Oct 1, 2022
merci pour ce cours très enrichissant qui couvert beaucoup des aspects de base de langue française et bien sûr donne les clès pour savoir comment bien vivre en france et trouver le bonheur là-bas.
Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
By Liang C
•Oct 22, 2019
J’aimerais beaucoup ce cours qu‘ils sont complètement différent que des autres cours Français sont très interessant,j’ai bien appris dans ce cours
Merci les profs
By Abhimanyu R
•Apr 24, 2021
No translation from English to french
By Voora L H
•Aug 13, 2020
no english subtitles
By Dr S G
•May 1, 2020
Un cours intéressant et soigneusement planifié dont j'ai profité énormément. J'éprouve un véritable désir d'aller en France pour explorer les repas gastronomiques. J'ai bien aimé les informations relatives à la pronunciation, la grammaire et la culture en France. L'enseignement par les trois professeurs était passionannt.
Un grand "merci"!
By Ayoub E h
•Jul 21, 2023
c est un honneur pour moi d avoir cette opportunité d apprentissage sur cette suis très reconnaissant à tous les professeurs qui m' ont aidé à parvenir ce niveau
By Jose Z
•Jan 11, 2020
como enseñas francés en francés??
By Libia M C
•Jun 6, 2019
Me ha encantado hacerlo. Después de vivir en Francia 8 años olvidas la gramática y me ha ayudado mucho a ponerme al día. Lo recomiendo un cien por cien.
By Yan L
•Feb 14, 2019
Meilleurs courses de la langue française que j'ai jamais eu. Merci beaucoup!
By Megan V A
•Jan 20, 2018
Halfway through, I'm finding that the actual lessons are a bit lacking. There is a VERY brief overview of what you should be learning in the section, but it's way too quick to learn the idea, if you haven't learned it before. If it's something you're already familiar with, it's a good review/overview, but it's just not enough to learn the idea from scratch. Then you suffer through quizzes, trying to learn from your wrong answers with little feedback (which is frustrating and de-motivating) or you search online for other material to learn from, which defeats the purpose, in my opinion.
By Diogo T
•Jan 28, 2020
The course is well structured and well prepared, but it's not a B1/B2 level. Maybe you can say it's a B1, but for sure not B2.
By Melissa B
•Dec 5, 2020
You can't hear the speaker because of all the background noise from the cars and stuff. This is not what I expected. I am using Pimsleur method at the moment and am at the intermediate level. I was expecting this to flow similar to that where they teach you phrases and expressions, not just straight listening. I might try this again next year.
By Maria F
•Sep 5, 2022
This course was exactly what I needed to push me further forward after a fairly monotonous start on Duolingo. It challenged me to far more complex language, faster speaking, and helped me level up to an intermediate level. It also offered some great resources for continuing learning like the TV5 Monde resource. I personally recommend Tandem to those who don't live in a French speaking place currently but need to practice their written and verbal expression. Thank you for a wonderful course. Peace!
By Amanda C T F d O
•Jan 2, 2018
Magnifique cours de français. Professeurs incroyables! je vous dit franchement ce cours est plus efficace que aucuns présentiels. Félicitations.
By Fatima-zahra E
•Jun 22, 2019
c'est excellent cour bien complet ,il touche la langue française dans sa globalité: grammaire conjugaison ,l'écrit l'orale .. bon courage à tous
By Robert C
•Apr 28, 2019
Excellent course. Well conceived, really very good use of technology. Not always easy, but always interesting and rewarding. Thanks!
By Michael G
•Feb 20, 2019
The course is very well-structured and gives you lots of new and exciting things to learn. I have enjoyed every minute. Thank you.
By Marino E W
•Jan 14, 2019
One of the best courses i've ever attended. It is challenging and contains interesting content. I can just highly recommend it.
By Jacqueline L
•Apr 22, 2019
I really enjoyed that the due dates were flexible and that you could advance in the course if you were ready.
By Ngoc N
•Feb 6, 2019
Clear and informative course! Highly recommend for learners who would plan to take DELF B1-B2 so far.
By Ella
•Oct 27, 2019
c'est un peu difficile pour moi mais vraiment m'aide sur l'oral et l'ecrit ensemble.
By Andre R P
•May 15, 2019
Very diversified and broad learning on French Language Intermediate Level.
By Rebeca P V
•Nov 10, 2022
J'ai trouvé le course util. Il y a un peu de tout donc tu peux pratiquer la compréhension écrite, oral, la prononciation et la ecriture du textes en français. Le course est vraiment un niveau B1-B2, donc tout qui veut le prendre doit avoir de notions de base en français. Les vidéos sont sympas et les explications du grammaire et la prononciation se comprennent bien. Je pense que la structure du course (l'ordre du les leçons de grammatique) est un peu bizarre. En plus, des fois il y a beaucoup d'explication (i.e le passé composé) et des autres fois c'est insuffisant. Le même pour les test : des fois, sont basés sur ce qui a été expliqué dans les leçons, mais des autres, les questions ne sont pas similaires aux explications. Il me manque des sommaires en PDF du leçons de grammatique. Le vídeo est bien pour comprendre mais ça serait mieux d'avoir de PDF avec renforcer l'apprentissage.
By Maggie G
•Nov 23, 2020
I found that the software did not deal well with my keyboard, which is not a US keyboard. I was marked wrong on some of the assignments which involved words with accents, although my answer was right e.g.é, q'on, etc. That was annoying. Additionally, I did not like the aspect of having students mark each other's essays. I have no idea whether another student has made mistakes or not, unless it is really bad. That was the case at the beginning of the course, where some of the students clearly were working above their level. I assume they did not continue, as the later ones seemed fine to me. I noticed that they also did not correct mine, as they probably had the same trouble. Otherwise, I liked the course and it was helpful to refresh my knowledge.
By Zlatica S H
•Dec 2, 2021
Overall, I like the course. It was just challenging enough, but doable, for me. The presentations are appropriate length and teachers speak clearly and concisely. I like the quizzes although some of the questions are not clear enough.
What I did not like is running into some technical issues. A few times I would complete an assignment but could not move on because the next step was locked and it kept asking me to go back and finish the assignment I already completed.
Also, I moved forward carefully, step by step, to ensure I miss nothing. But when i check the course overview, I would find that I was missing some parts, i.e. the green circles were not full, and so I would have to go back and find the part I missed. This should not be happening.
By Jonny G
•Feb 7, 2017
I audited the free version of the course. I found it helpful in brushing up and polishing parts of French which can sometimes be difficult to find and study online. There's a great portion of French media that is incoporated in the course which is great. Film clips, comic strips, pieces of writing.
If this course lacks two things it would be more assignments, especially practice quizzes. And above that, more detail for some of the topics. For instance, I found the covering of pronouns to be lacking, particular in detailing the difference between "dont", "a qui", "à lequel", etc. and then asking questions about it. A good course. I think worth the time.