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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes by Google

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About the Course

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes is the third course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you’ll continue to design a mobile app for your professional UX portfolio. You’ll start by creating storyboards and getting familiar with the basics of drawing. Then, you'll create paper wireframes and digital wireframes using the design tool Figma. You’ll also create a paper prototype and a digital low-fidelity prototype in Figma. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Develop a goal statement. - Create two types of storyboards: big picture and close-up. - Understand the difference between low-fidelity and high-fidelity design. - Apply the basics of drawing. - Apply the principles of information architecture to organize a mobile app. - Create paper wireframes for a mobile app design. - Develop digital wireframes in the design tool Figma. - Build a paper prototype to add interactivity to designs. - Design a low-fidelity prototype in Figma. - Recognize implicit bias and deceptive patterns in design. - Continue to design a mobile app to include in your professional portfolio. To be successful in this course, you should complete the previous two courses in this certificate program, or have an ability to conduct user research to inform the creation of empathy maps, personas, user stories, user journey maps, problem statements, and value propositions. You will also need paper and a pen or pencil....

Top reviews


Aug 10, 2023

This course was by far my favorite as it challenged my knowledge from the previous two courses and it really got fun with the digital wire framing and prototyping. I am excited as ever to learn more!


Sep 18, 2022

G​ood course with proper instructors and information. The thing to improve is the volumn in each clip. I found that some are pretty loud and some are low which provides a not-so-good user experience.

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1651 - 1675 of 1,702 Reviews for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes

By mustofa


Apr 6, 2021


By donnie


Sep 14, 2021


By Apo K


Mar 2, 2022

This course was very interesting and got to the more hands-on processes of UX design, which was exciting. I'd like for it to offer some more theoretical principles and information though. Or at least more external readings and videos approved by the instructors.

I've been twice graded with 0 in this course by people who obviously didn't know better or were malicious in their grading. For example, when I shared my prototype in FIgma, someone gave me 0 on all 3 counts because I didn't share just the prototype itself, but rather, the whole project. The prototype was, of course, available in the link I shared with a simple click on the "Play" button. Something they had to know, having themselves worked with Figma. I've had myself graded at least 8 other assignments and other people were also sharing their whole project and not just the prototype. Sure, the assignment instructions were requesting for the prototype to be shared, but seeing the whole thing is much more educational, open and collegial. So, I guess while peer grading works beautifully most of the time, I think some people may require further instructions on how to do it. For example, they could flag the sumbission for it being incomplete or if something iswrong. Or what to do in certain situations. I have a background in education, so I know it's not always black and white.

Obviously, you can just resumbit the assignment and be done with it, but I'd just like to share my experience with whoever wants to hear it. I think it is a simple problem to solve with some additional text.

By Connor W


Jun 21, 2022

I really struggled with this course. It continues some portfolio work from the previous work, and honestly as someone who struggles with organization I find it capital-e Extremely frustrating that that same portfolio continues into the next course and is still not a complete project after over a month of work. I understand that that may be the case in real life, but I'm paying you for this, not the other way around. Working with Figma was fun, but having to create *everything* from scratch for the vast majority of the assignments (all of them, if you count making my own paper wireframes and importing them) got old pretty quick. It would be far more reasonable pacing to have the projects broken down into smaller stages, and have an actual complete piece of work to display by the end of this course, after 3 "months" worth of work-weeks. This course is also still just starting to scratch the surface of visual design elements, and if I had known how little design work I was actually going to put into practice during the course of these early courses I'd probably have gone a different way. As a beginner to design I don't feel like this certificate advertises its expectations honestly in that regard. I understand this is still a new program, hopefully it continues to improve. Thank you for giving me a chance. Hope everyone has a great summer.

By Liudmila M


Oct 23, 2021

I understand it is not a University course that costs thousands of dollars but compared with the 1st one, it's been more disorganized and confusing. I have been able to complete all the assignments, and I have learned a lot of valuable things to be presumably successful in the UX design industry. Still, I think the course should have been broken into smaller steps so students could learn how to complete all of the required work well. From the beginning, there should have been more clarity about all the projects that students will complete. And I'm also not sure if jumping from one design project to another and then back again is helpful. But then again, it might replicate the real-world job experience. But all those items were not nearly as annoying as the last project submission. Some people were unable to open my link. It seems that you have to be logged in to your Figma account to open the link. I asked reviewers to log into their account, but once again, out of 2 people, one can open the link, and another can't. I can't move on to the next step because of this. Neither can I talk to anybody about the issue. I hope I won't have to resubmit my assignment for too long. I wish I could get my $40 back :) At least for this month...

By Deanna W


Jun 22, 2022

I actually really loved this course and had a lot of fun learning how to use Figma to make wireframes and prototypes. I'm giving this course a lower rating because I think the peer-review system is very flawed. I think peer reviews should be anonymous or at the very least it should be mandatory for people to explain why they are giving a low score if they give one. I think this will help reduce the amount of retaliation low scoring. I marked someone down because they didn't meet the criteria in the prototype assignment and shortly after, I receivd a 1.5/3 with no reason why. I don't mind being scored low, but if there is no feedback, how am I supposed to know what I did wrong and how to fix it? How can I be sure the reviewer wasn't just being mean? Due to the timing and the lack of feedback, I'm fairly certain that people were just retaliating against me. I spent days working on my prototype so it was very discouraging to get marked down for no apparent reason. I resubmitted it without changing anything and received full marks, which makes me further inclined to believe that the original peer reviewer was just being spiteful.

