Nov 15, 2022
Great course! This course will provide a wealth of information to people that are completely new to both VR as well as the concept of the Metaverse; to include those of us not new to VR.
Apr 17, 2023
This was a great Course i learn a lot about Metaverse and i love the project hoppfully someday i can be part of the Metaverse Developer. Thanks for This amazing free Offer and Course.
By Sajan K
•Apr 12, 2023
Today's Students needs easily understandable knowledge methods and tools. Methods that are memorable and accessible for students. Students needs every educational infrastructure in 3D for understandable. I think in future work with human thinking power. He don't need to write or speak to search something. Metaverse technology should easily trace human thoughts and feelings. Any thing he think metaverse should present in the form of 3D.
By delilah m
•Oct 6, 2023
J'ai adoré le cours. Plusieurs intervenants et chacun avait son apport valeureux en terme de savoir et partage. Ce cours m'a permis de cerner plusieurs aspects du Metaverse et m'a donné un avant gout agréable de ce monde fascinant. J'aurai aimé trouver un autre cours de continuité afin d'approfondir mon apprentissage. N'hésitez pas s'il vous plait à nous donner suite et Merci beaucoup.
By Dayo A
•Dec 17, 2022
The 'What is the Metaverse?' course does a very good job as a foundational course on the Metaverse. It will help most people to quickly get up to speed with key frameworks, state of play, research, challenges, and opportunities involved in making the growing metaverse accessible, interoperable, equitable, safe, and valuable for today's users, creators, and builders.
By Jordan P
•Dec 17, 2023
This free course gives you a solid and clear breakdown of the Metaverse - from the infrastructure it's being built on, the implications of this new form of internet, the economic opportunities, and experiences that will revolutionize our world today. Highly recommend this course for anyone interested in virtual & augmented reality, and the Metaverse in general.
By Aliff Z
•Oct 6, 2024
I just finished the course "What is the Metaverse?" and it was really good! It explained what the Metaverse is and talked about virtual worlds and augmented reality. I liked learning about different network types, like centralized and decentralized systems. It was interesting to see how blockchain helps keep track of ownership in the Metaverse.
By Doina M
•Feb 16, 2023
I am quite pleased that I had the opportunity to take this course on Metaverse. I was impressed with the people who made everything clear about the principles and thinking behind metaverse and presenting the potential for this development. Thank you for the patience and expertise in making metaverse something to be looking forward.
By Thomas A
•Jan 15, 2023
Excellent overview to the metaverse. Touches on use cases, avatars, ethics, interoperability, evolving technology. Overweights a bit the case for metaverse retail/crypto, and perhaps could have spent more time on evolving technology and exciting use cases like health care and education.
Overall very well done and a good primer.
•Sep 10, 2024
Full metaverse realities will allow consumers to move through the store as if physically shopping and converse with retail associates and other shoppers. Consumers will be able to virtually try on items and hold items physically in a shopping cart while browsing the racks and isles. Correct
•Dec 12, 2022
I enjoyed this course because is something new, also this is the future, I recommend this course for people that what to be prepare for the next internet version, where the technology would be more inversive and is going to break the current geographic boundaries.
By Hanna L
•Dec 11, 2022
Very interesting content. Well explained so that people coming from other than tech background can understand. The course includes varied tasks that help you understand the concepts better and raise the interest to deepen your knowledge from other sources.
By Shahram M (
•Dec 4, 2022
it is a great course, it is simple with simple define. I understand the basic of future technology and the technology affect our life.
Metaverse is going to change all our believes and insights. It's time to change now however it late.
By Niki B
•Feb 2, 2023
The course provided insight into the Metaverse and how it is going to change how people use the internet through XR technology. Get ready, AI is coming and the Verse is going to be the place to where you can be anywhere at anytime.
By David M
•Aug 21, 2023
very interesting course. definitely brought to life the technology we could be dealing with in only a few short years. i would recommend this to anyone who wants to keep up with the internet, especially developers.
By Albert S
•Jan 4, 2023
I was so excited to take this course through Meta and Coursera. Also, the interface was clean and without distractions. I learned so much and already looking forward to the next Metaverse topic-related course!
By A S D
•Apr 5, 2023
Very, very interesting, this course.
Thank you very much.
I knew nothing when I started and now I know very little but a little bit more than before. I will keep learning. Thank you so much!!!
By Reza N
•Apr 18, 2023
This was a great Course i learn a lot about Metaverse and i love the project hoppfully someday i can be part of the Metaverse Developer. Thanks for This amazing free Offer and Course.
By David T A
•Aug 28, 2024
This course is very helpful as it has made me know more about the next generation of the internet, which is the metaverse and how I can take part in it to evolve into my best version
By Sarfraz S
•Aug 23, 2023
This course gives us an extensive amount of knowledge about: what is metaverse and how it can ehance our lives by certain ways. Looking forward to be a metaverse creator!
By Beatriz L
•Jun 22, 2023
I enjoyed the course and it gave me a much better understanding of the Metaverse. Clear and concise, I loved how I could go back and review the materials and take notes.
By Moiz E
•Sep 18, 2023
HI, this is me Moiz Ejaz from Pakistan I am very glad that the Metaverse Company gave us a very pure easy, and technical course now I really know what is metaverse.
By Edmon R
•Feb 22, 2023
I just finished the free course. Even if I don't have a certificate yet, it is one of the best thing to learn. I know Metaverse will be available to everyone soon.
By Ahmad B
•Mar 5, 2023
Actually,this course change my min and l eager to see this (novel) invention . This greate course prompt me emerging how world willbe inthe near future.
By I S (
•Mar 4, 2023
Fantastic intro course for anyone wanting to learn more about the Metaverse, as well as those wanting to know what's next and how to get more involved.
By Renan (
•Feb 9, 2024
É um curso onde dará um bom entendimento sobre o que é o Meta Verso, pois hoje em dia cada vez mais o Meta Verso vai ser inserido no nosso cotidiano.
By Sajan D
•Jan 9, 2023
ggreatgreat courseIam unable to pay certificate fees and want to attend full courses of Meta.How can i procIam financially not rich to pay huge fees