Aug 1, 2020
Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.
Jul 10, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
By Vera D
•Feb 6, 2021
The first two weeks contain so basic advices that are not useful for most people, I would think. There were also broken links. In the 3rd and 4th weeks there were more insightful advices and also through the provided links there were some useful extra infos.
By Sabikun A H
•Apr 27, 2020
Easy to follow, and less time consuming. It can be easily completed in 2/3 hours and the materials are easy to follow. However, I would liked to have more details about time managements and short videos. But It is a must doer for those who are working.
By Raphael A
•Aug 26, 2015
The teacher seems really nice and explains things really clearly, however the content of this course is not as helpful as I believed. It gave me a few new techniques to better administrate my time, but nothing that will revolutionize the way I work.
By R G
•Nov 20, 2022
They were some of the basic tools that anyone researching on productivity might already know. I learnt a 2-3 new things over 3hrs of finishing all the 4 weeks. There was no need for the wordiness, though it might be very helpful for some people.
By Deleted A
•Nov 16, 2016
Achei que todas as aulas foram bem claras, entretanto, a professora não era tão interativa e didática quanto outros cursos que já realizei no coursera. Acho que poderia ser mais interativa e tentar mostrar maneiras melhores de aprendizado.
By Valerie C S M
•Aug 13, 2015
It is definitely beneficial to a certain extent but I thought that it was a little dry. However I really enjoyed the time period of each video, as I am the kind of people that tends to get a restless when the teaching gets too long
By Kevion D
•Dec 26, 2015
It highlighted some bad habits in my life that I can try to eliminate in order to improve efficiency while providing better habits to replace them with. It's also a fairly easy course to complete (you don't even need half a day).
By Valeria R
•Jul 2, 2022
This is a very short course that explains a few simple methods of time management. I did not find anything new maybe because I've read a few books on this topic already. Too basic, but I like the length of this course.
By Andrey A
•Sep 14, 2015
This course is for newbee only. If you already spent some time on topics like time-management or personal effectiveness you probably won't get a lot of new knowledge in this course. But for the beginners it is ok.
By Leonardo A
•Jun 22, 2017
I think it was good, and gave a lot of good itps, but I am glad I did not pay for it, I do not think it was worth it.
The teacher, was not motivationally speaking, and was just speaking in same tone all the time.
By Matthias A
•Jul 4, 2017
Good course for beginners, but not very much for more conscious people. If you already read GTD or any other book about personal productivity, you are already familiar with most of the mate
By julise
•May 14, 2016
It's quite a simple course. What I was impressed was the supplementary reading linked to an online article - you are not doing things by saving time but the time will save itself if you
By Edita G
•Oct 5, 2020
Very useful, but extremely short topic of time management. I completed all exercises and going to continue planning and tracking my days in order to make my time more useful. Thank you!
By Maria E K
•Jun 22, 2016
O conteúdo é de grande aplicabilidade no dia-a-dia. Porém, a forma como as aulas são expostas não é dinâmica. Portanto, não gera grande interesse em se manter atento ao conteúdo.
By Candice B
•Nov 19, 2015
Honestly I really already knew most of the things in this course. It was nice though to receive it in a academic setting. Was hoping to gain a little more skill from the course.
By Shravan V
•May 23, 2020
Useful course, some of the discussion points helped/will help improve my existing time management system. But, a bit more substance in the course material would have been nice.
By Stephanie B
•Sep 4, 2015
I found the modules repetitive and felt the course could have been shorter, but i did take away some useful tools and it did reinforce some good practices i was already doing.
By Viranga R
•Apr 11, 2016
It was easy to 'complete' the course, but I have failed to implement its suggestions. I think I will have a better idea of what to do once I actually follow the techniques.
By Nitant N J
•Jul 15, 2020
Very basic course, and yes some of the things that already many of us know but won't implement. Overall a good course to look into if you have a couple of extra hours.
By Dale G
•May 23, 2016
Good information and advice. I wish it was more comprehensive though. It seemed to just give an overview of each topic discussed. More detail would have been nice.
By Vitor F
•Aug 4, 2020
O curso poderia conter mais vídeos e aulas explicativas. Entrega a proposta e os conhecimentos de forma bem breve, além de ter teste de certa forma muito fáceis.
By Freddy N R P
•Aug 13, 2024
Creo que el material es muy corto, tiene buen contenido pero algunas cosas están desactualizadas. Las herramientas son interesantes pero no son interactivas.
By Cari W
•Apr 25, 2023
Some things in this course are common sense but I have found myself asking the question does this email or request have to be completed now or can it wait
By Luis A
•Oct 26, 2019
It was nice, althought it would it be nicer if this training go deeper on time and work load management techniques, in my opinion it wasn't deep enought.
By Dikha E H H
•Jul 7, 2020
It's rather a boring course mainly due to the way it's presented. An enhancement on the appearance can add more excitements on learning this course.