Jan 25, 2018
A lot of information, but i feel like i fully understand core networking concepts. A lot of this info has helped me comprehend what will be required for me when I take my Network + certification exam.
Jul 8, 2021
I found the bits and Bytes of Computer Networking course very much interesting and challenging. I need lots of time to fully learn this interesting field which is full of innovations and experiments.
By Jim O
•Sep 3, 2020
I learned that Networking isn't scary, way above my head, and unlearnable. I am A+ certified and have avoided Network+ like the plaque. Maybe now I will try it. This is no small thing for me!
This was a challenging and enjoyable experience. I learned a lot. I gained more knowledge in Networking with this course than in my A+ certification.
Victor did a good job conveying the course material. The videos were engaging. I would recommend this course to those who want to gain a solid foundation of Networking concepts.
So, that's my experience!
By Eddie M
•Mar 31, 2018
this course was more difficult than the first course. Overall , I would say the only thing that could be improved would be to somehow let us know what are the most important subjects to learn to help preparing for the quizes . sometimes i dont know what specifically are the key topics. i could be wrong but it seems like sometimes the intro video doesnt always highlight what are the most important subjects to learn. the course itself is becoming more challenging. hopefully this leads to that 30/hr job they said this will prepare you for .
By Ashley A
•Feb 18, 2021
This course was very informative! It was packed with so much information, but they did a really good job at breaking down the information in a way that makes more sense. I really enjoyed that they included a lot of visual and interactive aspects, to help you better understand how and why things work the way they do. It's A LOT of information, and can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, but it was so worth it! I learned so much taking this course, and have already begun to apply some of the course material to some smaller scale tasks.
By Erin B
•Feb 25, 2019
I absolutely LOVED this course! It was interesting throughout, although I seemed to light up particularly in the troubleshooting section as well as where we're headed next in terms of cloud services and IPv6. I had to spend some extra time getting the practice of subnetting. I searched for other explanations with sample problems to ensure I really grasped it. The course was written well, and Victor delivered it masterfully. I am extremely appreciative of my newly gained knowledge, and am excited to build on it even further. Thanks!
By David E T
•Jun 21, 2019
I found this course vigorous and stimulating, yet satisfying. Having had some educational experience in some of the subjects of this course, I found there was more to learn. I learned much more about IPv6 and dealing with shrinking the address down to a lower common denominator. It had me scratching my head for a little awhile. Still, I'm grateful for learning more after coming in than what I had before coming in.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming courses so I can improve myself and become a better tech.
Thank you so very much.
By Gena L
•Feb 20, 2021
While I absolutely loved the instructor and his way of explaining the content, I did find the information to be very challenging and not always shown in a way that would easily translate into where and how to utilize the information in real life scenarios. However, there was lots of valuable takeaways and it did shine a lot of light onto the intricacy and detail that goes into computing and the behind the scenes of transmitting even the smallest piece of data. Take lots of notes and study often, the graded assessments are tough!
By Adan N
•Jul 17, 2020
This course was very good in explaining to me all of the technicals and complicated intricasies that go into computer networking. Wow, I was just blown away by how complicated yet seamless computers talk to each other. From the 5 layer application model, to the differences between TCP and UDP, to WPA2 vs WEP, to Adhoc Networks, to Frequency Channels that Mobile devices operate on, it was incredible in closing a lot of information gaps I had. This course, although very tough in some parts, was very good! I highly recommend it.
By Luis S
•Sep 15, 2020
Well designed course. I enjoyed watching the videos and the instructor inspired confidence and enjoyed "the blue skies and the clouds". If you are new to the field, all the terms (protocols, packets, datagrams, traceroute, nslookup and the like) will seem overwhelming but all pieces fall into place at some point. Just keep practicing and don't give up. Soon you will find yourself translating the terms when you see them in your daily life.....Now I know what that MAC address mean in my printer....Kudos Victor Escobedo.
By Alice C
•Nov 17, 2020
As a largely self-taught computer professional (training and systems operations) I was really happy learn all this information about networking, which I knew very little about, and which seemed to me like an arcane and mysterious field. This was a great overview. While I may not ever delve more deeply into the depths of networking (i'm more interested in moving into software development than networking) I feel better having learned this information. It was taught clearly, and the diagrams were very helpful.
Thank you.
By Anastasia M
•Feb 15, 2020
I work in Tech Support and lots of things I heard before, but I was missing the understanding of the physical and transport layer stuff. I really liked this course, it was not hard for me, but still very useful. Taking a CompTIA certification is not necessary for me, so I saved a ton of money by taking this course, which covers only what I need. Also, I found out that no one on my team heard of the Test-NetConnection command for Powershell. I will coach them and we all will be working a little bit more efficiently.
By Noah B
•Mar 20, 2019
So far, the difficulty has been upped by a notch and providing a challenge but it is rewarding in the sense that I am really challenging the knowledge I'm obtaining and making me want to comprehend it in the fullest. I am opening Pandora's box of knowledge and seeing where my cap off point is. I like the challenge and what it brings forth to the plate. But, I know there's more to be uncovered and more to know so it is very much rewarding and gratifying once I put all the pieces together and complete the puzzle.
