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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Wind Energy by Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

7,201 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the course of Wind Energy. This course gives an overview of key aspects in wind energy engineering. Whether you are looking for general insight in this green technology or your ambition is to pursue a career in wind energy engineering, 'Wind Energy' is an excellent starting point. Experts located in the wind pioneering country of Denmark will take you on a tour through the most fundamental disciplines of wind energy research such as wind measurements, resource assessment, forecasting, aerodynamics, wind turbine technology, structural mechanics, materials, financial and electrical systems. You will gain a rational understanding of wind energy engineering and, through hands-on exercises, you will learn to perform wind energy calculations based on simple models. Working with the different course disciplines will give you a taste of what wind energy engineering is all about. This allows you to identify the most interesting or relevant aspects of wind energy engineering to be pursued in your future studies or in your professional career. View our video: (The video was made for the original version, and it is still highly relevant; a new version will be published soon). For other professional courses in wind energy engineering, visit our website at

Top reviews


Jun 12, 2019

This is an amazing course that taught the complete overview of Wind Energy from economy perspective to the engineering part. Truly recommended for anyone that want to learn the basic about wind energy


Apr 27, 2020

It was a wonderful ride into the World of Wind Energy. The due diligence and teaching method of the instructors was on-mark and I personally enjoyed studying the course. Thank you very much, Team DTU!

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2026 - 2050 of 2,110 Reviews for Wind Energy

By Koppisetti t s


Jun 27, 2020




Jun 13, 2020




Jun 12, 2020




Apr 20, 2020




Apr 10, 2020





By Karthik M


Sep 5, 2019


By paras


Oct 11, 2017


By Prashant k


Jun 29, 2022




May 24, 2020




Sep 22, 2020


By Mazhar A


Sep 2, 2016


By Robert F G


Dec 11, 2016

The course is well structured, and the contents are exposed clearly. Probably one of the main problems of the subject "Wind Energy" itself, is it covers many disciplines (Aerodynamics, Mechanics and Machinery, Structural design, Electricity and Grid connection, Financial aspects...), so a 5-Week course had to be quite superficial to cover each of this aspects minimally. For my expectations it was a little bit too simple, but mostly the quizzes were too easy. The hints after the quizz questions were solving the questions and avoiding the beautiful part of the quizzes: playing with the formulae, and interiorizing it.

All in all it was a nice, enjoyable course, but sadly I feel I didn't get deep enough in many of the treated subjects, even for an introductory course.

By Marco R


Apr 27, 2016

It's globally a nice course, although you have to keep in mind that it is more like an introduction to the topic rather than a real, full course. I was quite frustrated from time to time that some important and difficult points are not really justified or explained in details, but just given as assumption or obvious concept: If you are familiar with that concept, you will be fine (but probably won't learn that much), while if you are not you will be probably lost. I mean, for a free course this is already a pretty nice job, and I think it is worth to take this course. I would be for sure ready to pay something to get a longer and more detailed course on this topic.

By Adam N


Mar 24, 2021

In general, the course content is very good and well presented. However, the quizzes are completely arbitrary and don't test your understanding of the subject matter at all. They simply test your mathematical ability to work through the questions given. The quizzes should include multiple choice questions relating to the concepts presented in the lectures as well as some number crunching. Also, whilst having a forum for asking questions is a good idea in principle, in practice, it's a complete shambles and very difficult to navigate to any answers, without having to trawl through a load of dross comments to get there.

By Santiago G R


Jun 23, 2017

The course covered many different topics. It is a little bit too basic but of great quality. Improvements could be done taking not much time to define some things like those covered on "Important things used in wind energy". I felt each week things where covered more superficially as I advanced un the course. Anyway, I recommend it to anyone interested in seeing the big picture on Wind Energy! The course is taught by world top researchers giving a quick peek of the state of the art in Wind Energy Thanks to DTU for taking the time and effort of making this course! I am looking forward for more DTU courses!

By Joshua W


Apr 27, 2017

I had initially started the course in order to gain insight more into the role of wind energy, the operations, the components and financing behind it. The course was a little heavy on actual mechanics and turbine output calculations. Would've enjoyed a more descriptive course with more emphasis on the financing and operational side as well as how the wind facilities fit into the grid. That said, it does provide a great basic overview of the concept and the mathematical side is still useful, particularly if interested in the engineering aspect.

By eline s


May 26, 2022

I don't feel the description of the course fits the course material. This course is not set up like a starting point on wind energy, it pays little attention to the basics and focuses mostly on calculations. Which it does well, and althouh it was a great challenge to see if I remembered some of my high-school mathematics, a clearer description would have made it clearer what to expect.

By Dai B


Jul 4, 2021

I think this course tries to elaborate the whole concept of wind energy as simple as possible. But the result is that many concepts are not clearly conveyed and it just made me feel quite fuzzy. Although I finished the test majorly by using the formula in the slide, but my understanding of these formulars is still not so clear and the test is some kind of wasting my time. I gg

By Lopita B


Jun 23, 2016

Good course but a little more detail with better referencing to links and documents would be more helpful. Also, a little more in-depth info for each topic will also be well appreciated. Overall a good course for beginners like me who knew nothing about Wind Energy before taking this course.

By Nezar A


Nov 20, 2021

Very good course, a lot of things for learning,,, but after passing the very diffecults quizes, you have to pay the fee 49USD to get a certificates says (an online non-credit course) realy disappointed, I wish if they offer the exam onsite at DTU, to get as minumim a approved certificate.

By Mohamed M E


Jun 18, 2020

This course needs more solved examples on board similar to the ones on quizzes in order to give students the sense to handle different situations. Also, it needs more explanatory videos during the lecture about real-life wind energy turbines. Overall, the course content is good.

By Chinmay B


Nov 21, 2020

Gets boring after the 2nd week, because only equations are shown and stated, the detailed explanation isn't given. Questions similar to the ones in the quizzes should be introduced and taught about in the videos rather than just theory.

By Jaime C R V


Nov 29, 2020

We need solved exercises during class as examples for some parts, especially in aerodynamics. Maybe not solved step by step but we need at least exercises that provide the answer to help study. Too difficult to grasp just by listening.



Dec 25, 2020

First of all i want to thank the DTU & Coursera & SYA for letting me join this practical distinguish course

then there is some notes,, some questions in the quiz's has no answer throughout lectures ..

Nothing else - but thank you again !



Aug 23, 2021

We'll the course had plenty of good engineering calculations and real life applicability. I found all the modules interesting and enjoyed them all. Some improvements in the lecture and explanation was essential which I felt lacked.