Feb 11, 2022
Elaborate and easy to understand the basic concepts in Fintech. Both the instructors are very good and explained in a way which is easy to understand.Looking foward to complete the certification.
May 24, 2020
Nice introductory course to FinTech. However, I do not recommend the course for learners without prior knowledge on financial instruments as the course may become technical from time-to-time.
By Denys P
•Aug 31, 2019
Coursera is a global platform, however this course is extremely narrow-minded and US-focused.
Its not just about the content speaking about markets, regulations in the US and different states without even questioning if that is of interest to the global audience or providing any warning on the course page that it is a US-focused course. It is also about the sort of language the speakers choose - for example, on multiple occasions they divide the market into "US" and "International". This sort of language implies the speakers believe the US is a center of the world and local startups or companies in other countries are just falling under catch-all 'international'. Very insensitive and not recommended.
By erik v d s
•Jul 11, 2019
I found the course interesting, but given from a strong US perspective in general.
Which is sometimes interesting, sometimes funny and sometimes annoying being a Dutch and an European citizen.
I cannot say its not objective or scientific, but the cultural background gives me a feeling of bias. I don't know if its inevitable, for Wharton being an American University, but a more international integral approach (which is something different than adding 'international' chapters) would work better for me. Whether it would make the course better I can't say.
By Jiacheng L
•Jan 3, 2020
The instructor Christopher Geczy's eyes are constantly looking at the scripts below the camera, he is literally reading scripts, rather than giving a lecture. The content is mostly showing data and statistics, rather than explaining how things work. The other instructor is alright.
By Jean-Yves D
•Jul 6, 2019
Maybe a bit too theoretical at times. The tests at the end of the lecture could be more focused on conceptual understanding and applications rather than the current quizzes focusing a lot on details but not on the big picture.
By Cong W
•Mar 2, 2020
The first two weeks are a kind of Wikipedia.
The last two weeks are kind of reading the PPPPPPPPTTTTs.
By Rachael E
•Aug 11, 2019
I'll start by sayign that I took this course after 2 years away from a desk due to a stroke and my goal was to refresh and to see what I can and cannot still do. It achieved those objectives. Will it help me return to my career? I don't know yet but it's given me mroe confidence that the skills I've retained are still relevant.
Some of the material wasn't new to me but I've been in the finance industry for so long, way too long but there was some great content that made me re-evaluate my position.
I'm a product designer in alternative financial products and I'd never given much thought to the millenial perspective, until now. Understanding the shift in focus is critical for the future.
If you take a short course and come away having learnt something new that you can apply, then the course is a success. It did so for me.
By Darran W
•Feb 17, 2020
Well paced, good coverage of emerging and existing technologies and regulatory frameworks, and discussion on emerging issues that provide opportunities for innovation and regulation
By Ralph H
•Jun 5, 2019
Provides a good intro to the FinTech space in general, but as a Millennial with a bit of advanced knowledge in cryptocurrencies and underlying cryptographic technologies, I would like to criticize the representation of Bitcoin (it is not a "Company") and the presented issues in regards to the usage of crypto currencies for financing of criminal activities which in my opinion is by no means a bigger regulatory issue than the usage of cash / legal tender, like the US Dollar.
By Jonathan M
•Dec 23, 2021
Course is outdated and barely relevant in todays world.
By Amy S
•Jul 23, 2019
Concise and informative overview of payment systems and regulatory perspectives on Financial Technology. Very introductory approach - no prior knowledge is required, nor is active research during the coursework. Poised several perspectives and detailed systems/structures that I had both never understood before, as well as detailing systems I had never been familiar with. Absolutely wonderful lessons!
It stands to mention that at a point in this course - in the fourth week, there is a reference to "Bitcoin" as a company. The instructor clearly understands Bitcoin is an asset, but a given example/case study displays "Bitcoin" as a company experiencing problems with using decentralized/anonymous assets to purchase illegal goods. This was presented in an embarrassingly biased format, completely ignoring any possible discussion of further regulation in decentralized asset classes/cryptocurrencies or any comparisons to FIAT.
By ZheyuChen
•Jul 5, 2019
Thanks to this course, providing the logic, systematic and data-convincing scopes to let novice know the fundamental knowledge of FinTech, I learnt a lot. Moreover, the methodology to analyze comprehensively and rationally is potentially passed to the learners, which is really helpful.
By Rogelio F N
•Mar 15, 2021
Great teachers, excellent materials and one thing that I loved a lot a set of slides at the end of the chapter that made a lot easier to connect the lecture and class notes with the test.
By Basil C
•Oct 14, 2020
Excellent programme by Professor Christopher Geezy and Assistant Professor Natasha Sarin. Enjoyed the presentation. Right pace and informative. Highly recommend for non-practitioners.
By Chiasheng O H
•Jun 22, 2019
This is a solid introductory of FinTech knowledge. I'm glad that I learned from the Masters on the trend, foundations, backing up by market-driven statistics that succesfully acco
By Abdulkader
•Jun 30, 2019
My first course in Coursera and it did not disappoint! I recommend this FinTech course to anybody seek a quick yet detailed introduction to the world of FinTech! Thank you
By Ajay C
•Jun 18, 2019
Great Introductory courses. I was able to build concepts around FinTech & new Payment systems & regulatory needs. Thank you professors !!!!
By Paolo G
•Nov 11, 2020
This course was a bit disappointing: from the title, one would guess that Fintech companies are the focus, whereas the bulk of the discussion is on pre-Fintech players (e.g. Visa/Mastercard instead of eWallet players). Additionally, I found the content to be very superficial in nature, with plenty of quotes and statistics, but little in the way of substantial insights into the industry. Finally, and perhaps inevitably, the content is mostly US-focused, thus making this course less relevant for a non-US audience (notwithstanding the importance of Fintech in, for instance, China, Australia, the EU and the UK).
By Jeremy B
•May 5, 2020
A good high level overview. But too broad and not specific enough to have any use for anybody working in the FinTech industry. Too US focused. And many slides lacked labels, had errors etc.
By bert
•Feb 3, 2021
This was not a serious class. Very Disappointing.
By Dzulhafiez I
•Mar 31, 2022
Hi , kindly take note the world is moving to Fintech and this course is a must have for all households. I really enjoyed the course as it is not that difficult. Being part of the prestigious Wharton community is a great honour. The course looks state of the art yet simple with the Wharton brand.
By Renzo I
•May 25, 2020
Nice introductory course to FinTech. However, I do not recommend the course for learners without prior knowledge on financial instruments as the course may become technical from time-to-time.
By Philip P
•Jun 29, 2019
Very useful dive into what fintech is and is not, the potential benefits globally, the potential risks, and the challenges of regulation within countries and between countires
By Colin F
•Jul 7, 2019
clear and concise teachings lead to a quick understanding of the material presented. video length was great; never too long. visuals were easy to understand and interpret.
By The G
•Jun 10, 2021
Half the course doesn't talk about how people feel about FinTech. Or, it's just me feeling lost about what is being said and not being able to understand what Fintech is.
By Sangeetha G
•Sep 5, 2023
coontent is outdated. Quite waste of money and time