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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Chicken Behaviour and Welfare by The University of Edinburgh

1,184 ratings

About the Course

This course explains the general principles of chicken behaviour and welfare, and the behavioural and physiological indicators that can be used to assess welfare in chickens kept in hobby flocks through to commercial farms. The focus is primarily on laying hens and meat chickens (broilers) although many of the principles are relevant to other types of poultry. The course is likely to be of interest to people who own chickens as pets or keep a small hobby flock, commercial egg and chicken meat producers, veterinarians and vet nurses. Learning Objectives: at the end of this course, you will be able to - - Describe avian sensory perception and motivation - Explain the main behaviour patterns of poultry - Define welfare and explain the bases of welfare standards - Assess chicken welfare, using behavioural and physiological means - Understand common welfare problems of chickens This course is taught by staff from Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), University of Glasgow, and St David's Poultry Team. You can follow us on Twitter! #chickenmooc © University of Edinburgh and Scotland's Rural College 2016 CC BY...

Top reviews


Feb 28, 2024

This course is well taught and I really enjoyed how they broke up the modules into little comprehensible lessons. I learned a lot. I wish there was more material because it was an interesting course.


May 8, 2023

his course is so informative. many things thay i took for granted in chicken are actually essential. welfare of chicken is important. i will now be a role model in my community to educate farmers.

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101 - 125 of 427 Reviews for Chicken Behaviour and Welfare

By Mostafa M


Oct 13, 2016

this course is excellant for who want to know more about chicken behaviour and welfare

i belive that when we know the normal behaviour we can know the disorders


By Savannah H


Jul 2, 2017

Excellent course! It was a nice refresher on my animal welfare and behaviour courses from my undergrad, while also refreshing my basic poultry housing information too

By Muhammad A Y


Aug 20, 2019

I am an Animal Science student with specialization in Animal Nutrition and I found this course perfect with clear voice and focused theme material. just excellent!

By Shannon B


Aug 12, 2021

very knowledgeable, i would of liked to learn more about specific diseases chickens can get and how to cure them without a vet, but still a very enjoyable course.

By Vincentia M


Jan 3, 2021

It is really fun learning about chicken behaviour and welfare. It does help me to do a lot of correction in the field as I am working as veterinarian for poultry

By Jarif M


Jul 4, 2020

This course complete the basic structure of chicken physiology,behaviour,welfare technique. I enjoyed and learned a lot. Hopefully will enjoyable for new comers.

By Tugrul D


May 19, 2021

Certain part of the course require updates based on current applications as our industry is changing rapidly. Overall, it is very good short online course.

By David


Jun 30, 2020

Very educational and enjoyable! Provides a good insight into the welfare concerns of chickens across several production methods. Would highly recommend!

By Ana O


Nov 25, 2016

Thank you, it was very helpful. I am starting to raise chickens next year in my backyard and I've learned so much that my confidence is boosted to 100%.

By Ida M


Apr 29, 2017

The course was clear and extremely informative. I have wanted to get chickens for a while and now I feel much more qualified to give them a good life!

By Kamel s


Apr 2, 2022

it is very benefeticial and fruitful course a lot of interesting information about poultry business and practices and health and behaviour and welfare

By Dominique K


Apr 30, 2019

Excellent course with well presented lectures and a thorough overview of the issues associated with poultry keeping both at the large and small scale

By Marcos A N F


Aug 25, 2020

A great course to learn about chicken behaviour and animal welfare. Dr. Sandilands is a great professional. This course is really good and complete.

By Felipe M


Sep 4, 2019

Is a very complete course, Im a student of veterinary medicine in Colombia so is very helpful to see how the welfare is managed in develop countries

By Justine G


Jul 20, 2022

I truly enjoyed studying the course. It gave me a full perspective of how chickens behaviour, their welfare and ethnics of running a chicken farm.

By Peter G


Oct 13, 2023

Really impressed with this course, very enlightening, a bit disturbing at times but I feel an essential bit of education for anyone with poultry.

By Fernando R A


Feb 18, 2021

Excelente curso, me gusto mucho, me hubiera gustado que se presentaran videos de como se hace el sacrificio humanitario en las pequeñas granjas.

By Nessa K


Nov 26, 2016

As a backyard chicken owners, I find this course to be quite helpful in understanding how to better my chickens' living environment.

Thank you :)

By Alem H


Feb 7, 2021

very plane english which can be understood by many people. the less plane professionally neat and clear. i look forward to do more courses.

By Amy


Aug 23, 2020

Very informative on the common types of production of broilers and layers and also some useful information for keepers of backyard chickens.

By Bassam E


May 16, 2020

It is an extraordinary course full of knowledge and experience

I do recommend it for poultry lovers and all those who plan to raise chicken

By Edward M G


May 6, 2019

This has been a very interesting course, I never imagined that the behavior of the chickens was so complex. 100% recommended this course.

By Dr.madhura R


Oct 8, 2023




Mar 19, 2022

I´m very happy about all knwoeledge, I adquire thanks to this course, I actually study vetrerinary so this course has been a lo helpful

By Annemarie N


Oct 16, 2019

I have chickens so I knew many concepts, however this course went into detail and explained specifically the why and how. Great Course!