Oct 1, 2022
merci pour ce cours très enrichissant qui couvert beaucoup des aspects de base de langue française et bien sûr donne les clès pour savoir comment bien vivre en france et trouver le bonheur là-bas.
Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
By David S M
•Oct 14, 2021
Muy completo y ameno
By Nadia I
•Apr 17, 2019
Great course
By Panchio R
•Feb 10, 2019
Bon course
•Jun 29, 2023
très bien
By walid h
•Jul 7, 2023
•Jul 3, 2023
By Bastiaan B
•Jun 16, 2020
Overall a well-constructed course, which covers the essentials for learning a new language: pronunciation, reading, vocabulary, writing, listening.
Sometimes I felt some exercises merited a bit more background information. For instance, a video would cover a certain topic briefly, and the exercise would delve into an aspect of grammar that had not been covered in the video. But overall, the connection between the topics and sections was good.
Having a good basic understanding of French is essential, as there is not a lot of repitition in grammar exercises, etc.
The course focuses on students that go to France for a program, but I found it equally suitable for people that want to move to France for work or otherwise.
By Rachael R
•Dec 9, 2019
The course is well-organized and I feel I learned a lot. My only complaint is that since the assignments are peer-reviewed, they can be marked incorrectly without any means of rectification. One of the two graders on my final assignment seemed to assign points randomly. They gave me a 0 out of 2 for examples given, where 0 meant no examples, 1 meant 1-2 examples, and 2 meant 2+ examples, but I gave four examples altogether. Ultimately, I am happy with having taken this course and would recommend it.
By Julieta B
•Aug 12, 2019
I loved the course. It helped me to review and understand grammar rules that I didn't really understand before. I learned very useful vocabulary and a lot of things about France. I really recommend it.
By Josean
•Aug 29, 2019
C'est formidable,, J'ai appris beaucoup
By mishael
•Mar 12, 2019
great course
By Mirre t
•Jun 9, 2020
Nice if you want a small boost in remembering your French, but for me it didn't work as well as I had hoped, as there was no speaking involved.
By Bijayeta p
•May 8, 2020
I want a beginner edition.
By Elizabeth D C
•Apr 1, 2021
J'ai juste besoin de parler pour mieux appliquer la grammaire et l'écriture .
Grâce à votre cours j'ai acquis de nombreuses compétences.
•May 14, 2021
Too difficult for Non Native learners.
By Lezli R
•Oct 23, 2020
After seeing this course was the wrong level for me I attempted to un-enrol. This function does not work, and there is no way to stop the emails coming about my lack of progress. A comment on Coursera rather than the course itself.
By Sandhya N
•Dec 25, 2020
I am looking for the translation course from English to French
no only in French
Thank you
By linda a
•Aug 18, 2024
If there are translation in English would be better, the course is very difficult for B1.
By Houda E b
•Jun 20, 2021
Je n'aime pas cette cource pour étudier français. Mal cource.
By Idris G
•Jul 14, 2021
isn fit the non france
By Israa M D
•Jan 1, 2018
, Mes professeurs
Vraiment , je vous remercie mille fois pour vos tous qui me touchent au profound mon cœur pour vos félicitations sur mon compte Gmail...
Franchement , je suis très fière de votre témoignage pour mon niveau en français.
Ce cours était extraordinaire ✨
En réalité , je vais finire bientôt ma licence de la littérature française à l'Université de Hama qui est ma ville natale en Syrie pour cela j'ai quellques questions , s'il vous plaît !
Est-ce que l'École polytechnique donne des bourses universitaires aux étudiants étrangères comme les syriens pour continuer les études supérieurs (des Masters) ???
Est-ce qu'il y a de Masers en ligne pour les spécialistes de la littérature française et est-ce qu'il y a de Master du FLE via l'École polytechnique ??? Sur Coursera ?
Je veux vous remercier une autre fois pour vos efforts de présenter les autres niveaux de DELF et moi je les attendrai ! En plus , j'ai une autre question , moi , je veux partager ma réussite de cours ( Étudier en France : cours de français intermédiaire B1-B2 ) sur Facebook , mais comment je peux témoigner ce cours , est-ce qu'il y a un site officiel de ce cours , de l'École polytechnique ,de Coursera ou est-ce qu'il y a de comptes pour vous sur Facebook pour vous remercier et aussi pour mon entourage va connaître tous cela , parce que j'aime faire un signal pour un témoignage à travers de vous sur ma publication .
