Aug 1, 2020
Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.
Jul 10, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
By Carmela J
•Jan 3, 2021
I learned alot from this time management course! I never knew I've been adding more tasks to my daily life than helping myself cope with all my organization stresses! this was indeed very helpful
By Clara W
•Mar 20, 2020
Der Kurs ist sehr interessant und anschaulich gestaltet. Ich habe ihn in 2 Tagen vollständig absolviert. Das Englisch ist gut verständlich und auch für Teilnehmer anderer Muttersprachen geeignet.
By Samuel O
•May 5, 2017
Cambió mi perspectiva de como uso mi tiempo no solo en el trabajo sino también en casa, me sirvió para desarrollar mis propias formas de medir mi avance y sobre todo a la planeación de mis metas.
By Lira M
•Oct 20, 2020
This course is so much help to me because I was so unproductive. But now, I will work hard in making my time valuable and not go into waste. Thank you so much Coursera and also to the professor!
•Dec 7, 2024
Amazing course, giving insight in simpler form and highly relatable to our daily work life. I am definitely apply key learnings in my life from this course. High respect & regard to the author.
By Linda G
•Nov 11, 2022
Me preció un curso del que todos podemos sacar provecho, que puede ayudarnos a todos independientemente de nuestra área de desempeño y que puede ser importante actualizar con cierta frecuencia.
•Feb 12, 2025
Me gustó mucho este curso porque es fácil de entender tiene un horario flexible y ayuda bastante en la vida personal para poder tener más tiempo y organizarse mejor en el trabajo o la escuela.
By Yu J
•Dec 3, 2024
This course helped me to see some self sabotaging habits that I had developed that were decreasing my overall productivity. Now I am able to take steps to change and start getting things done.
By Lilas C
•Nov 17, 2020
i absolutely loved the doctor who presented the course. i felt like it was no too demanding yet very nice, simple, and hopefully effective techniques.
Thank you doctor, and thank you Coursera
By Neeraj C
•May 17, 2020
Most of the time I am unable to manage the time due to involvement in the non-productive works. This Course has given me to define urgent and important work in personal and professional work.
By Mirela C S
•Aug 8, 2017
Thank you for taking the time to put these together. The course is comprehensive and very useful. The instructor did such a good job that when the course ended... I felt sad. Congratulations!
•Apr 14, 2020
Very practical tips and straight to the point items. I can't wait to apply all these tips in my real work, and I hope this will increase my productivity in work and personal life. Thank you.
By Manish K B
•Apr 10, 2020
Its a very nice and important course for our day to day life. Very effectively tutor explained the each and every topic in a very efficient manner which anyone can understand easily. Thanks.
•Jun 28, 2020
It is a really wonder time management and smart work learning techniques taught in the most smart and efficient way. Every individual who take this course will be benefited for the better.
By Joanne P A D M
•Apr 8, 2020
This course helped me to prepare for my "new" work. I'm very happy that I came across this crash course where I learned how to be more efficient towards my work ethic. Thank you! THANK YOU!
By Ravi D G
•Jun 26, 2021
This course is really is really a precious content for me and I can say for all of us. It changes my thinking and doing pattern of the tasks in terms of time management. Thank you so much!
By Marie
•Feb 9, 2016
Clear and easily applied skills to make work and life more productive. Great instructor who really knows how critical these skills are to success. This course improves life work balance.
By oluwatoyin.adetunji
•May 12, 2022
Amazing course and insightful content! The animated videos were brief and made the content relatable. The reading resources were also easy to understand and extremely helpful. Great job!!
By Gopal K
•Aug 30, 2020
I find the course really beneficial in my professional life.I learnt the way to manage the work ,with a proper plan and to work in a Smarter way.Thanks to Coursera for a wonderful course.
By Cere C
•Jul 11, 2017
I love taking this course. It was very refreshing the friendly and easy way the teacher explained the concepts. Very dinamic and clear, thanks to the examples used. I really recomend it!
By Antony M K
•Aug 7, 2020
Very well presented with simple examples. The most compelling statement was You teach people how to treat you. Very important in the office life when you will be facing multiple tasks.
By Tomi T
•May 20, 2020
good training, give me more spirit to solve my problems especially when i have some task in same time, give me more knowledge how to handle and manage the problem properly. Thanks a lot
By Omkar S
•Jul 18, 2020
Excellent and explained it in a very simple manner. Though profound, but most of us do not realise these things. Thanks Margaret for a wonderful way of putting all these points across.
By Angela
•Jun 24, 2017
This course has really helped me with different options being able to tract my time management and find out where my time is being spent productively and not productively.
Great Course.
By Natalia T H
•Aug 18, 2020
Many of the lectures here hit me as I am quite bad with time management, but I have been following some of the tips here and it works for me so far! Really eloquently spoken. Love it!