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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Everyday Chinese Medicine by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1,044 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to serve as an education platform on Chinese medicine (CM) for the general public. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on CM diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as regulation on CM services and herbal products using international examples. In the first part of this course, learners will develop skills in applying basic theory of Chinese medicine (CM) for understanding health and illnesses, and be able to compare and contrast views from Chinese and western medicine perspectives. In the second part, learners will be able to diagnose their own CM body constitution, and to apply appropriate CM self-care practice including food therapy, acupressure, Baduanjin and meditation. Learners will also be able to identify commonly used Chinese herbs, and to describe the core principle of acupuncture. Specific competencies include: 1. State the basic theory of Chinese medicine and compare it with the principle of western medicine. 2. Apply the diagnostic approach of Chinese medicine and describe one’s body constitution. 3. Describe the core principle of Chinese herbs and acupuncture, and to understand their role in promoting health and wellness. 4. Develop self-care plan according to body constitution, using the practice of food therapy, acupressure, and Baduanjin....

Top reviews


Feb 19, 2019

My interest in herbalism and alternate medicine brought me to this course. It was very informative indeed and I made notes often. The tests are also to the point. Thank you, professors and Coursera!


Dec 28, 2020

A very nice program for understanding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Quite analogous to the Ayurvedic Medicine that deals with imbalance of vata (air), pittha (fire) and kapha (cold).

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26 - 50 of 368 Reviews for Everyday Chinese Medicine

By peigee W


Sep 10, 2019

The course contents are ok, but no one to ask or to discuss. The discussion forum isn't useful and active and no one from the school monitors and answers questions. Just some clipped-together teaching videos and quiz. No reading materials and no staff participation from the School.

By Aedrian A


May 7, 2021

This is an excellent and concise introduction to the foundational principles of Chinese Medicine geared for laypeople in the field like me. I appreciate the effort the creators exerted to make it as understandable as possible, and to emphasize the difference this medical system has versus conventional allopathic or Western medicine. Nevertheless, listening intently to the lectures and perhaps repeating the videos to improve retention are recommended, as the quizzes are quite challenging and deals with details.

By Víctor A


Jun 12, 2023

Exceptional course

The videos are well timed, keeping the attention of the audience.

The contents are well elaborated and explained.

The evaluation questions use an adequate methodology to fix the knowledge.

I would like to give a special thanks to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for offering me this opportunity to learn knowledge.

I would also like to thank COURSERA for once again giving me the opportunity to expand my knowledge through the internet.

By Fionn R


Jun 27, 2023

I signed up for this course on an impulse, after reading a book on the subject. I am also in my third week of practicing Qi Gong. The concepts are explained simply and concisely, with very useful examples. This course is going to be a very helpful guide to helping me keep my health on track. I am looking forward to taking the second part of the course. Taking out a Coursera subscription is something I am considering for the not-too-distant future.

By Mónica A R


Feb 13, 2022

This has been an entretaining course to take, althoug it can be easy if you have studied the basics before. It is easy, quick and it taughts you the basics in an easy languaje to be undertandble by everyone. Apart of the books ( which can be easily obtained free and pdf by copy-pasting the name in google) that they request, they are not necessary for the course but a little help to approach more serious and professional view as a basic level.

By Alejandra H


Aug 28, 2021

Excellent course. Concrete and precise in the definitions.

It offers a very clear description of the bases of diagnosis in Chinese medicine.

The learning objectives are widely met. The information that can be obtained by the pulse was very interesting to me.

I am going to read everything again to consolidate some concepts, especially those that differ the most from western medicine.

I would like to learn more in depth the concept of qi.

By Robyn S


Jul 11, 2022

Very detailed overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine. From finishing this course, it is obvious how detailed the diagnosis and treatment of ailments is for TCM practitioners. After learning about Western medicine, it is sometimes difficult to factor in the importance of Qi, Yin and Yang to processes. This is a very well presented course by well-spoken Chinese lecturers who are fluent in the English language. Thank you all.

By Helena V


Feb 14, 2025

Me gustó mucho, me pareció muy didáctico. Tuve problema con el formato de las evaluaciones, sobretodo cuando eran varias opciones y las de escribir, me parece que no funcionan bien. Valdría la pena una revisión de la manera cómo se deben contestar. Yo no estoy interesada en la nota, sólo quiero aprender. Muchas gracias y Felicitaciones a los profesores y a todo el equipo de Coursera.

