Dec 28, 2020
I enjoyed a lot in learning this app development course. I am so happy to have GUI based programming feature and it will defenitely help me to make an android app for my future project works.
Sep 9, 2019
Am excited to have a feel of how android apps are developed. This course has help me learn how android components interacts with each other and how to use them appropriately. Thanks alot
By Shu P F
•Mar 10, 2021
It's quite good to learn apps development.
•Nov 5, 2020
Some times is basic but sometimes hard
By Priyanka K
•Sep 23, 2021
its good for learner to skill up!!
By Charles K
•Mar 12, 2019
The best ever introductory course!
By Harsha V
•Dec 24, 2018
Best Way For Android Developers
By LaohuHiazi Y
•Dec 4, 2017
Really good but boring
•Aug 29, 2021
Course is quite good
•Jul 15, 2021
By Jenkins M
•Jul 10, 2020
This was a very informative and interesting course. However, difficulty of some of the exams and quizzes were not aligned with what was taught in the corresponding module. Learners with little to no background to logic or programming will have a hard time solving the problems.
By Denis S
•Mar 30, 2019
Good course to understand the general Idea of App Inventor, some updates needed because APP Inventor is now in revision 2. Sometimes it is difficult to run the apps in the emulator or connect to phone. Some tests/homeworks asks for details only of the extra readings.
By Peter R
•Jul 27, 2020
The quiz and tests seem designed to confuse and are usually unnecessary in complexity. One of then demands 100% pass rate but as its free form text typing you dont know if a typo was an error or some logic.
By Aditya G
•May 11, 2024
Very good and beneficial course for the engineering graduating students.
By Ankit G
•May 13, 2020
there is not detailed study even not proper methodology of assignments
By Vineet S
•Aug 20, 2018
you should prefer android stdio
By Jose M F R
•Feb 5, 2019
A little poor at the end.
•Aug 8, 2021
By Michael M
•Jul 30, 2020
The course has a lot of potential, but needs work before being a good product. I've only completed the first section and so far I've noticed that the majority of the quiz questions focus on stuff that wasn't covered in the lectures or reading. That added to the idea of taking a quiz immediately after you've taken a quiz makes no sense. Education is about learning, not quizzing.
By Srinivas S
•Apr 2, 2021
The intent of the course is well, however the quizzes and tests are not well laid out for the lecture videos. the video does not explain in detail, and instead expects a lot of reading on our own. I would not mind reading on my own, but the video lectures could be a little more informative rather than concise.
By Luis R F
•Sep 26, 2020
Expected so much more, very confusing and weirdly built, quizzes are confusing and often you have to appeal to the teachers mind rather than straight questions. Anyway, expected much more.
•Jul 20, 2020
the eduational videos was very less there was lots of reading section except of same.
and the order of learning was also not linear.
the all components also not teach in course
By Aymen A
•May 31, 2020
embêtant et plusieurs Quiz inutiles et ennuyeux
By अमित_Amit व
•Nov 30, 2022
not good it should not be on coursera.org total unable to understand, small video class, english is poor.
Content is very week. every video 10 seconds clueless head video.
almost time waste should reprogram can do better.