By Calasanz R Z
•Feb 11, 2021
When I dive in on this learning journey, I programmed my mindset that it would not be easy. But it is worth investing my time to learn it. And the most important thing is I am enjoying this learning journey. And by the way, just to share with everybody, it is not about reaching the destination, it is all about the journey of having fun. :) A great course, and I am grateful and thankful for Coursera and Google. I am so excited for the next button to click on my next learning journey :) Try it and have fun!
By Dheepak J
•Aug 18, 2019
This is a great course that is tailor made for students and professionals aspiring to ramp up on their networking skills. Networking skills require quite a different mental mapping to understand how your thinking must be to understand intricate concepts. The history, current trend and the future evolution too have found a place in this phenomenal course - thanks to the efforts put in by the creators. There are inspiration videos embedded in between to boost your morale. Don't miss to check this course out.
By Kevin P
•Jun 18, 2020
This course was well balanced in theoretical and practical aspects. This course definitely made my fundamentals strong in the networking field. It was difficult for me to understand some concepts like DNS resource record and DNS zones which I feel should be taken in more depth. The examples of the ping, traceroute, and other commands in the real world networking scenario would have been an absolute knowledge booster. Anyway, I am thankful to Coursera and Google for helping me to guide learn this.
By Michael M
•Feb 1, 2021
I've taken a course like this once more about 15 years ago, and it literally took 3 months to teach a full class full of post adolescent kids how to understand this stuff and put it into practice. Because this portion was so heavy on technical details, I wonder if there is a more engaging way for students to really remember the material. Some of the projects could have included constructing IP Datagrams or Ethernet frames, or putting a network together from scratch. Otherwise, fantastic stuff.
•Jun 17, 2020
I would like to specially thank the instructor Mr. Victor Escobedo, who is the best course instructor I have ever come across on Coursera! The eternal smile on his face, friendly tone and frequent Networking puns make the course all the more interesting and easy. All the other Google employees who made special appearances in this course also seemed so cool, that made me wonder what an amazing experience it would be to work with such people around everyday.
Thanks a lot to , Google and Coursera!
By Indy R
•Oct 16, 2020
I am always skeptical of online courses, but I would recommend this course to anyone, regardless of their career choice. The speakers are dynamic, the work is a great refresher and not too watered down, yet it also works great for someone who has no prior knowledge of computers or networking. Even if something drastic occurred and I couldn't use the certificate, it is well worth the time and money to learn about the technology we use everyday. Thank you for all of your efforts Google Team!
By Sebastián F
•Dec 31, 2020
I think it was a very interesting and technical course, it allows to understand how networks and communications work all in sync, basically it helps put a lot of concepts together. I suppose in the next courses we will see more of the troubleshooting and for example how to diagnose using DNS or some network configurations with examples. Though I think it would be useful to insert some real scenarios here as well. I think the example interview introduced in between is an awesome addition.
By Alfred C
•Aug 6, 2019
The amount and way the information was presented was amazing! They made some very complicated concepts understandable for ordinary people to understand. Obviously, you won't be able to remember and digest everything in one go, which is why taking great notes is essential if you want to get your money and time worth. Simply watching this and nodding along without any prior knowledge to networking will be ineffective in understanding the material. Overall, would recommend to anyone.
By Elizabeth B
•Feb 9, 2020
This course was a bit more difficult than it's predecessor, but that was to be expected. Overall I found this course both amazingly informative but also interesting. Like the previous course the instructor took the time to explain things in simple laymen terms before using esoteric terms. The course did not feel rushed nor was the information so dense that it was overwhelming. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is a beginner but would like to know more about networking.
By Curtis W
•Nov 9, 2020
Fantastic! Instructor was awesome. Tons of information to digest. I definitely will be referring back to this course for refreshers. I just can't wait to see how I apply this in the real world! I'm excited! Google, if you're getting this messages, you got yourself a dedicated IT person in the making! Please please please get me my first shot in a professional role or maybe a company you recommend! Thank you so much for building this course. I'm excited to learn more!- Curtis
By Kirill S
•Jun 5, 2020
Informative, with links to great resources. An easy listen with pretty clear explanations of the materials. There were some moments in the quizzes where wording made it difficult to understand what was being asked, but otherwise very good! I would suggest adding some of those interactive quizzes as practices during lessons (the broadband one is a great example, it was rather difficult to do because I didn't get a visual demonstration during the lessons.
Thank you very much!
By Tatiana P
•May 6, 2019 having literally taken up the mystery challenge up the stack to demystify Level 3 (OS & You: Becoming the Power User) and another hop to Level 5 (IT Automation: It's Not That Scary (both completed, 100%), - it was time for untangling of TCP/IP "Layered Affair" encapsulation/de-encapsulation: Level 2 completed on Cinco de Mayo, 100%.
Hats off to Google's fun+mental team for "deep diving" into rock solid 6 weeks of The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
•Sep 25, 2020
I have learned many things in the college before. All the information i have got so far in this course is not new for me. But, it was amazing to have this course and i really enjoyed it. In the college i had to take all the fundamental credits along my interest one, which was annoying and some how i could not keep up with technology. No complain but found really what i was looking for long time ago.
thank you google and coursera to make it possible for me and many others.
By Dorde J
•Oct 3, 2020
In my opinion, it is important to understand Computer Networking in general, and even if you are not an IT savvy. Also, when you look at the fact how billions of people around the globe are interconnected with computers, smartphones and other devices you will realize why this is an important skill to have. Computer Networking will give you fundamental knowledge about the networks and you can apply it in your home or even in your office/corporate or virtual environment.