Aug 22, 2021
Am so glad that I manage t complete my first course of creating a website with Wix. Thanks to the instructor she was clear had great explanation. Am looking forward to pursue my career with Coursera
Dec 5, 2021
it is a great privilege to have gotten this knowledge through coursera, and this can actually help most of the people that venture into it an will actually see a good outcome from it.
By Udianie F Z
•Jun 28, 2022
In this course we'll learn to use Develop a Corporate Website with Wix. A professional website can simultaneously operate as a marketing tool, store stage, talent display, communication channel and machine for marking. Basically, it opens up a whole world for you and your business, giving you a unique stage to complete almost anything. In the course, here is a walkthrough providing a step by step guide that explains how to build a website and walks you through the technicals and details of building a site. your own website. We will also focus on important marking and marketing to ensure your site is as effective and beautiful as possible.
By 19-154_ALFINI N I
•Jun 22, 2022
in this course we will learn to use Develop an Enterprise Website with Wix A professional website can simultaneously operate as a marketing tool, store platform, talent display, communication channel, and engine for branding. Basically, it opens up a whole world for you and your business, giving you a unique platform to get almost anything done. In this post, we'll provide a step-by-step guide that explains how to build a website and walks you through the technicals and details of building a website. Yourself. We will also focus on the important branding and marketing to ensure your site is as effective and beautiful as possible.
By 129 K A
•Jun 25, 2022
in this course we will learn to use Develop an Enterprise Website with Wix A professional website can simultaneously operate as a marketing tool, store platform, talent display, communication channel, and engine for branding. Basically, it opens up a whole world for you and your business, giving you a unique platform to get almost anything done. In this post, we'll provide a step-by-step guide that explains how to build a website and walks you through the technicals and details of building a website. Yourself. We will also focus on the important branding and marketing to ensure your site is as effective and beautiful as possible.
By Dio W
•Jun 26, 2022
In this course, you'll learn how to use Wix to develop your corporate website. Professional websites can simultaneously act as marketing tools, business platforms, talent displays, communication channels, and branding engines. Basically, it opens the whole world for you and your business and gives you a unique platform to do almost anything. This post explains how to create a website and provides a step-by-step guide that explains the techniques and details of creating a website. yourself. We also focus on branding and marketing that are important to ensure that your website is as effective and beautiful as possible.
By Moh. R R
•Jul 5, 2022
Kursus ini kita akan belajar menggunakan Mengembangkan Situs Web Perusahaan dengan Wix Situs web profesional dapat secara bersamaan beroperasi sebagai alat pemasaran, platform toko, tampilan bakat, saluran komunikasi, dan mesin untuk branding. Pada dasarnya, ini membuka seluruh dunia untuk Anda dan bisnis Anda, memberi Anda platform unik untuk menyelesaikan hampir semua hal. Dalam posting ini, kami akan memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah yang menjelaskan cara membangun situs web dan memandu Anda melalui teknis dan detail membangun situs web.
By Muhammad K S
•Jun 27, 2022
Develop a Company Website with Wix is a self-hosted course project by Coursera. This course discusses and learns how to create a website to build a company. One of the highlights of this course is the faster creation of websites using a web builder tool called WIX without the need to program the web from scratch.
By 19_176 L M
•Jun 28, 2022
Easy to learn fast on coursera. According to the learning video about wix, previously I didn't know what wix was, but by taking this wix course on coursera, I came to know what wix is, hehe. This course is also explained in detail starting from usage and others, so that it is easily accessible to new people.
By Shailesh K
•Jul 17, 2021
This course is really awesome and it helped to learn a new a way to design a website. Before this I use to work websites using html, CSS, javascript, and bootstrap which take a whole lot of a time. But this software helped to develop websites easily and creatively.
By 031_J.M. H Y
•Jun 10, 2022
This course has a fairly broad explanation, we are taught about the basics of creating a web with WIX applications, then for projects containing building to the basic design of a website. I quite feel happy, have followed this courseb
By falaju a
•Aug 4, 2022
it a privilege to be impacted with a free skill on wix, really thankful for the oppurtunity and am willing to expand my knowledge on the further course on wix, I really cnt wait to start the wedsite development training skill
By 124_Rizal A
•Jun 28, 2022
in this course we will be taught about developing a website using wix, this will be very useful because at this time almost everything, whatever it is must have a website, then of course this will be very useful in the future
By Adeosun A O
•Dec 6, 2021
it is a great privilege to have gotten this knowledge through coursera, and this can actually help most of the people that venture into it an will actually see a good outcome from it.
By Nidhi G
•May 17, 2021
it was easy to learn quickly on coursera. Mainly in this course they divided the screen in two halves and it was much more fun to do simultaneously what the teacher was teaching!
By Bello A D
•Jan 5, 2023
I totally enjoyed this course and I'm extremely satisfied with the way instructor Abby guided us through the course. It has broaden up my knowledge about wix more. Thanks Abby.
By Deleted A
•Jun 18, 2020
While viewing task 3, when i was typing in i suddenly progress was lost it was showing connecting but it never did connect even in the next task. Please try to fix it
By Johnson A M
•Jun 6, 2020
A great course to learn on how to create a website with Wix. I learnt things in this course. Hats off a great instructor. She explained it in a simple and in easy way.
By Carla L
•Sep 27, 2020
Really easy and fun - I've created a super cute sample webpage and it will be very easy to recreate this when I finally have a real business to promote. Thanks!
By Mst. M A
•Jul 23, 2020
For a newbie like me, it was just excellent. Abby's explanation of each section was just perfect. Now I am confident enough to develop a website of my own.
By Sakina K
•Jan 16, 2023
Quick and an easy way to learn and understand the process to develop a company website with Wix. Really learned and enjoyed learning with Coursera.
•Apr 25, 2021
The trainer speaks with clarity and is able to guide learner through the various options and functions of WIX. Loved this beginner course!
By Tunezpop
•Jul 23, 2022
I'm very pleased to participate in this project. It helps me to build confidence in web designing and more knowledge about
By Maruf H
•Jul 26, 2021
Before watching Abby's video I don't have any knowledge about wix. I wanna thanked Coursera & Lovely Instructor Abby
By Paththini K H M N
•Jul 25, 2022
It was really a good experience and I have learned many new things. Thank you very much for providing this course.
By Eranda R
•Dec 13, 2021
Very Easy understanding informative course. Recommended for everyone who need you build your web site on your own.
By KaushiK M
•Jul 7, 2020
One of the nice online Courses. We get to learn how to make free website for work from home or small start up.