By Scott S


Sep 27, 2020

Excellent way to learn the basics from professors at a major Hong Kong institution. The combination of reading, videos, transcriptions and quizzes works well for retaining and understanding the interrelationships between a large amount of practical and theoretical information. Thank you! Only suggested improvement: Make course readings available to students on the course site.

By Gloria G


Jun 10, 2018

The course has been very extraordinary. It has been a most enriching experience to understand the basis of Chinese medicine, given that it is so different I think it contributes much more than expected, besides having become very interesting to continue studying about it. Thank you very much, you have done an excellent level course, congratulations!

By Lim P T


Dec 1, 2019

Interesting course that give a good understanding on fundamental theory of Chinese Medicine. The explanation are clear with diagrams and pictures. The examples of the different types of breathing and cough are useful. The content can be further enhanced with more real life pictures and videos of various diseases symptoms.

By Jhoy S


Nov 4, 2018

I hope after this course, there will be next level course suggestions on Chinese Medicine if I wanted to learn more than the basic. It will be good also if the discussion will include more detailed examples and lessons because I think the exams are very easy to pass (or maybe I just listened well ;) ). Thank you.

By Rita z


May 25, 2022

the course really opened my mind. Really interesting and the way it was divivded not long videos was very helpful to learn the subject. I found it to be the best course for lay people and even professionals . Thank you so much i would recommend this course for anyone interested inot their self well being.

By Moriko S


Mar 31, 2021

Definitely I am so exciting to learn Chinese Medicine as collaborative knowledge. Chinese medicine giving a new perspective to treat the patient and many benefit can applying to cure the patient. I hope that I can finisih the chinese medicine. Thank to the All Lecturer on this course and Coursera.

By Nicholas C


May 12, 2020

I wanted to learn about alternative, more 'natural' forms of medicine as I've always found these to work better for minor maladies. I was impressed by the course as it gave the important fundamental theories with explanations, and went on to explain common sicknesses. Overall, a very useful course!



May 25, 2020

Overall, a great course. Very easy to understand and well put together lectures. The quizzes were challenging and covered a large breadth of knowledge. The readings also supplemented the material very well. Am looking forward to using this to supplement my doctoral chinese medicine work.

By Marta D L C


Mar 10, 2021

Wonderful course, considers the human being integrated with nature in health care, in addition, it demonstrates how our organism works in unity. Excellent teaching, which allows people from other cultures to understand the basis of this gift for humanity, which is Chinese medicine.

By Anodid


Oct 20, 2022

It was concise, and reached my goal to familiarize myself to the TCM. I was wondering though why you did not even mention acupuncture (maybe because it is not TCM but CM Course:-)) or maybe in part 2. Thank you for this opporunity to all the enthusiastic lecturers of this course!



Aug 15, 2020

This is a great course. It is somehow introductory but the explanations are great, perfectly detailed and the use of diagrams and illustrations helps a lot. I hope you can continue offering this type of courses (on TCM) online here or directly from your department webpage.


By Chan I K


Jun 3, 2020

Intensive yet precisely include the essence of the basic Chinese Medicine knowledge in the course and present the knowledge in an easy to comprehend manner, recommend for anyone who are interested in stepping into the miraculous world of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

By Lesha B


Jan 10, 2023

Awesome course. I learned a tremendous amount of information from the material provided. Thanks, to those at Hong Kong University for providing this course! I plan to utilize this course for both my personal health and my small business interest in natural medicine.

By Kun W T


Dec 9, 2020

It was very fruitful to have the chance to study TCM in English version. TCM is very different from Western Medical study. This angle of medical view is certainly very useful and I believed that TCM will become parts of medical study syllabus in time to comes.

By Lara S


Jun 26, 2020

Excellent detailed introduction course to Chinese Medicine! The video lectures went into perfect depth and the optional readings went into extreme depth. Both supplement one another very well and I feel I am able to diagnose myself accurately as well as others!

By mc64zd


Nov 8, 2020

He aprendido muchas nociones sobre la medicina china que desconocía. Me ha resultado algo mas difícil por tener que ir traduciendo al español ya aunque algunos apartados estaban traducido no lo estaba la totalidad del curso asi como los exámenes tampoco.