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Master of Computer Science

Illinois Grainger on Coursera: Program Overview on May 1 | Register here.

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Master of Computer Science

University of Illinois

Accredited master's degree

Offered by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

$19,840 - $24,128 USD

Competitively priced with pay-as-you-go tuition

Finish in 12-36 months

8 courses total, 10-12 hours per week

100% online learning

Hands-on learning from anywhere, no travel required


MCS Career Opportunities: The demand for computer science jobs is not limited to Silicon Valley. There are positions in nearly every major industry. PayScale indicates that the average salary of an MCS degree-holder is about $17,000 more than those who only hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science. And the projected five-year growth for salaries ranges from 14 to 28 percent. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 21 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

MCS-DS Career Opportunities: A 2016 McKinsey & Company study predicts that there will be a shortfall of nearly 250,000 data scientists by 2024, even after estimating a 7-percent-per-year increase in data science graduates. Business Insider cites being a data scientist as the highest-paying job for college graduates at $95,000 per year.

Below are a few highlights of how you can advance your career with the MCS or MCS-DS degree.

Prepare for in-demand jobs
The computer science field is expected to grow by 21% and the data science field by 36% from 2021 to 2031—much faster than average. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Increase your salary
The average salary of a computer scientist in the United States is $131,490 (BLS). The average salary of a data scientist is $145,526 (Indeed).
Expand your network
Illinois Computer Science is part of one of the largest alumni networks in the United States, with more than 800,000 alumni worldwide.
Access career services
Gain access to Handshake, Illinois' campus-wide recruiting platform. Tens of thousands of jobs and internships are posted here annually.

Application Information

Applications are open three times per year, for cohorts starting in the fall, spring, and summer.

Fall 2025 Application Information:

  • Application deadline: May 30, 2025.

Upcoming Events:

  • Illinois Grainger on Coursera: Program Overview | May 1, 2025 - Register here

Have questions? Please email the Illinois MCS team at .