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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Developing Android Apps with App Inventor by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

495 ratings

About the Course

The course will give students hands-on experience in developing interesting Android applications. No previous experience in programming is needed, and the course is suitable for students with any level of computing experience. MIT App Inventor will be used in the course. It is a blocks-based programming tool that allows everyone, even novices, to start programming and build fully functional apps for Android devices. Students are encouraged to use their own Android devices for hands-on testing and exploitation....

Top reviews


Dec 28, 2020

I enjoyed a lot in learning this app development course. I am so happy to have GUI based programming feature and it will defenitely help me to make an android app for my future project works.


Sep 9, 2019

Am excited to have a feel of how android apps are developed. This course has help me learn how android components interacts with each other and how to use them appropriately. Thanks alot

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1 - 25 of 147 Reviews for Developing Android Apps with App Inventor

By Dr. S “ D

Jul 9, 2019

Some of the questions on the quiz are written in a way that does not make sense. i.e. What is the text value of the button component? The word in the image is good and the question says to note the space below the text. This question does not make sense. The answer is not "good" or "text" so what is it? This question makes no sense at all. I used the getter and setter feature in the blocks view and changed the text to "good" and other words as well. The value is good!

By Anushka T

Jul 31, 2019

It is a wonderful course. It helped my daughter learn how to make apps on my Android device. I highly recommend using this course to teach the building of an app to a learner.


Apr 27, 2023

Give certificate free because money issue............



By Nicole D S

Feb 18, 2021

Quizzes do not reflect teaching. It's a lost goose chase of simple lessons and extravagant tests. It's almost rediculous. A waste of our money:(

By Sam W

Jun 20, 2017

Wow I didn't know making apps can be so easy until now! Perfect as an entry level programming course.

By José M M d R

Dec 8, 2019

Sometimes I felt that that more information that the one provided was necessary

By Yuen W Y

Mar 9, 2020

Cannot see the different between quiz and homework.

I expect when doing the quiz all I need to do is using my knowledge but unfortunately not.

Some questions are not clear.

The course content is well-prepared but the homework and quiz are not good enough.

By Yea T

Apr 23, 2019

It wasn't what I expect it. I can find the same information on Youtube and better explained, step by step information and by the type of app you want to develop using the same program.

By Deleted A

Dec 30, 2021

This is a basic level course which is of no use to me so I do not want to continue this course

By Nida K

Aug 31, 2021

Worst experience. Teaching totally pathetic.


Sep 2, 2021

course is good but the App Inventor is not

By Fares a

Jun 16, 2020

this is not for I.T Student

By Mine T

Dec 19, 2018

it is too boaring software

By Dr T V R

Apr 28, 2020

not so goood

By Hamza A

Feb 12, 2021

In this course i have to add few things to review from your's side.Firstly, lets assume in this course there are some videos and readings also it includes Quizes and Assignments .In Quizes there are some questions in which we have to choose one option or some questions we have to choose multiple option but in other way there are some questions in which we Submit our asnwer.In this course there are some Quizes in which i submit my answer but everytime it reminds me after submitting that your's answer is wrong .When i kept thinking on that even a whole night ,at the end of multiple nights after thinking and research on that i find that its just a syntax mistake i just totally embarrassing on me as well as on Course plus on Course Makers .Please Review on that to update this thing ,you must not considering the syntax error i know syntax was matter but there are many students who enrolled this course they even nothing much know about Any thing like that e.g like syntax error or computer programming etc.

One solution in my mind when we entering an answer if it is syntax mistake you must show an message box that your's answer is right but it's an syntax mistake.So, we kept focusing on syntax error rather than we weight on our mind to thinking about wrong correct answer instead of wrong one .

Please consider this thing to improve your's course .

Its my pleasure to reviewing this course and add this comment .I am greatfull.

By Eduardo R A

Jun 15, 2020

Me gustó mucho este curso, sobre todo porque algunas unidades representaron retos para mí, ya que por momentos se complicaba un poco, tuve que leer atentamente y pensar claramente, repasar lo aprendido, consultar apuntes, reproducir el programa en appinventor, y algunas veces probarlo en el simulador o en mi teléfono celular.

Me siento preparado para desarrollar aplicaciones sencillas para dispositivos móviles.

By Francisco P

Mar 9, 2022

Quite well designed course! demanding questions that required clear understanding of the functioning of language components. I would only have put more emphasis on some great App Inventor functionalities (such as sending text messages, recording videos), but this is much a matter of personal taste. Thanks a lot for the effort put on developing this satisfying course.

By Daniel C

Aug 22, 2021

Bery Informative Beginner vourse. I would hav eliked some additional help material (videos, documents, etc.) for the homeoworks and quizes after completeing them, particularly the math focused quiz.

Everything else was good, aside from having trouble finsing specific information or how to open a new screen when someone presses a button on the app.

By boonyong c

May 17, 2021

Very good for people who want to explore how to develop an apps ...without any indepth programming language background , though having some fundamental of general programming will helps. Give you a headstart ... Some of the wording of the quiz can be confusing .. take some trial and error ...


Sep 21, 2020

Excelente curso, aprenderás conceptos técnicos y claves para realizar una aplicación segura e interesante pues la practicas que se desarrollan en el curso desarrollan las habilidades necesarias construir un APP, ojala salga un nuevo curso avanzado de App Inventor 2.

By Dinithi w

Feb 20, 2021

I learned many things regarding mobile app development from this course. Also I learned the very basics and this course had many interesting projects to do. So All together this course was fun and I got a big experience finishing this course! Thank you!

By Mich M

Aug 28, 2021

This was a very interesting and challenging course. I knew nothing about app development but after completing this course I understood quite a bit. I liked the style of the instructor and the flow of the course.

By 11816013 B A

May 21, 2021

This was a really interesting and educational course that anyone with a pc or laptop can attend. You will learn almost everything you can about the app inventor. But keep in mind that practice makes perfect.

By Deleted A

Mar 11, 2020

Excelente curso para quines no tenemos experiencia en el desarrollo y programación de aplicaciones en App inventor. Ahora podre hacer proyectos con el uso de este entorno de desarrollo. Gracias!

By Reddy L

Dec 29, 2020

I enjoyed a lot in learning this app development course. I am so happy to have GUI based programming feature and it will defenitely help me to make an android app for my future project works.