Feb 28, 2024
This course is well taught and I really enjoyed how they broke up the modules into little comprehensible lessons. I learned a lot. I wish there was more material because it was an interesting course.
May 8, 2023
his course is so informative. many things thay i took for granted in chicken are actually essential. welfare of chicken is important. i will now be a role model in my community to educate farmers.
By Wayne A P
•Mar 29, 2022
I came away feeling, knowng, that I have learnt something new about chickens/egg and meat production. The course material is informative, topic-specific and relevant, and the quizzes are pertinent to the information covered.
Also, I liked the fact that we are told which materials [per the "reading"] we will be held responsible for and be [not] quizzed on. The online format also gives the excellent opportunity to learn a great course without having to travel to the University grounds -- a lot of time is saved with respect to getting ready, travelling, and having various frustrations.
I am glad that I was also able to move at my own desired pace.
By Michael L
•Jun 7, 2020
Excellent and well done. More challenging than I thought it would be. The quizzes were hard but fair. The "pick all of the correct answers and miss even one and you are wrong" questions are annoying but they teach the material. The questions change if you retake the test so just writing down wrong answer will not help you unless you study the material. I am also pleased the instructor did not require a peer-reviewed assignment. Some courses just don't need them, they are silly, and the peer-reviewers don't have the knowledge to review them. I can just imagine what a peer-reviewed chicken project would have looked like. LOL.
By Adrian H
•Dec 26, 2024
The course meticulously covers both the scientific and practical aspects of poultry welfare, providing a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour and needs of chickens. The content is well-structured, with a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, making it highly valuable for both beginners and experienced professionals in the field. The instructors are knowledgeable and present the material in an engaging manner, ensuring that complex topics are easily understood. Overall, this course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of poultry welfare and behaviour.
By Tyler L
•Mar 8, 2023
This course was extremely informative! I thought I knew a bunch from owning my own chickens and doing independent research... This gave me so much more than that. There were some parts that were a little hard to hear and the quizzes seemed to be a little much with how they were graded. Coursera notified me for almost every quiz that 80-90% of students failed the quiz on the first attempt, which may be something worth looking back at regarding how the questions are worded and formatted! The overall content of the videos and readings was extremely helpful, I would love to take more classes like these.
By Aivi M
•Jun 22, 2020
As an ultimate beginner in chicken keeping (just got my first 3 pullets) I find this course an absolute necessity for all beginners. I have never thought much about where do my eggs and chicken breasts come from. Also, the factory farming has been demonized so much that it really was an eye opener for me to see that in big farms everything really is regulated and controlled, keeping the chickens welfare in mind.
I now know more what to pay attention to and how to make my chickens feel welcome and promote their natural healthy behavior. Thank you for creating this course!
By Kehan Y
•May 16, 2020
The course explain the commercial chicken raise method, types, problems, and solutions (kind of). Through the course, I have learnt a lot of new knowledge about chickens! My mom planned to raise some chicken and through this course, I see tons of limitation in her plan and be able to make some improvement. However, the course is mostly for stock, not for a small amount of chicken in the backyard (though there is an interview about it and plenty reference links), so I am not sure if you only like to raise chicken in your backyard, is it a worthy course.
By Mr. M M S
•Oct 19, 2021
I would like to thank University of Edinburgh and Coursera for organizing free and such a nice, informational course in this pandemic. I had refreshed my basic knowledge and gathered very useful information especially regarding UK poultry industry. The videos and provided material is very good, scheme of study was well managed and well covered I must say... Thanks again and i wish that we may got access to more such courses so that the process of learning and sharing remains continue.... Have a nice time
By Laura W
•Nov 4, 2018
I loved this course. This course covers everything from the fields of study used for behavior to end-of-life situations, including slaughter. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the videos in the last week, as I don’t care to learn how to slaughter these wonderful birds. Well worth the money if you want the certificate. I most appreciated the discussion of incorporating natural behaviors into the commercial raising of chickens and how studies of such behaviors led to the changing of laws.
By Monique H
•Oct 7, 2018
I learned a lot from this course: what is normal and necessary behavior for chickens, what they require for welfare, EU regulations, how modern farming methods may fall short of providing true welfare, the challenges of transport, what is required for humane culling and slaughter, and how selective breeding based on human convenience can lead to welfare issues for the birds. Most important: I learned a lot about what my two backyard girls need to be happy.
•Nov 23, 2020
This was my first online course ever! I loved it and especially the subject matter. The course is a fantastic overview that has been well-written, clearly envisioned, and well-expressed by Dr. Victoria Sandilands. It included great supplemental material and readings. The feedback was personal and friendly.
