Jun 11, 2020
The course is worth the time , the faculty teaches you about some complicated advance formulae with so much clarity and ease that even beginners can be pro in excel related to business and finance.
Jun 21, 2017
This course has made me understand cost accounting, has provided a fresh perspective on how to solve some of the challenges i had with management accounting and as a bonus, made me love maths again :)
By Valentin Z
•Sep 23, 2017
Contents of this part of the Specialization looked very promising (especially after a brilliant first part) but in reality this Introduction is shallow, rather monotonous, and I always had a feeling that it's like a patchwork and not something integral. The best part is that it doesn't take too long to complete, and the bulk of the time you spend decyphering the meaning of the questions in quizes (and at least some commentaries in answers would be great because this is not an exact science like math and there are a lot of possibilities for interpretations) . All in all, there are a lot of much more useful courses on Excel for models. I hope that other parts of the specialization will be closer to the 1st one.
By Dionysios Z
•Nov 1, 2016
Some of the ideas discussed are useful & new to me like linear programming and what-if analysis. The content is more suited to this specialization context instead of teaching excel in general so in case you are looking to learn excel, this is not a great course. I didn't like the quizzes, most of the questions added no value. My suggestion to the instructors would be less questions on the quizzes and more relevant to what you teach. I wouldn't complete the course if it wasn't a part of the specialization that I am attending.
By Li Q
•Jun 7, 2018
1.Lecture & test is not well connected;
2.PPT for course material does not address the key point/knowledge that we need to master. If next review, I have to repeat the vedio instead of PPT.
3. Quality of Forum is bad. It is a paid course, the resource cannot help you to solve the problem. And I reviewed the majority of the forum, the useful answer from your staff is almost none. You may need to think about the staff training of the course related knowledge/skill.
By rajat b
•Sep 11, 2019
This couse needs to be more detailed. Simple formula application in excel is not helpig understand the objective. I was looking forward to understand under what circumstances do i need to use a paticular techniques. Also more of real time problems could have helped relate the situation.
the videos showed the excel prebuilt with formulas, until you actually show why are you referring a particular cell, this is not going to retain with beginners
By Pui K L
•Dec 6, 2022
It's a pity and unexpected to me that this course turns out to be underdeveloped. The lecture slides are uninformative. They should have summarized key functions and structures of models discussed to facilitate memory and application. The range of examples provided could be enriched to include income statement forecasts, etc. The topics in this course are arguably the most useful for entry-level tasks, yet they are poorly presented.
By Ryan D
•Apr 29, 2020
Quizzes need to be updated and are very subjective sometimes. There are multiple ways to skin a cat especially in excel, but this course and its respective quizzes basically say there is only one right answer. Professor has mistakes in his excel models that he uses for class lectures, but again your expected to be perfect based on logic that isn't cover in the lectured. Good coverage of material for an intro to excel however,
By Deleted A
•Apr 27, 2016
For what you pay for, this course is not worth it. While I was able to follow the lectures, the material is very introductory and I was hoping to learn more. The lectures are really short in duration and the quizzes aren't challenging. I feel that pricing of this Specialization is purely due to the brand name of Wharton. Please improve this Specialization to encompass more depth in the course material or lower the price.
By Matthew V d M
•Jun 7, 2017
This course left a lot up to the student, as many quiz questions were far too ambiguous or were barely covered in the materials. I'm flabbergasted that no clarity was given regarding how Excel formulas should input in the quiz answers, which naturally causes correct answers to be rejected because of arbitrary formulaic differences. A lot more work needs to be done on this course to make it useful to the student.
By Jim S
•Jun 23, 2020
The material was interesting but a challenge. As someone with little to no experience with spreadsheets, I had to refer to directions to review materials after not being successful on quizzes. The directions were not relevant to the questions and I found the overall presentation to be inconsistent and lacking in a meaningful order to follow. I wanted to understand, but I couldn't connect with the method.
•Nov 14, 2020
Considero que se deberÃa dar información complementaria para obtener una mejor experiencia.
Para resolver algunas actividades hay que tener cierto dominio de conceptos matemáticos que se dan por adquiridos previamente sobre todo en lo referente a teorÃa de probabilidades y estadÃstica.
Las explicaciones y las presentaciones que da el tutor son escuetas.
Gracias por darme la oportunidad de ofrecer mi opinión.
