for people involved in humanitarian actions

By Alvaro G

Nov 16, 2017

What a excelent course! I loved this series of MOOCs by EAWAG. Even when its focus are Developing Countries, its teaches so many useful tools and disciplines to care human health in any place in world.

By moeketsi f

Nov 2, 2017

I so loved this course! I would like to thank coursera for granting me an opportunity to do this course! It is awesome I recommend that institutions offering water engineering courses should adapt it!

By Paul J

May 22, 2020

Nice introduction to WASH (specifically Household Water Treatment). The learning resources is nice with ample aid to external references that can be used for the future.

By Ezekiel O

Sep 29, 2019

This course is very interesting to me and I really like the presentations and the ability to study at will, my knowledge on water treatment have been upgraded.

Thank You

By Kasun S

Nov 14, 2020

I am a chemical engineer and independent researcher whom graduated from Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa. My area of interest in research is, # Drinking Water Treatment # Wastewater Treatment # Waste Management # Resource Recovery # Future Farming # Circular Economy.

I would guarantee that this is the best course in coursera for learning about household drinking water treatment and storage technologies. Meantime, thank you very much for the financial support offered. I would repay this back on behalf of the mankind in near future.

Best Regards,

B.K.T. Samarasiri

By Abdul W

Sep 13, 2019

The numerical section was little tough need to practice with some examples . Should be given self assessing questions to solve and get more clear idea of numericals

By Wasil S (

Jan 16, 2025

Thank you very much for this useful material, I spent two months in a study routine for this course with taking notes, I think Dr. Rick has a great ability to deliver information in a simplified way, and he also has the educational spirit that makes you not get bored of studying. Thanks also to Dr. Sara and all the workers behind the scenes on this material as well as the guests and the institutions supporting this educational project. I hope that together we can achieve access to safe water for all.

By M. P I

Mar 16, 2020

My thanks goes to Dr. Richard Johnson for having such a course on the importance of Household water safety and health issues because of improper handling and storage of drinking water. The topics have covered a broader area keeping in mind the Water as a World issue and has been framed with examples from from different countries. This course is of real importance to me as I am taking a course for B.Tech students in the Institute where I'm teaching now.

By Chirag S

Aug 29, 2020

Wonderful and diverse lectures from professor and guest lectures from WHO. Case studies were very well correlated with lectures being taught and initiated ideas that can be incorporated into HWTS as a part of innovation, not only focusing on technology work but also its impact on economy. i recommend this course have to be learn , its applicable is fundamentally applicable in life.

By Fazla Z A

Aug 29, 2020

I so loved this course! I would like to thank coursera for granting me an opportunity to do this course! It is awesome I recommend that institutions offering water engineering courses should adapt it! A very well organised course. Dr. Rick Johnston is an excellent mentor to have! Wish him all the best. Highly recommended for Civil Engineering/ Environmental Study backgrounds.

By Jamal W K

Dec 28, 2020

A highly informative and need based course for the contemporary drinking water conditions. The course curriculum and overall organization is highly appreciable, from guest lectures to case studies, everything was arranged to motivate and guide participants effectively. Personally, I enjoyed the field water testing kit the most.

By carlos l

May 7, 2020

A really interesting and exiting course.... all the knowledge in this MOOC let me undertand in a more comprehensive way the process of water sanitation. I am a chemical engineer an studied in the university the proces of purification, but I had not idea about the Biological issue . This course was structured in a very good way

By Christopher J M M

Mar 8, 2024

Es un muy buen curso introductorios, personalmente yo esto mas enfocado al proceso de tratamiento de agua, por lo que algunas partes del curso referentes a la implementación en países poco desarrollados realmente no me es de utilidad, sin embargo la parte técnica de patógenos y tratamiento es bastante útil.

By Elson H

Nov 30, 2020

I have learned how important is the household water treatment and storage. Growing up from a place without piped-in water, I realized that it was really difficult if people were not sure if the water is potable or not. Added to this is how the water is stored safely to prevent contamination

By Dr. R S

May 21, 2020

The course was very useful in learning various household water treatment technologies and safe storage. All the modules were dealt with innovative contents and good lectures. The course will be very useful for the academicians in the field of environmental engineering and practicing engineers.

By Anjali R

Apr 7, 2020

Course is systematically arranged in order which makes it simple and understandable various difficult aspects are understandable with the help of visuals and effect. Got better understanding of treatment facilities and government as well as profit and non profit organisation

By Raul R M C

Mar 2, 2021

Por su importancia en el mejoramiento y tratamiento del agua y sus diferentes métodos para tratar a los patógenos que se adhieren al agua es un compromiso que se deja para cada día en tratar mejor nuestros recursos naturales y saber utilizar con responsabilidad y cuidado.

By Abbas f

Feb 28, 2021

I have benefited from coursera a very valuable course, which will benefit my self and my community greatly, also i would like to thank all the coursera administrators and the precious lecturers of the course; introduction to household water treatment and safe storage.

By Md. R H

May 25, 2020

It is an informative and re search based course specially for village areas of low income countries . As a Civil and Environmental Engineering post graduate student it was an excellent course for me. Thanks to honorable course teachers and guest teachers.

By Macarena R

Sep 11, 2020

It was a great course. The only improvement I would deem necessary is the update of some sources, some statistics date a few years back. The general content is not affected by this though. Liked very much the short quizzes that came up during the videos.