Thank you for such a wonderful course!
Wishing Dr. Sandilands further success in her research, as well as taking care of all those hens! :)
By Noelle R
•Feb 27, 2020
As a seasoned exotic poultry breeder, I honestly didn’t expect to learn much from this but gave it a go anyway. Much to my surprise, I learned a ton and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to any and all poultry owners, regardless of the size of your flock. Both you and your birds will greatly benefit from this class. It takes a lot of the guess work out of good poultry husbandry. - Noelle Reagan, Native Colors Exotics, Wisconsin, USA
By Tara
•Mar 20, 2018
This is an extremely interesting course. Practical material is presented in a straight forward manner. It is excellent to see real life footage of laying and broiler hens and the environment they are kept. This course is useful for those interested in learning more about their backyard chickens and the type of conditions they require. It is also use for those with an interest in animal welfare in general.
By Matthew Y
•Jan 29, 2020
I come from a family of farmers (both sides) and had not the slightest idea that health issues could arise from raising chickens in a free range, or even organic, system. Fantastic course for anyone looking to get into agriculture/farming, such as myself. The University of Edinburgh should be proud of how well their faculty and partners assembled this course. Thank you!
By Muhammad A A
•May 21, 2021
Thanks Dr. Victoria Sandilands
I learned a lots of new things regarding chicken. highly recommend for beginners to get this certification.
things new for me are ,Housing of chicken ,Incubation related thins, Care of new born chicks, chickens welfare, chicks behaviors most important (pecking and foraging) how to brought up chicks, feed related things. thanks
By andrew s c
•Apr 17, 2019
This was brilliant for me as I struggle with reading and a lot of this was done by audio.
I have gained even more knowledge to help me maintain my flock and hope to use this knowledge to progress in the future.
Many thanks to all the staff and teams that made this online course available and flexible.
No doubt ill be back to learn some more :)
By Heather R
•Feb 28, 2017
I LOVED this course. I don't have chickens, nor do I have much experience with them, but I want to keep them in the future for our own personal egg production (not commercially). This helped me really understand what I'm in for, and helped me understand different parts of poultry anatomy, behavior, and what I need to do to care for them.
•Aug 21, 2020
By David T K R
•Feb 6, 2022
This course offers invaluable Back Yard & Commercial chicken management, behaviour and welfare education. I've had back yard chickens for years and currently work in the poultry industry in Japan. I enjoyed the interesting professional insights and excellent educational material on this course. I highly recommend it.
By Andrew P
•Apr 29, 2020
Having just commenced a role as a weekend poultry worker,with absolutely zero pre employment knowledge & understanding of chicken welfare this course has really fulfilled my immediate needs. The delivery was clear and the content and quiz sections are challenging enough to make you really take note of the information.
By Simon V d b
•Jan 25, 2019
The course consisted of a smart alternation between lecture videos, demonstrative videos, interviews and documents. The instructor spoke clearly and at a thoughtful pace and I appreciate how the videos were filmed on-site. The course also provided tips for anyone keeping chickens in a backyard coop.
By Troy S
•Feb 15, 2017
I enjoyed the fact that the background was the real environment. The material was short and to the point and easy to follow yet offered deeper learning with the extra articles that were offered. I was amazed at some of the statistics and that gave me more appreciation of chickens. Thank you.
By Sandra S
•Jul 23, 2020
Excellent cours pour ceux et celles qui désirent n apprendre plus sur l'élevage de poules et leur mieux-être. J'aime qu'on ait des exemples de plusieurs parties du monde, pour pouvoir appliquer à notre contexte. C'est un must pour tous ceux et celles qui ont des poules à la maison.
By Dzulfikar S U
•Jun 21, 2022
It's a new experience for me as an Indonesian fresh-graduate student at animal husbandry major to learn from one of the top university to knows the development and cultural difference of poultry science in another country. Thank you very much Miss :) *apologize for my bad english
By Kelsey M
•Jul 5, 2017
The woman who does the lectures for this course is thorough, well spoken, clear, and consistent. I also felt the the course information was relevant and tailored the the needs of the participant. Take it, even if it's just for fun. It wasn't terribly time consuming whatsoever.
By Leslie S
•Jun 12, 2016
Very worthwhile. Great overview of pertinent behavioral, environmental, physiological and biological factors influencing chicken behavior and welfare. Good videos with supplementary materials that added value to the course. Thank you for making this available through MOOC.