By Brandon M


Sep 7, 2022

OK! Now we are getting somewhere. Over-all I found this chunk of the course to be a lot of fun. In this section you finally get to flex those creative brain muscles. You will be creating some very basic drawings of the app and how it will function. You are pushed to consider things that you normally wouldn't think about when it comes to creating an app. I have nothing bad to say about this section of the course, but only gave it 4/5 stars because there are moments that feel like a big waste of time. Karen, the instructor, actually goes through showing you (the student) how to draw cirlces, squares, and lines. Yikes! I am taking a design course, I should already have an understanding of how to draw basic shapes. But to Karen's credit, she speaks clearly and always explains everything very well. So what if you have to sit through some basic shape stuff, just find the playback speed option and set it to double. Now you're on your way.

By Shubhra B


Apr 18, 2022

This course ws our first attempt in actually designing, creating paper wireframes to paper prototypes then upgrading to digital wireframe and digital prototypes. The course material was very informative and practical. The issue I faced was in case of such technical assignments sometimes peer reviews may not be very informative or helpful. It would be nice to have it reviewed by someone who has some prior knowledge in designing. The most frustrating part on my part was that I have been waiting for my last assignment to be yet peer reviewed. It had been posted 10 days ago and is still pending peer reviews. Today I am getting the message that you have missed major deadlines in this module. Some major changes need to be done as part of the reviewing and assessment part

By Michelle I


May 9, 2023

Time required is a factor of 10 or 20 more than what is stated, especially for the projects. It's disappointing to do so much work and have a peer dismissively grade it without actually reviewing the project or without understanding the grading criteria. I do appreciate the resubmissions. I enjoyed learning about the ethical principles relating to design, and it was gratifying to finally see the results of the design process materializing in wireframes and prototypes in Figma. But don't count on their time estimates of course completion, especially if you are trying to fit this into a work and home life, or you will be struggling to keep up and to generate a project that actually works well in the time allotted.

By Russell L


Oct 5, 2021

Good introduction to paper to digital wireframes, then tutorial in using Figma for low-fidelity prototypes. However, the course could be clearer in explaining the assignments. I was unaware that during the paper wireframes, it was expected to create several screens of a certain user flow of an user completing a task. As I did not create this, I had to redo the paper wireframe, so that I could translate the paper copy into a digital wireframe in figma. I suppose some module seen out of place in this course (e.g. inclusive design), but maybe this course could be their first one for some students (so they needed to provide some modules to cater for these individuals).

By Elizabeth L


Feb 4, 2023

I got frustrated trying to create links from one screen to the next. I was unable to get help from anyone in the class or responses for help. I was told to read articles. I spent about 5 hours trying to figure it out. Someone from a Facebook page ended up showing me how to fix it in 30 seconds with just 2 clicks. I wish we had mentors for things like this. That was 100% wasted time and I was so stressed out by it.

By mary j


Mar 24, 2022

While helpful there were compleatly unnecessary nasty crits. Like I used Figma for the first time ever, prototyping. When i have only ever desinged still wireframs with adobe. I got beheaded for forgeting to link up the back buttons. A good crit is constructive, should give instructions on how to use software. Not taring down and i think there should be a function to report nasty crits.

By Aaron R


Jun 12, 2023

Peer reviewed projects are annoying. When grading people don't use PDF format which is weird that they are allowed to submit other types. Idk what I'm downloading when it's not a PDF

Also had someone who failed my project that followed the guidelines exactly. 3/3 people gave it full points. The one random person deducted points for something that wasn't even on the rubric.

By Cassidy Y


Mar 17, 2022

I would like some more time to experiment in FIgma and direction on components and how to make sure elements are essentially autoapplied to all pages and update as you update them. I know Figma is supposed to do that, But i had a hard time organizing my designs to ensure that I didn't have weird duplicates and the right one to open.

By José d J M B


Jan 14, 2022

The content was farly OK, but the fact that the one from the entire last week is nothing about wireframing nor prototyping makes me think that they were simply like "how can me make this one larger? Oh, I have an idea...".

By Tammy R


Dec 15, 2021

I enjoyed learning about Figma and howto use it with UX design. However several things seemed out of order or just plain busy work. I would prefer to work on my own portfolio assignment rather than the Coffeehouse project.

By Crystal S


Nov 12, 2022

When creating wireframes on Figma, it says to use FF0000 which is a red color, yet all of the examples are grey, black, white. Left me confused for the first assignment. Other than that, okay course 3.



Nov 9, 2023

Boring a little bit i find all the the courses in this certificate hard to finish, also there is a lot of readings, i would love to see less readings and more videos and quizzes.

By Sangeeta P


May 31, 2024

Figma hasnt been taught in a way good for beginners. I had to take a different course for it to be able to create a proper functioning prototype.

By Diego S G


Oct 28, 2021

the voice volume was really low, I cant hear well the voices, even when I had my computer with all the volume.

By Saradha S


Aug 23, 2021

Course is really good. But Peer review for assignment is not quite useful. Nobody gives proper feedback.

By Shanshan W


Dec 5, 2021

The peer review process needs to be improved. It ruined the whole experience of this course.

By Aditi H


Jul 25, 2023

The preserntor was cool! The course was a bit boring. But informative nonetheless.

By Thea J


Feb 6, 2024

I would have liked feedback on my material, I have to seek feedback from outside.

By Chris B


Nov 21, 2022

Do not prefer doing the portfolio projects. Would prefer exams.