Respectueusement !
Israa Mohammad Daour ,
By Juan D L A
•Jun 22, 2020
Ce cours est bien structuré, assez didactique. Il couvre beacoup des sujets, des thématiques. Il offre des ressources, des quizes syntaxiques, alors que vous apprenez aussi des sujets off-topic, comme l'histoire de la france, certains mots sont étudies completment, et il y a un petit touche avec la culture française.
Le niveau dans lequel vous pouvez commencer ce cours, je l'ai senti entre A2 et B1, et il y a un part du même qui est dediqué a les prononciations.
Comme je l'ai écrit avant, ce cours est complete dans les sujets qui couvre, en qualitée et en varietée.
Merci beaucoup a tout le group qui l'a fait possible pour m'amuser pendant ces temps.
This course is well structured, quite didactique. It covers a lot of subjets, thematics. It offers ressources, sintaxic and complete (in the sense of covering most subjets) quizes, for the student to learn fast and accurately. There are also off-topic subjets, like some focus in history and french culture (there are more).
The leve of french in which I felt it for starting was between A2 and B1.
Thanks to the whole team that made this course possible for entertaining me through this times.
By Alexandra M K
•May 10, 2020
*Everything is in French so suitable for all learners, no matter what their native language is.
*Very well structured.
*Review of various grammar points.
*Good mixture of grammar/reading/writing/listening/pronunciation.
*Accurate time to complete course stated.
*Suitable for B1-B2 level learners.
*Some people mention the peer-grading system. It is not ideal but for a highly demanded online course like this unfortunately, peer-grading is the only option when submitting written assignments. It is not possible for professors to grade everyone's work individually.
*I wish there were more online courses like this for French learners!
This course was fantastic! I am not planning to study in France but I still found the topics very useful and interesting. The course is very well structured and I feel like I have progressed so much over the last 6 weeks. I have reviewed a lot of language that I had forgotten, been able to understand grammar that I had difficulty grasping in the past, and learned more about the French history and culture.
Merci beaucoup pour tout!
By carlos r
•Jun 17, 2020
Le cours "Étudier en France: cours intermédiaire de français B1-B2" me semble une excellente contribution à l'apprentissage et / ou à l'amélioration de cette belle langue. Dans mon cas, cela m'a permis de mettre à jour mes connaissances, d'en acquérir d'autres et de reprendre la lecture et l'écriture de textes en français. Je pense que les professeurs qui ont été en charge ont très bien fait: ce sont des professionnels qui connaissent leurs matières, la conception méthodologique est impeccable et les cours sont agréables. Je vous félicite pour votre dévouement et votre bon sens pédagogique. Maintenant, je pense qu'il y a des aspects qui sont très difficiles à enseigner ou à acquérir en si peu de temps. Par exemple, les aspects phonétiques de la langue. La meilleure chose, à mon goût, était la révision des temps et des modes verbaux. Les systèmes d'évaluation me semblent excellents, car ils permettent d'apprendre des erreurs. Recevez encore une fois mes remerciements et mes félicitations. Carlos F. Reyes, professeur d'espagnol.
By Svetla M
•May 7, 2020
Amazing course! Excellent organization of the lectures and course materials, good structure in terms of variation of lectures and quizzes. The lecturers are charismatic. Two disadvantages from my point of view: 1) incorrect answers to some of the quiz questions do not bear explanations as to why they are incorrect or what is the correct answer and why, and the student has to retake the test to find out the right answer and, if available, the note as why it is correct; 2) I was overwhelmed at certain moments by grammatical classifications, such as pronoms personnels, pronoms relatives, etc. While I appreciate the knowledge that they bring, and the examples, the classification in itself was too much; one or two of the quizzes also contain questions based on classifications, (for example a quiz in Week 6), which was unnecessary, I think. On the overall, however, I really appreciated the course and the immense work and preparation behind it. Thank you, Isabelle, Julie et Olivier!