Sep 16, 2018
I enjoyed this course and it helped me to understand the basic parts of American Law. My only suggestion is to provide even more cases as examples to demonstrate the doctrines and statutes. Thank you.
Jul 25, 2019
This is an excellent class, presentations and content from expert professors are well done, I highly recommend this class whether you're studying law or any other discipline this class is essential.
By Francesco M M
•Dec 11, 2016
Great course, very interesting and well made and organized. Very clear explications and classes and passionate professors. I really advice it. Thank you.
By German S T
•May 1, 2016
This course is Phenomenal. It's a simple introduction to US Law that previews each subject in a clear and concise manner. I highly recommend this course.
By Amira I
•Nov 1, 2019
Very engaging, challenges a broad set of skills, definitely the right place to start when learning about American Law or Law in general. 100% recommend.
By Diana S
•Aug 24, 2020
the class was challenging yet very interesting. the class materials were informative and
the videos where explanatory.
I highly recommend this course.
By Huzaifa B
•Nov 4, 2017
Learning the American Law sitting in the comfort of my home. Being a student of International Relations its something great for expanding my knowledge.
By Delphine Z
•Apr 1, 2017
1. Very clear and helpful, easy to understand.
2. Have a better and further understanding of law principles.
3. Cases cited are vivid and interesting.
By Albert_DY
•Apr 20, 2022
Even I did not have any knowledge on American Law as a foreinger, this course heled me in kind way with profound examplar to get basic concept of it!
By Muhammad N K
•May 26, 2020
This course is very informative. I have learnt so many new things about American Law. I think the syllabus of this course is appropriate and updated.
By Elena M
•Jan 31, 2018
Very interesting content, and easy to follow curriculum. I love the video questions and the quizzes are easy to understand. Definitely worth 5 stars!
By Leonardo S M U
•Jan 10, 2016
Ótimo curso. Além de aprender o básico sobre o Direito nos Estados Unidos, serve como uma forma de aumentar o vocabulário jurÃdico na lÃngua inglesa.
By Kalinin I
•Jan 12, 2022
It was very interesting and help me more understand American Law system. But I feel I need this course one more time for clean understanding, Thanks
By Abel Q G
•Nov 8, 2015
Excellent Course. Useful for anyone who wants to learn basic principles/doctrines in the American Common Law. Good for foreign law students as well.
By daniel o h
•Feb 12, 2022
Este curso es muy practico y altamente explicativo, de una manera facil se logra entender un sistema legal tan partocilar como el de Estados Unidos
By Praveen H
•Jun 19, 2016
Although introductory, it gives enough background into the different areas of law and the distinctiveness of unique to America. Highly recommended!
By Quentin A
•Dec 25, 2019
Extremely informative introduction into various concentrations of law. Helped me become more confident on how to think and process these lessons.
By Murtazaev S N
•Mar 6, 2020
this course tought me basic knoledge about American law. I appriciated to all instructors for the reason thar they are high qualified spealists.
By Ed S
•Jul 27, 2019
I really enjoyed all of this course. It was reasonably easy to follow along with the lecturers. The quizzes helped reinforce what I had learned.
By Valerie R
•Aug 30, 2016
this class is very fun and informative. It is not too har nor too easy. I reccomend it to anyone who wants an introductory class in American Law
By John H W
•Jan 23, 2025
Its very amazing how I really Understand the course well, Hoping I can adjust my knowledge even more, This course is very helpful for my future
By Amelie K
•Sep 17, 2020
The professors were great at explaining and very engaging, I looked forward to watching the videos and took notes from the supplemental reading
By Mattina E
•Aug 6, 2020
I learned a lot from this course. The instructors were able to explain things in simple terms that were easy to understand. I appreciated that.
By Neil C
•Aug 4, 2019
By elmanouni a
•Apr 14, 2019
Thank you so much for this introduction, as a student of law, interested in in the American law, I find this course enjoyable and very helpful.
By Luiz C F
•May 24, 2023
Um curso objetivo e dinâmico. Proporciona ao discente o acesso ao conhecimento da lei americana e sua aplicação nos diversos ramos do direito.
By Andrea K
•Jul 16, 2020
Absolutely loved these courses. It taught me so many new things about law and the quizes are phenomenal. I am thankful to have this knowledge.