Jun 23, 2018
I loved this course. When I had issues support was awesome sauce. I really enjoyed the puns this instructor used to keep you from going off in a daze. I really wish I would have found Coursera sooner.
Jan 25, 2018
A lot of information, but i feel like i fully understand core networking concepts. A lot of this info has helped me comprehend what will be required for me when I take my Network + certification exam.
By Carol J G
•Apr 27, 2020
Very informative, I felt like some information on the quizzes or tests was not in the lessons or were not covered enough, I had to go outside the course to obtain more in depth information, which I guess is the point.
By Jamie H
•May 10, 2018
Found this a challenging course but the instructor did a good job explaining all of the many aspects of networking. Feel like I definitely need some "hands-on" experience to really make sure I understand the material.
By Rastra W N
•Feb 27, 2023
It's a bit of a long course full of videos, but if you manage to get through to the end it's worth it. I really like the video format of learning. This course helped me a lot to remind things that i've learned before
By Alfred H
•May 14, 2022
The course was awsome. It has help lay a solid foundation for me in the IT space. I would like to thank the whole team behind this training module. They have done a great job and I look forward to learning some more.
By Jon J
•Jan 1, 2022
Loads to take in, if you've ever wondered how it all works this is definetly the course for you. Mostly fact based learning, not many usable skills gained, but definatly a great base for fundamental knowledge of I.T.
By Munira Z
•Jun 15, 2020
I am really thankful to Mr Victor. You made this course and many things that I didn't understand in my school time I understand now, above that we go to some detail which is a really amazing experience. Thanks a lot.
By Gregory H
•Sep 17, 2019
Good basics in networking! I knew a little bit about networking before I started this course from doing a little bit in high school but learned a lot more in this course. Very interesting information for the IT age.
By Race V
•Apr 8, 2018
Not easy to complete though well worth the effort to do so. Remember to start a very good notebook of questions you have so you can answer them yourself. Pay attention to what is being taught, this is not easy stuff.
By Thiago L P
•Jul 3, 2021
Me ha gustado mucho contenido y estoy muy contento de haber completado el curso, pienso que voy a necesitar un poco más de estudios, tiempo y práctica para adquirir más conocimiento detalladamente sobre los tópicos.
By Prodipto K
•Aug 8, 2020
This was really an awesome course by google...i was really looking forward to complete this course and now as I've made it ...I'm feeling good...thanks to Google and coursera foe bringing out this informative course
By David M
•May 1, 2020
This section of the IT Support Professional Certificate offered by Google/Coursera is quite technical, but WOW! Do I feel like I've come such a long way, and everything was explained as simple to follow as possible!
By Damien J
•Apr 4, 2020
Man this course was so packed with IT course work I think I was a little burnt out. My computer failed but when I recently got it fixed I was able to pick right up where I left off. Networking is pretty interesting.
•Apr 29, 2019
In depth knowledge, easy yet challenging, everything you need. This course just like part 1 was great. Very informative not to much info. I never felt overloaded and dead lines were manageable even working fulltime.
By Ambuj M
•Apr 29, 2018
Definitely one of the best MOOC's I have undertaken so far. The only problem I faced was there were times I really wished that the instructor provided a more detailed explanation of the topic. (example sub netting)
By Jorge K
•Jan 10, 2021
¡Excelente curso! Muy completo, con interesantes y claros abordajes sobre redes y sus diversas sub-tópicas, así como también variados ejercicios de aplicación para poner en práctica lo aprendido. ¡Muy recomendable!
•Jan 6, 2021
The course is very well structured regarding its syllabus and order taught. I obtained a solid concrete educational background and also a strong basis to my already self taught IT skills.
I really loved this course!
By Rafael S
•Jul 21, 2020
Excellent course. Bunch of concepts but it was enough for an introductory course on computing networking. Basic concepts were introduced in an effective way and some exercises were good to understand those as well.
•May 27, 2020
No words , this course is a game changer . It teaches you to marvel at beauty of the networks as they are part of our life . And also teaches us along the way how you can be a part of this marvel mankind has made .
By Christopher S C
•May 9, 2020
This course was rough! But only because my understanding of how computer networks work and the 5 layer model were limited. Great instruction and with enough time I was able to understand all of the concepts taught.
By Brandon E
•Jan 10, 2020
This course was a slog. A lot of memorization and note-taking. That being said, I feel like I have a much better understanding of the "under the hood" processes of networking that other resources have glossed over.
By Matthew M
•Sep 5, 2019
Well thought out course. Great checks and balances in place that ensure user is learning the required course material. I hope that google creates more/similar credentials so that I can continue to Grow with Google.
By Luana A
•Sep 5, 2018
Amazing! The instructor is a lovely teacher and the material to study is very good. The exercise was difficult and challenger but I can say that I learned a lot and become more confident in my work. Thank you guys!
By Jack O
•Jun 15, 2018
Networking is a lot more than just connecting to a wireless signal. This course you will dig into all the aspects of networking. Pay close attention to the sub netting and IP. And try to wrap your head around IPv6.
By Sup I T
•Apr 7, 2024
This course did a great job and explaining the concepts and the practice quizzes made all the difference for the final exam as well. Not to mention help you understand where your weaknesses about the concepts are.
By Dean H
•Mar 7, 2022
Although obviously many of the topics were not coverd in extensive detail, what is really good to know is precisely what Google, the most significant entity on the web, thinks one needs to know for a career in IT.