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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,718 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Jun 23, 2018

I loved this course. When I had issues support was awesome sauce. I really enjoyed the puns this instructor used to keep you from going off in a daze. I really wish I would have found Coursera sooner.


Feb 23, 2021

This course was amazing and helped me understand so much more about networking, things I never thought I would know or understand. Very fulfilling and I can't wait to use this knowledge going forward.

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726 - 750 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Kunal W

Aug 7, 2020

After finishing this course, I can confidently say I have all the fundamental ideas about how computer networks it's amazing to think how far computer networking came from where it initially started. Very very well explained and awesome experience.

By Rakshit K

Jun 24, 2020

The course was super amazing to revise the basics of networking and also learn the networking techs in industry. The instructor makes sure, that you never loose the interest in the matter even though some of the lessons were just theory. Keep it up


May 24, 2020

It was a really good corse, and all of the subjects were well explained. Maybe, the only thing i would improve is to add some glossary at the end of each chapter, since there are way way too many acronyms to remember, and it so it could be helpful.

By Sameer J

Jun 5, 2018

This course covers the technical details and the core functioning of computer networking, and its protocols. It touches history, various standards, and the infrastructure that maintains all those things. It is very informational and amazing course.

By R. R

Jul 12, 2021

Crazy amount of information. I didnt realized how deep networking went. I wish I would of learned more about how to set up networks for your company. However, I believe you learn that in the next course. Overall still a lot of greart information.

By Kesia L

Nov 14, 2020

It is not that easy for me, since I have no technical background and I am a non native English speaker. However, the instructors did great in delivering his message. Also, it was easy for me to just come back and repeat where I did not understand.


Jun 30, 2020

I learned a lot about the basic bits of computer networking through this course. The course was up to date with the latest technological information. I highly recommend to anyone who is curious how it works underneath the modern computer networks.

By M H

Jan 6, 2020

Having completed CompTIA Network+ also, this isn't a replacement but this rounds out the knowledge from that certification nicely, a great complement I will be recommending for any struggling in N+ studies or just those wanting to know a bit more.

By Celia F

May 26, 2019

Wow, it's an amazing class. This course gives a lot of info, and also many leads on what to research further. I plan on setting up a great home network, and learning as much as I can about a future in networking. Thank you for this amazing course!

By Denis M

Sep 4, 2018

A lot of information but good information. The 8+ minute videos got a little long. Maybe it would be better if it were cut down into smaller segments. What I found of interest was the information on IPv6 because that is the future of the internet.

By Fayyatha A

Nov 29, 2022

The only thing I don't like is that some of the exams are in Greek. Which is annoying when I am on a roll then have to stop and complain. I clearly states I am an English speaker, so I don't know. Then there's the thing about having it corrected.

By Pedro P N

Aug 23, 2020

With this certificate, I re viewed all the courses I took in my Bachelor's degree at the university. It was difficult, but is so interesting to learn about network. I feel great and I will continue studying these kind of info. I liked it so much.

By Dnyaneshwar K

Aug 16, 2020

Very Practical Teaching , For Those who had rarely got Such Practical Education Like me. Complex concepts had been broken in such way that any new comer to this course could Learn it easily

Thanks a lot Google Team for this wonderful course....!!!

By George O

Mar 29, 2018

Excellent video instruction and interactive media. I am really enjoying this course and overcoming the challenges it presents along the way. Thank you for putting this course together and providing the opportunity to get ready for a career in IT.

By lenny s

Oct 10, 2023

This is still a warm up and gives you lots of knowledge. Hit the vocabulary as much as you can. They don't often repeat what the string of letters stands for. You might even want to skip ahead to the vocab in every section or in the last lesson.

By Waleed A M B J

Aug 31, 2023

Overall, I found the course to be informative and well-paced. The instructor did a great job of explaining complex concepts clearly and concisely. I also liked the practical exercises, which helped me strengthen my understanding of the material.

By Gary M J

Mar 15, 2022

this course has a lot of networking information to learn, I wasn't expecting this much but greatful to know how many parts make up creating networks, and can't wait to take this information into creating a network environment for a new business.

By Fedoom

Dec 22, 2021

An integrated course on networks and their applications, which gives a good foundation and an initial overview of networks, which enables the person to learn better and also work in the field of networks, in addition to gaining good experiences.

By Estaben T

Mar 26, 2020

Overall, the course is very thorough and the videos make it a bit easier to understand. There are many difficult challenges to overcome, however, rewatching the content a few times will help retain and understand the information that is taught.

By Yash P S

Feb 5, 2018

This course is one of the fantastic course that I ever participated via online mode. I admit that, this course is many times better in terms of content, practical approach and hands on training with other competitive online training platforms.

By Landon C

Nov 4, 2021

The videos and supplemental readings helped me understand the course much more. Everything provided within the course was very useful and I definitely gained a better understanding in each of the topics because of this material provided to me.


Sep 9, 2021

The Course gives you a real glimpse of the necessary Networking knowledge you need to kickstart your networking career. The Instructors are very friendly and the hard concepts are really simplified to an extent that you easily grasp every bit.

By Geethu W A

Sep 1, 2021

It is the best course that explains the basics of networking in a very simple manner. It has been very useful in helping me to explain the different protocols like DNS, DHCP, etc. in my interview. I highly recommend it. Thank you instructor!!!

By Lovina N

Jul 20, 2020

I love how comprehensive this course was. I was very interested in materials I thought I won't be able to understand. Enjoyed every bit of this learning experiences, especially the personal touches of various people involved and Victor's puns.

By Sinisa B

May 21, 2023

Great course, teachers are people that obviously use things that they teach in real life all the time. Great job guys, it is so refreshing to se someone that does not only teach but has full comprehension of real-life usage of their subject.