Dec 28, 2016
Very good introduction, with clear explanations and excellent examples! If you are new to web apps, this is a great choice to get started!
Jun 30, 2016
I have enjoyed this course so far more than others like it that were similar. I look forward to finishing it.
By J. E
•Mar 5, 2017
Complete, exhaustive and nicely organized. Just wonderful.
By Andrea R
•Feb 14, 2017
Great course, crystal clear and focused on the practice!
•Aug 22, 2018
Uber easy to follow,understand, and packed knowledge!!
By Qianli Y
•May 4, 2017
Good introductions to all tiers in web application.
By Surashree P
•Jul 15, 2021
i am really glad about you, thank you so much
By Sahin A
•Jul 14, 2021
it was an amazing course i enjoyed.thank you
By Gabriele B
•Sep 3, 2017
complete and practical course, recommended
By Viswanathreddy S
•Mar 26, 2017
Great MOOC i ever saw, Thank you very much
By John E
•Apr 7, 2018
The wisdom of the UX is forever relevant
By Lucjan T
•Apr 17, 2017
Excellent introduction.
By shadrack o
•Jun 7, 2016
Love Prof Heileman
By Kihyun R C
•Sep 3, 2017
Helpful lecture
By 승태 김
•Sep 3, 2017
So Good Course
By Ankita M
•Jun 25, 2021
By Suryansh V
•Nov 13, 2018
•Nov 30, 2021
By Francisco H C
•Feb 8, 2017
By Kshitij C
•Jun 12, 2018
good one
By Séverine F
•Aug 2, 2017
A very good course, which gives a good introduction to web applications development. It provides all the pieces necessary to build a web application, and put them together in a understandable way.
It also gives an overview about the various technologies used.
However, the exercices are a bit too oriented. I would have appreciated to add additional features by myself, in order to have a better understanding of what we were doing.
By Michael Y
•Oct 26, 2016
It was a decent but definitely surface-level introduction to the concepts surrounding Web App development. A wealth of vocabulary is defined. There's just too much material to cover in one class to understand any one concept deeply. However, a broad array of basic concepts are introduced and I benefited from taking the class.
By Kaustuv M
•Apr 9, 2019
Its a nice course and can be more perfect if it is provided with sites where I can explore on this topic more easily. Except this this gives a perfect basic knowledge to go round with it. I like to see another course which will be a advance one of this course. Thanking courser and university faculty for this wonderful course.
By Akash C
•Jul 8, 2017
This course explains the concept of modern web application development. It briefs about web-application technologies, MVC design pattern and Agile methodology. The course uses Ruby on Rails as the primary framework to describe web-application concepts and methodologies.
By Roquibul A
•Sep 2, 2020
The theory part is excellent for this course but the programming part seems to be brief. It should be more elaborated and practical oriented. It seems that in the programming part we are rushing fast. It should be little slow as well.
•Dec 3, 2020
Great course. For me vas a little complicated, because I don't understand much English. But I learned so much. Thank you.
By Nir P
•Jul 27, 2016
good course - give the big picture perspective. especially if you using ruby on rails!