By Hernando E
•May 3, 2020
Significantly worse than any of the other 5 courses (all of which are authorized by U. of Penn. and Wharton).
The lecture slides for all modules were essentially useless.
3 of the 4 module quizzes have questions whose meanings are unclear
The screen size for the professor's demonstrations of the spreadsheet functions was too small to follow.
Worst of all, I didn't learn nearly as much as I had hoped to.
By Martin E
•Apr 28, 2022
I would have given this course 3 stars, but since it's from Wharton institutions standards should be higher. The questions on the quizzes were not always covered in the material and videos, questions where confusing and overall information could have been demonstrated better, there are many problems that have been reported by previous students of the course but yet they remain 5 years later.
By SiDdharth S
•Aug 5, 2018
I had a good background in excel and finance and that is sole reason I was able to comprehend. Moreover, the questions need to be change. They get vague sometimes. There is quite good use of jargon without even describing those terms. And for the complete SPECIALIZATION, whenever I give quiz I would be happy to know that why is this answer wrong instead of shooting in the dark.
By Kristen F
•Dec 21, 2018
Tests are not flexible with answers: for instance in week 2 or 3 (I forgot), with Ce;; X and Cell Y, =(1+X)*Y was not accepted when =Y*(1+X) was accepted.
And many quiz questions deal with topics not covered by lecture.
There is also a lack of support for the course. There is a "mentor" but he doesn't have the ability to improve the course (reword questions, etc.).
By Martin A W
•Oct 8, 2020
Really good video for improving your excel ability but the test are fucking difficult because it depend on smallest details. In addition excel version are differen depending on your country setting. It was the most difficults assement in my coursera career so far. Only week I could solve under with three attempts or less the other needed up to 8 attempt
By David Z
•Jun 24, 2020
I am aware this is an introduction course, however, some of the concepts and information presented is too surface-level basic compared to the questions required to be answered from the quiz. In essence, it seemed the questions from the quiz did not match the information presented many times. However, there is no doubt I definitely learned many things.
By Alex Y
•Feb 2, 2021
Course really needs to be updated. Information feels dated (proffesor suggests Google Sheets Tools that are not functional any longer) and the format of the quiz questions needs to be fixed. Slides provide little to no information for studying. This class gets lost between an introduction and an interaction class due to the quiz's.
By Jonathan K
•Jun 9, 2020
The professor did not do a good job at explaining the concepts. Coming from no background experience in modeling or excel, the professor really glossed over getting from basic spreadsheet knowledge to having a completely filled out model. I wish the videos were more structured like the first course in the specialization was!
By William
•Sep 26, 2017
I think more time could have been developed on QA/QC on the quizzes. I thought the presentation of questions was not that clear. Upon becoming initially discouraged with myself on not answering questions, I found in the forums that I was not alone in being a little frustrated with the presentation of the quizzes.
By Elli L
•Jul 31, 2017
This course did not meet my expectations. Firstly, the videos are way too short in length and substance. So much more can be covered in spreadsheets/models. Nothing was covered in terms of cash flows, business cases etc. Too much focus on (in my opinion), things that not everyone will deal with in the real world.
By Blake W
•Jul 3, 2016
I've only taken 2 classes with Wharton online. This and Intro to financial accounting. Financial accounting is awesome. It taught smoothly and explained things well. This class jumped around and didn't give full explanations and had questions on one quiz that we didn't learn until the next week.
By Lacey J
•Jul 18, 2018
This course was helpful, however not particularly instructive. A lot of the specifics on how to do things in spreadsheets were quickly glossed over. The course notes were not particularly useful. The exams seemed prone to errors in grading and Coursera was unresponsive in resolving the issues.
By Luis M M d S
•Apr 29, 2018
I have expirience using montecarlo and excel statistical functions. Unfortunantly the exams were very confusing and the open questions hard to answear not because of the difficulty but to get the particular answear asked by the teacher.
This module should be developed more deeply
By Mark J F
•Jul 8, 2022
The question on the quizes are so broad that makes it really difficult to answer the questions, some mistakes I've noticed are the indicated cells on excel on the question are wrongly selected, which makes it more diffficult to figure out what the question is trying to ask.
By Xiaohang W G
•Apr 1, 2017
Definitely could be more systematic and clear. Sample spreadsheets could be improved in many ways and any attention to detail would do this course much good. Tests and quizzes also could benefit a lot with a revise-currently plenty of confusion with phrases and wording.