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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,735 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Jun 23, 2018

I loved this course. When I had issues support was awesome sauce. I really enjoyed the puns this instructor used to keep you from going off in a daze. I really wish I would have found Coursera sooner.


Jan 25, 2018

A lot of information, but i feel like i fully understand core networking concepts. A lot of this info has helped me comprehend what will be required for me when I take my Network + certification exam.

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826 - 850 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Jose C

Sep 1, 2020

Muy buen curso, la verdad la forma de explicar es increíble, aprendes mucho y no se hace pesado. Es cierto que lo que enseñan es un poco superficial, pero sirve para aprender los conceptos y luego por tu cuenta investigar más.

By Wesley K

May 1, 2020

This course is fully loaded with enough knowledge that can help you solve literally all types of networking problems. The course moderator is a great one. Thank you, Google for the great input that you employed for this course

By William S

Jun 5, 2018

This course definitely makes you think about the how extroardinary the networking world is. Have you ever wondered the behind-scene process of sending text messages to our friends? Well, this course is the one you should take.

By Taz M

Mar 8, 2018

One of the most difficult courses I have faced here. I learned a lot some stuck and some didn't, but this is one course that I definitely have to go back and watch a few lessons because it was that difficult. Best of luck all!

By Gerónimo R

May 10, 2023

Challenging but doable. I had to watch some videos several times and do some reading of my own before I could fully understand certain concepts, but it was really worth it.

Pay special attention to the Transport layer content!

By Tyler M

Sep 23, 2022

This course provides essential information that is used daily in IT careers settings as well as home environments. All material is explained very well. Additionally, the team is friendly and encouraging. A definite 5 stars.

By Joseph D

Oct 28, 2021

I have enjoyed this session and looking forward to more Session with Wonderful Tutors who made the subject matter more interesting and understandable through the use of simple English terminologies and Language.


By Sachin B

Dec 20, 2020

This is a very very amazing course. The instructor having good knowledge of the subject. The journey of this course is also amazing. I recommend this course to all enthusiastic students who want to learn from the very basics.

By Nicolei O

Aug 24, 2020

One suggestion to improve upon the abstraction of learning about the ethernet frames & ip datagrams would be to show a specific example of how these protocols would physically look like while troubleshooting out in the field.


Jul 5, 2020

Really ,i m super excited and feel good of through it.The course and the other supportive guidelines helped me better understand of concepts and underlying stuff.Thanks to the Victor (Of Course), the Google and the Coursera .

By Wahid i j

Jan 22, 2021

This course is really great for me to learn about Computer Networking related topics. The course instructor is also good. he know how to teaches effectively. I want to thanks the google and coursera for bringing this course.

By Frank E P L

Sep 1, 2020

a pesar que ya se sobre esto (algo avanzado) siempre se verán temas que uno no había visto, cosas mínimas puede ser. Este es un gran curso aunque hubiese preferido que fuese mas especifico en el área de redes y conectividad.

By Hayley O

Aug 6, 2020

Very informational, make sure to take notes. I am usually not a note taker but I used them to refer back to during tests. Make sure to do the supplemental readings. The tests ask questions based on them more than the videos.

By Pedro P

Mar 24, 2020

This course is a very good one to reach some entry-level about Networking and how the computer communicates between small or big networks and how some network devices interact and communicate with each other similar devices.

By TJ ( H

Jun 22, 2019

Overall this program is an excellent source of information that has helped me better understand the IT world and concepts that have never been clearly described to me before.

It's already helping me perform better at my job.

By Enrique C G J

May 19, 2019

Very excellent way to learn about the fundamentals of networks and they data is passed along. Just wish there were examples of what problems may arise from corrupted packets or how to detect and diagnose the network traffic.

By Francisco D

Dec 6, 2020

It is wonderful, this course drives you in the fantastic world of computing. You can understand and discover a lot of new things about computers and the Internet, even if you are familiar with some of this stuff. Thank you!

By Mickey W

Oct 27, 2020

It was a great course, the only thing that would help would be if the questions on the test matched what you learned. I felt like there were some trick questions that I didn't understand. All in all I enjoyed this course.


Aug 9, 2020

This course need full attention if you really want to be network engineer then go ahead also its good for people who wants learn how computer talk with each other. In this course you will learn a lot of things from Googlers

By Harihara S

Mar 6, 2020

Best course to learn basics of computer networking technology and devices .It laid a foundation for techies to explore computer networking and technologies. I completely enjoyed in taking some Bits and Bytes of this course.

By Guilherme A R P

Apr 14, 2019

Muito bom o curso me consolidou varias conceitos que já havia aprendido na faculdade, um pouco mais complexo que o primeiro curso do programa, porém é super importante conhecermos os fundamentos da rede e como ela funciona.

By Laura L

Dec 31, 2018

The content in this course was terrific in detailing the information with regards to how data sent across networks. I would have liked a bit more trouble shooting course work or assignments to really test our new knowledge.

By Alimber R

Mar 25, 2018

Lots of interesting information to learn about networks. From physical communication of bits to explaining how the Cloud works all of these courses are very informative and help greatly in understanding computer networking!

By Geniece T

Dec 7, 2021

This is a great course that really broke things down in a way that was very helpful for me to understand in a more detailed way. I really appreciate those details and just the overall thoroughness of this class. Thank you!

By Jurnan G

Jun 19, 2021

Excellent, well structured introduction into networks. As an experienced business analist, there was still a lot to learn - well suited to create a spill over effect once you move along the ladder towards IT architecture.