Sep 4, 2020
Instructions are not rightly mentioned, it was tough to really make sense of the instructions passed in few of the excercises.Hope that the semantics used in instructions is taken care of
Oct 19, 2021
The course is wonderful and gives a comprehensive picture because of the theory as well as hands on lab exercises. Thanks to the educator for wonderful explanations.
By Ed S
•Aug 13, 2020
Disappointing. Poorly laid out, sequence was confusing, and there were syntax and nomenclature errors throughout.
Some documents (ex:TSO manual) were not included, and I found that to manage through some of the labs, I had to google many topics.
The lectures were a high level overview of what might occur in the lab, providing little insight into why the tasks were being illustrated.
Quizzes should have been after the labs instead of after the lectures. While most of the information in the quizzes were covered in the lecture, it lacked relevance to the lab. One lecture "how to allocate a dataset, started with "Now that we have allocated a dataset, let's go ahead and use it" (I thought I had missed a section)
Some of the hints were syntactically incorrect (ex. exercise 4: sort x a 2 13 a 18 31 is incorrect, the manual shows ascending or descending arguments after the range). Some entries in the lab noted incorrect screen options.
Still, I derived som benefit fromtaking the class. I feel more comfortable moving around the ISPF screens and using TSO. I also think there is potential for the course to be much better if it is reviewed and proofread.
By Vivian
•May 20, 2021
Course is very go out and find the answer yourself, which for someone just starting down this education path was not helpful. I found myself struggling at every turn in the exercises, trying to decipher the correct action to take. Won't say anything else.
By Ali K
•Feb 8, 2020
Please to add more power points or presentations while explaining topics. more visual material, better understanding for everyone.
By Karthikeyan D
•Jun 5, 2021
Tips on Lab highly useful; Course design facilitates person independent learning. Excellent course!
By Juan F B A
•Nov 7, 2019
Seguimos aprendiendo de una manera amena. Trata los temas con claridad y facilitando el entendimiento. Buenos ejercicios.
By zain m
•Nov 25, 2019
It was tough and also most of the steps of the exercise were not cleared.
•Oct 28, 2020
Does not provide enough detail examples for the exercises.
By Fabian d A G
•May 14, 2021
Lot of things were lacking. Lectures were very terse and contained brief explanations. The sys admin assignments and quizzes were basically puzzles that had to be solved with the manual supplied (and the exercise hints). Might be easy for Mainframe developers who are familiar with the ISPF/TSO, but then again why would they take an introductory certification like this? IBM needs to update this course to a more structured approach with detailed content so that students who are completely new to the mainframe environment would not feel that this specialization is just "RTFM" coupled with few lecture videos. Don't need to take a course to do that.
By Bryan R
•May 30, 2020
The lab manual needs a lot of work to make it more understandable and clear. The quizzes cover material not covered in the labs or the videos which is really frustrating.
By Ernesto P E
•Jun 6, 2020
full of concepts that, somehow, does not makes clear the final goal of the course
By Lindomar R D S
•Mar 31, 2024
Gostaria de expressar minha profunda gratidão pelo curso que tive a oportunidade de realizar. Foi uma experiência incrÃvel e enriquecedora, e gostaria de compartilhar alguns pontos que realmente me impressionaram: Conteúdo Relevante e Atualizado: O conteúdo abordado foi extremamente relevante para minha área de interesse. A forma como os tópicos foram apresentados tornou o aprendizado mais acessÃvel e prático. Metodologia de Ensino: A metodologia utilizada durante as aulas foi excepcional. As explicações foram claras, e os exemplos práticos ajudaram a consolidar o conhecimento. Suporte e Disponibilidade: Agradeço pela disponibilidade em esclarecer dúvidas e fornecer feedback construtivo. Isso fez toda a diferença na minha jornada de aprendizado. Comunidade e Networking: O curso também proporcionou a oportunidade de conhecer outros profissionais da área. A troca de experiências e o networking foram valiosos. Em resumo, estou muito satisfeito com o curso e recomendo a todos que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Obrigado por contribuir para o meu crescimento profissional! Atenciosamente, Lindomar Rodrigues
By Aleksandra C
•Dec 12, 2021
Pretty fun course. I loved it. Working with z/OS feels a lot like carving in stone. I was lost most of the time doing labs, what was great because it pushed me to read tones of docs on my way. I recommend it to everybody, even to those who do not plan to work with mainframe at all. It is just pure fun to touch and work with the system which is known mostly from movies. I cannot wait to learn more. I would love to take the the course about system internals.
By Kapil P D
•Oct 7, 2019
Great course for getting your hands on with a mainframe TSO and IPSF features. I tried a lot to find the TSO/E Commands Reference guide mentioned in Week 3, but couldn't find it.
Also, I know you might have a good reason for this, but why doesn't this course use a VISTATN3270 emulator instead of making us go through the sluggish Skytap Lab. Its tedious to work with!
All in all, its a short and insightful deep dive into the word of zOS.
By Mansi B
•Jul 10, 2020
As always, Coursera has helped me understand the concepts clearly. This course is excellent for the beginners. I will say that everything was explained properly with examples and detailed explanation. The tutor, Jeff Bisti has done an excellent job. Now, I have a better understanding of Mainframe.
By Saul M
•Jul 10, 2020
It was quite a bit of a steep learning curve for me coming from a different background. I enjoyed the IBM labs the most, was really challenging but i love challenges. The lectures are a little brief but i'm a self learner so it doesn't bother me. I'm now totally hooked. Looking forward to Course 3.
By Jerome C
•Dec 2, 2019
Love this course. This course is where the rubber meets the road. You learn the ins and outs of commands and you are able to practice utilizing them in a live environment. I work in the mainframe field and I have learned a lot in this short course. I am excited for the next course in this series.
By Süeda Ş
•Feb 7, 2022
It was a very effective course. Although some examples are a bit challenging, I overcame them thanks to the hints. Week 3 was the week I had the most difficulty. I can't wait to complete the next tutorials. Thanks.
By Anu T
•Sep 4, 2020
Instructions are not rightly mentioned, it was tough to really make sense of the instructions passed in few of the excercises.
Hope that the semantics used in instructions is taken care of
By Srinidhi M
•Oct 19, 2021
The course is wonderful and gives a comprehensive picture because of the theory as well as hands on lab exercises. Thanks to the educator for wonderful explanations.
By Jaisa M J
•Apr 8, 2023
Really helpful to recollect and learn many rarely used ISPF and TSO commands to explore the system better. Thank you.
By Sathyanarayanan S
•Feb 7, 2022
Course content was detailed and helped me understand datasets thoroughly. Manuals also helped a lot
By venkata S K
•Jun 9, 2020
Thanks for the course, I brushed my skills back, the educator is really awesome,thanks Coursera
By Eduardo M
•Jul 28, 2020
Exercises were really difficult i had to look for info from the ibm website to complete them
By juan j C
•May 15, 2022
Bonito curso para repasar y adquirir conceptos básicos importantes que faciliten el trabajo
By Carlos A P Z
•Mar 3, 2025
The best basic course to learn and know the IBM MVS's tool the ISPF panel and its editor.