Jun 16, 2020
Course has been really insightful, made me aware with intricacies of setting up a business and what it takes to launch a startup..this will definitely help me in launching a business more carefully..
Sep 14, 2017
Very insightful program. I appreciate all that were taught. I encouraged my friends to take this course whether they would pursue it or get a different perspective of your their professional career.
By Mina O
•Jan 31, 2020
Fantastic! Very informative and focused. This course has really helped me understand the start-up industry, what it takes to build your own start-up, and what I need to focus on as an entrepreneur. Great jump-off point!
By Dhinesh A D
•May 13, 2020
The course covers a wide range of topics on launching a startup, what are the do's and don'ts, the value of building a team, building a brand name, importance of choosing a mentor and the benefits of networking.
By Misbah
•Oct 21, 2022
I learned a lot during this course, about moving my idea forward, the general roadmap of what needs to be done, how to split equity etc.
I am hopefull I will use this knowledge to move forward and do my best.
By Abel M
•Sep 2, 2020
It's a very informative course and covers a lot of aspects on how to get your start-up running and what mistakes one might encounter along the way and how to tackle them or devise a beforehand solution.
•Apr 22, 2020
The course taught me a lot of strategies in launching a startup such as Naming, Branding, and various Entrepreneurial Strategies. These are skills that are vital in starting an entrepreneurial venture.
By Viktor L
•Jul 3, 2019
Essential information about how to get from thinking and analyses of your idea to outside world actions. You can learn a number of instruments to launch the start-up and some advices on how to use them.
By Iván C S R
•Aug 20, 2017
Thanks for providing this exceptional material, which clarifies and inspires people to launch their dreams into realities. Never is easy, but having this lectures as a tools to achieve them is great.
By Nikki G
•Oct 4, 2018
Loved this course. The quiz was a little more challenging and I highly recommend reviewing the videos twice and adding to your notes. Overall, this course of the specialization was very informative.
By Godwin E
•Sep 15, 2017
Very insightful program. I appreciate all that were taught. I encouraged my friends to take this course whether they would pursue it or get a different perspective of your their professional career.
By Stephen A
•Jun 8, 2017
This was my favorite of the course so far. Naming is a challenge and the process presented here has already been helpful. Also, the bias lesson was very well done and also very disappointing.
By Santosh K J
•Jun 3, 2020
While, I am still mid way, and have already founded 2 companies, but while going through this course, I am able to learn how to do things better. I am finding this course very useful.
By Michael B
•Aug 19, 2017
Great coverage on founding team team creation, lawyers, advisers, incubators, network building etc. Covers a lot of important questions about startups. Goes far past the first class.
By Paulo M
•May 4, 2017
I enjoyed the content of the entire course, but in particular the "week 2" on discussions around distribution/allocation of equities and "week 4" on branding and naming. BIG 5 stars!
By Adeline D
•Jul 21, 2016
Les sujets sont abordés de façons très pratique.
Les cours sont très inspirants et aident à se poser les bonnes questions.
Idéal pour structurer ses idées avant de lancer son projet.
By Paul H
•Mar 25, 2017
As a newbie, I really found enough information here to recognize that my venture is worth pursuing. I am going to finish the rest of the course and get ready to find my partners.
By Matias B
•May 10, 2022
From Pitch to Entrepreneurial Strategy, these modules were synthesized and summarized to have a base of where and how to establish the launch of the business. I really liked it.
By Simone S
•Apr 23, 2017
Absolutely fantastic. I was shown many standpoints I have never considered and introduced to useful tips that have given me courage to make the first moves in my venture.
By Bryce L I
•Nov 15, 2017
I am truly grateful about this MOOC from Wharton. The professors gave insights on how to deliver a great pitch and strategize your next moves in building your startup.
By Niaz J
•Feb 13, 2021
Fantastic staff! Very relevant topics, tools, and strategies to help prepare for starting a new business and/or evaluate starting a new business. Highly recommend!
By Lalo M
•Apr 24, 2020
Informing, succinct, and accessible. Highly suggest you watch the video interviews. Incredibly insightful and a goldmine of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs.
By Matthew D
•Aug 28, 2017
Very helpful. Each instructor has their own form of teaching, yet each is as valued as the last. Everything is professionally recorded as well as scripted.
By Rajdeep D
•Jul 16, 2020
Perfect professors who teach the material in engaging ways. Videos weren't too long nor too short and the PDFs were a perfect summary. Great course.
By Miguel S
•Feb 9, 2018
This has been the most interesting module of the specialization so far; good empirical data used and explained through modern and relevant examples.
By Dhirendra M
•Apr 12, 2020
Superb Course and Amazing Teachers! They are teaching the concepts so beautifully that all your doubts get clarified on the next slide itself.
By Hyojin K
•Aug 2, 2019
As a worker in Silicon Valley, I was curious about how startups actually start their business. This course gave a great glimpse of it. Thanks!