Jul 10, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
Aug 1, 2020
Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.
By Sanjib M
•Jul 30, 2020
It will benefit me in to do my work more effectively
By Smita L
•Jul 20, 2020
good course if you always feel lost among many tasks
By Brenda M V B
•Jul 8, 2020
For me it was very direct to what you need to learn!
By Andrew J
•Jul 6, 2020
A concise and to the point course on time management
By Prihadi K
•Jul 1, 2020
Very practical and straight to the point. I LOVE IT!
By H.M.N.A. H
•May 28, 2020
Simple and easy and most importantly very effective.
By atif a
•Apr 9, 2020
It's a good course I think everyone need this course
By Monica P D G
•Feb 25, 2019
Important curse to learn how to identify priorities.
By Vinicius V
•Apr 3, 2016
It's a excelent course. I'm really happy! Thank you!
By Jaeson V M
•Jan 12, 2016
Excelente el curso, me ha ayudado en mucho, gracias!
By Ingrid A
•Sep 3, 2015
pratical information provided very clear! Thank you.
By Veronica G
•Feb 23, 2021
Thank you great course with helpful tools and aids.
By Elif F A
•Jan 10, 2021
I think, this course is so efficient and effective.
By Jane S
•Nov 18, 2020
Very engaging, I learned quite a lot. Thank you! :D
By Mahendra S C
•Oct 29, 2020
Very useful tips and tricks to improve productivity
By Abdullah H B
•Jun 5, 2020
One of the best course over the coursera I love it!
By Karen R M
•Mar 31, 2020
This course is very helpful and useful for sure. :)
By Hoang T T T
•Jun 15, 2018
Very very good course. Easy for understand content!
By Shrikant S श स
•May 16, 2016
Excellent course, quite relevant productivity tips.
By Ameer H
•Feb 27, 2023
Constructive tips and tricks. I have learned a lot
By John Z G
•Jan 18, 2023
Very effective course for daily work/life balance.
By mahadevi k
•Apr 18, 2022
Learnt many important things from this course;
By Niraj J
•Jan 26, 2022
Excellent course with proper explanation and ideas
By Jasem A A M
•Dec 15, 2021
Very interesting course, educative and informative
By Emeline G
•Sep 9, 2021
this was an excellent course it thought me a lot.