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Learner Reviews & Feedback for What is Social? by Northwestern University

4,178 ratings

About the Course

The “What Is Social?" MOOC is for business owners, executives, and marketing professionals who want to significantly improve their abilities to grow their social strategy using effective, proven methodologies. This hands on, "how to" program won’t just tell you how to grow your professional persona using social – you will actually do it! This course is the first in the six-course specialization, Social Media Marketing: How to Profit in a Digital World. While the course can be audited for free, paid learners will receive additional content beyond the course basics. For MOOC 1, the toolkit includes a special video from Alessandro Acquisti on Big Data and a set of studies done by IBM on engagement and social marketing strategies with bottom-line profits. This course has been designed to give you the tools, insights, knowledge, and skills to immediately impact your organization. In addition, we will help you network with thought leaders in social. After completing this course, you and your organization’s staff will be able to position, engage, and grow relationships with the consumers of highest value to you. Today, we are living in a period of massive disruption. New technologies are changing the way people engage with each other and with the organizations that interest them. This course will start you on the path to growing your own social strategy using effective, proven methodologies. Additional MOOC 1 faculty include: * Judy Ungar Franks (President, The Marketing Democracy, Ltd. & Lecturer, Medill Integrated Marketing Communications, Northwestern)...

Top reviews


Mar 19, 2017

It was probably one of the best MOOC's I've ever attended! Sir Randy did a great job explaining everything, accompanied by excellent slides which made me understand the course more! Excellent course!


Mar 29, 2019

I highly recommend this course. Learning the fundamentals of social with professor Randy certainly help me understand in-depth entire body of what it means to be social on various digital platforms!

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1026 - 1050 of 1,080 Reviews for What is Social?

By Dannica


Sep 23, 2019

I've learned so much about the fundamentals of social media in this course despite that, I think it needs to be updated to keep up with the current social media trend/channels.

By Anoop G


Oct 11, 2015

I would like more content from this module. It was very slow to take off, especially week one. It was easy and enjoyable though. I would have liked it to be more challenging.

By Deleted A


Dec 12, 2015

This is a nice introduction to social media marketing with professional insight from Randy Hlavac. I felt the content was a little too basic though.



Dec 10, 2021

The beginning this course starts off way too slow. In addition, there are too many products being sold. It made me doubt the quality of the course.

By Kelsey P


Aug 17, 2017

Love the broader insight into social media and new tools. Would really like to hear some mention of Instagram trickled through these discussions.

By Rebeca P


Aug 12, 2020

I did't like the peer grade assignment, I lost 2 weeks for not summiting on time and it was a bit costly, but i hope the course will get better.

By Angela B


Mar 5, 2018

Lots of content repetition and many referals to other Moocs. It's obvious an introduction course. Expectations of other moocs are high now ;-)

By Tobin T


May 8, 2021

Good instructor, but the material is a bit outdated - despite some updates from 2018. Very basic information overall.

By Sheila


Dec 11, 2017

This course wasn't really helpful. It didn't need to be a full course as most people understand what social is.

By Pradyot A


Oct 13, 2015

An okay introduction to the specialization; hopefully, the future courses will get into more detail.

By Rebeqa H


Jun 19, 2017

Useful information if a tad outdated. I already had learned much of this from YouTube videos.

By Leah G


Oct 18, 2015

the professor was a little bit dry and repetitive but otherwise the content was interesting!

By Jean G


Mar 20, 2018

Very basic intro. Could have more content and not just broad overview of upcoming courses.

By Karolina W


Sep 25, 2016

Very basic dive into social, feels like it was structured for an older audience.

By Gary E


Aug 26, 2018

The weekly classes were very short. But the teachers are very knowledgeable.



Jul 18, 2020

Iteresting and usrful experience, ganed valuable information and knowledge.

By John A


Sep 25, 2020

Great content. Instructor reads lecture a bit too rapidly to digest.

By Marshall S


Nov 11, 2016

This course in informative, but not very, and it is rather boring.

By Elijah


Mar 7, 2022

content is a little redundant through out course

By Jasmin Y


Apr 9, 2019

Some content is outdated. Needs to be updated.

By Amanda F


Dec 13, 2020

A little outdated but still worth it.

By Arthur S F


Oct 24, 2019

Could be more actual!

By Nasr A N M


Feb 6, 2016

Need more details!

By Arunima T


Aug 20, 2018

not updated

By Eva B B


Dec 6, 2020

The course was a little helpful, I think some of the suggestions and methods are outdated and the course needs to be reviewed. Still some helpful points, hope rest of the specialization will be better. Previously I had taken the Digital Media Specialization from University of Illinois, that one had much more content and new things to learn than this one.