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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest by Commonwealth Education Trust

1,283 ratings

About the Course

This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for writing for young readers. Participate in a dynamic online community of writers as you experiment with your own writing and develop your voice. This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors. As you work through the writing exercises, you will give and receive feedback from your peers and gain tools and techniques for improving your writing. During this course you will identify stories that matter to you, explore cultural significance and boundaries, and shape your identity as a writer; become familiar with standard elements of narrative (character, setting, plot, theme, language, dialogue, point of view); reflect on your own work and practice essential self-editing skills; see the different ways in which words and art interact, and the possibilities of longer narrative forms; come away with practical insights into publishing options; and create a plan for pursuing your enthusiasm for writing. By the end of the course, you will have ten to twelve extracts of writing that you can develop into a portfolio. Join a dynamic community of many voices from around the world. Find inspiration in your own voice, heart, and place so that you can tell the stories for young readers you’ve always wanted to tell....

Top reviews


Aug 25, 2023

its one of the best courses I have completed. just wonderful..very precise, revelant subjects and topics and very good activities. thankyou coursera. it was like meditation to me doing this course.


May 19, 2018

I really enjoyed this course, though I never imagined myself as a writer of childrens fiction, it may very well look like, that my first book, might be exactly that.Thank you to the great teachers.

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526 - 534 of 534 Reviews for Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest

By Thomasybruce


Sep 8, 2015

The interviews and course discussion are invaluable in this course.

By Amy


Mar 24, 2016

Pretty basi



Oct 9, 2016

Very generic advice although the interviews with children's writers were illuminating and helpful. The marking system was inaccurate, for example it deducted marks for submitting an assignment over word count when it wasn't! Good, solid advice about setting character, scene and place and ideas to help you out of writer's block. The two main presenters were very knowledgeable and it was pitched to an international audience. Some of the activities were repetitious but I guess the craft of writing is but there was a sense of the course tapering away at the end with a proposal letter to a publisher with very little exemplar material being provided to assist.

By Maureen M


May 1, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and the others I have taken through Coursera as well, but I am frustrated with the marking system! Some peers don’t fully understand the criteria or they are scammers, give 0% and tell you to take their English as a second language course. The system should figure out how to flag these people somehow. If I got 100% from one and a 0% from another that should tell you something.

By Teresa O B


Nov 22, 2024

I was slightly disappointed with the course, as it seemed to lack meaningful interaction. The presentation felt outdated, almost by two decades, and did not meet the expectations I had. In its current state, I feel the course would benefit greatly from a comprehensive refresh and relaunch to bring it up to date and make it more engaging.

By Lucinda M


Dec 10, 2022

Not very well designed course. Lectures ramble and the interviews are not very helpful for actual learning

By Bev G


Jul 10, 2021

This course is touted as being for beginners and people who have already done some writing. For beginners yes... and I'd put this at about a Grade 7-8 level of teaching, perhaps. Much to simplified and not enough details. People are not told that there are online resources to check spelling and grammar that are very helpful and writing programs, as well. I copied the transcripts for my own use later, only to find spelling errors, grammar mistakes and the wrong words being used, all things that were under the what not to do category in one of your modules. The only good thing about this course is that it kept my brain moving and motivated to write. So, if you're a beginner, you'll enjoy this course, but if you've been writing for awhile, don't waste your time, unless you have nothing better to do. Happy writing!

By Mehdiya a


May 19, 2020

I'm thankful for their effort but it said I didn't submitted my assignment and the peers reviewed it and it said all of them I got 0 and not passed

By Deleted A


Aug 13, 2020

Lot of trouble in submission of assignment