May 4, 2019
Great course and specialization, thanks to UNIGE, UBS and Coursera for designing it so well and providing this high quality knowledge and tools for online users interested in this very niche topic
Jul 31, 2024
Very Good Syllabus , I would insist everyone to pursue this course and complete this course who are in Investment and stock market . As from India this course make me stand differently in market
By M B M
•Sep 4, 2018
Course work is great. Admin of assignments is poor. I've finished all material including assignment 1 and am locked out of next and final assignment until November. I'm paying by the month. After successfully completing the first 4 courses of the series I was looking forward to the CAPSTONE. I feel conned and that I wasted my time.
By Alexander B
•Jan 25, 2019
I have just finished all 4 MOOCs "Investment Management" and I have to wait 2.5 months to start my capstone project. This is unacceptable.
By David M
•May 24, 2020
The whoke certification is really great. The content of this course is good. But the way they block us to go ahead is not nice. Once you've finished a project they force you to to wait days and weeks for nothing before allowing you to continue the exams. The objective is just to make you pay more, staying many months just for one course. It's not nice because I don't care about paying more, I care about my time !
I propose you make people pay the double price for the course but please remove the waiting time restriction.
By Robert J Z
•Nov 5, 2019
The peer review projects sound like a good idea but the grading is inconsistent as a result. Some questions also require very specific answers that you could really only guess after seeing the answers, overall a very poor ending to an overall great specialization.
By Travis P
•Oct 10, 2018
Nearly all of the videos are duplicative of earlier courses in this specialization. The capstone project is good training as a hypothetical client, but there is very little new information / learning in this course to help you set a strong investment / wealth management strategy. Very disappointing as I was really looking forward to this final course.
By Lawrence K M
•Jun 10, 2018
I was very disappointed with my experience in this last course of the specialization. I found two (2) of the Milestones unclear; no warning or guidance was provided regarding the extensive use of Excel in order to complete the assignments; and most importantly, help was practically non-existent. The Help Desk/chat options were slow to respond and often did not respond to the specific question asked. I encountered several tech issues in this course that I did not experienced in the previous four (4), AND never received the help to determine whether it was on my side or Coursera's. My frustration led me to delay completing this specific course several times. Now I have to determine whether it is worthwhile for me to continue this discouraging experience by subscribing for another month in order to obtain the Specialization!
By Filippo C
•Oct 2, 2020
An insulting end for a pretty good MOOC.
There is no new video content, and you are forced to wait weeks or months between each assignment, just to keep you paying. I really wanted to finish this specialization and have it on my CV, but I won't stand for this, so good bye.
By Bastiaan B
•Dec 30, 2020
Be mindful before starting the investment specialization that the assignments for this course cannot be completed in your own time, but you have to wait for them to be unlocked before being able to attempt them.
By Valeriy K
•Nov 9, 2018
Excellent hands-on capstone project which summarizes the knowledge and skills of the previous 4 courses of the specialization. I found this course particularly challenging and intense. I'm really thankful for the opportunity to participate. Many thanks to the University of Geneva staff and particularly to Michel Gerardin who motivated me to move further over the last several months. Good luck to the classmates who finished the entire specialization! You all have done a great job!
By Veronique T
•Jul 7, 2017
This was a very useful course I learnt a lot. The lecturers were knowledgeable and it was really good to have real world input too.
My one recommendation would be some pointers/more details on how the formulas work for those who have weaker math/spreadsheet skills. Even if this is in form of notes or links to other places where those formulas are explained in detail. Or even recommend a course that covers this on coursera before doing this course
By Antonio J M G
•Jul 5, 2017
Practical approach that will allow you to build and manage real portfolios. Really interesting! Thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this specialisation.
By Nishant V
•Mar 5, 2023
Absolutely no accountability of the University. My assignments were left ungraded for 5 days within which my subscription ended. Very difficult to do this course as there are no reviewers available. Even the University is least bit bothered that weather the candidate is able to pass or not. I WOULD ADVISE ALL NOT TO WASTE YOUR MONEY IN THIS COURSE. TOTALLY SCAMMED.
By Valentyn M
•Dec 24, 2020
I don't like it. Small groups and peer to peer tasks for every week, if someone don't do it your submitted task left without attention. Very complicated tasks without clear example explanation. Lost money for all 5 month of subscription.
By Ashot B
•Sep 17, 2020
I highly recommend this course, even more than previous ones of this Specialization. The course provides ready-to-use knowledge and even experience. The leading lecturer Dr. Michel Girardin is a fantastic TEACHER I wish I couldn`t study under when I was a student. This specialization is an incredibly high value for money.
By Shafiqul I
•Mar 14, 2018
Passing this course is such a great pleasure! and a bit pain to miss the great teachers at University of Geneva and the mentors of UBS! Always be grateful to them for their great effort! Salute to Prof. Michel Girardin for guiding us through such an abstract subject like finance/investment with such ease and smile.
By Sachin P X
•Apr 26, 2019
An excellent capstone. It requires a lot of work but in the end the learner's concepts will be clear as crystal. A great learning tool which one could practically use in the business world. Great course to end a brilliant specialization.
By Vladislav S
•Mar 2, 2021
I really enjoyed this capstone project. It takes you through the whole process of personal investment management. I'll definitely use some of these techniques in my personal projects. Many thanks to Michel and the other instructors!
By Bill S
•Jan 14, 2020
This was a great course. I expanded my skills using Microsoft excel and how to calculate investment returns and improve the performance due to market changes.
By Kasidis S
•Apr 2, 2017
Great course! This course will give you a preparation of real-life investment planning for clients. If you have a chance, don't missed it.
By Richard P
•Apr 12, 2017
This was the most challenging of the five courses as there are quite a few statistical principles to grasp along with some fairly lengthy equations for a non-maths type like me. Enjoyed the course and the content along with its delivery. If there is one thing I would suggest is that there was too much repetitive spreadsheet work in the assignments which became a little tedious. Overall, a very good course.
By Yang T H
•Jul 5, 2017
Peer Review system makes it difficult to get a grade. Other than that the assignments/project are good learning material.
By Patrick B
•Jan 5, 2022
the wait for grading was ridiculous and none of the formulas needed were covered.
By Deokumar G
•Nov 26, 2019
I am sincerely grateful and privileged to be a part of this amazing five-course MOOC journey on Investment Management from The University of Geneva! As I am writing this review, I just finished my Week 1 Assignment Submission, where I was challenged with the task of creating an Investment Profile for a simulated Investment Client. After these five courses, I am now confident that I know all there is to know about doing my job for myself as a Private Investor and maybe one day becoming an Investment Manager for a distinguished Financial Firm! Thank you to The University of Geneva from Deokumar Gandharry!
By Angelos A
•Apr 8, 2021
Very good course. Professor Girardin is a great and interesting instructor. The other instructors unfortunately could not inspire to the same extend. Still all courses were valuable and the Capstone project a very good practical way to review both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this specialization.
By Anthony T
•May 13, 2021
One of the most enjoyable courses that I have taken on Coursera so far. If you are interested in learning about investing, then this is a great choice to start with. It provides a good foundation from which to educate yourself further in all the concepts mentioned.