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Master of Computer Science

Illinois Grainger on Coursera: Program Overview on May 1 | Register here.

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Master of Computer Science

University of Illinois

Accredited master's degree

Offered by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

$19,840 - $24,128 USD

Competitively priced with pay-as-you-go tuition

Finish in 12-36 months

8 courses total, 10-12 hours per week

100% online learning

Hands-on learning from anywhere, no travel required

Student Experience

Earn your MCS degree while learning on Coursera’s feature-rich platform

You’ll feel the MCS program's commitment to the student experience and positive engagement during your time as a student. You will have many opportunities to connect with students, staff, and faculty around the world — 100% online. There is a team of dedicated academic advisors in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science to assist students. Every semester, the advising team hosts webinars to address student questions.

Course staff host live office hours to answer student questions and help with coursework. Students also work together on group projects using Zoom and Slack. In addition, the Illinois Computer Science Speaker Series brings prominent leaders and experts to campus to share their ideas and promote conversations about important challenges and topics in the discipline.