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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB by University of London

614 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will develop more advanced web application programming skills. You will learn how to control data read and write access using methods, publish and subscribe. You will learn how to access your database and server shells using command line tools. You will use the SimpleSchema system to validate data and generate input forms automatically. You will see a complete collaborative code editing environment, TextCircle, being built from scratch. At the end of this course, you will be able to: - use Meteor methods to control data write access - use publish and subscribe to control data read access - install and use advanced Meteor packages - add user accounts to your applications - implement complex MongoDB filters - use the MongoDB and meteor server shells - define data validations schemas using SimpleSchema - generate data input forms automatically using SimpleSchema In this course, you will complete: 2 programming assignments taking ~4 hours each to complete 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes...

Top reviews


Jul 22, 2020

Dr. Matthew Yee-King is a good teacher. Although the course is hard because of lots of coding, he makes it easy to understand all lessons.A good course and a good learning experience, indeed.


Oct 1, 2017

manipulate application with multiple users is a really useful technical skills we should get, these courses contain how to add multiple users/documents/comments, that's really need to learn!

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126 - 129 of 129 Reviews for Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB

By George T


Apr 29, 2016

Outdated course that needs a lot of changes to your code and in releases so you can follow professors code.A lot of people had same issues.

By أمل ا


Dec 27, 2023

The explanation of lessons wasn't clear, the codes don't work with most students, and there is no help from the instructor.

By Arthur A F


Jan 18, 2016

Repetitive content, like the latter course, not challenging

By A.M.H.Silva


May 9, 2020

Not a good course