Feb 19, 2019
My interest in herbalism and alternate medicine brought me to this course. It was very informative indeed and I made notes often. The tests are also to the point. Thank you, professors and Coursera!
Dec 28, 2020
A very nice program for understanding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Quite analogous to the Ayurvedic Medicine that deals with imbalance of vata (air), pittha (fire) and kapha (cold).
By Miriam M
•Mar 29, 2020
Really great course! Very easy to follow and gives a very good idea of Chinese Medicine, i highly recommend it for anyone interested in the topic. The only thing missing, that is probably related to coursera, is to be able to download the whole course.
By Brandon P A
•May 23, 2022
Well done. The course is very good at establishing fundamental theory of TCM at introductory level with very structured content. Minor point on the last bit of material is a bit overwhelming as it just lists diseases out of context but is insightful.
By R. J R
•Apr 24, 2020
Absolutely informative! great introduction to actual Chinese Medicine. it is my dream to become a Chinese Medicine Practitioner! and this opened me up to more about what I will hopefully one day be practicing daily!
Thank you so much for this course!
•Jun 3, 2021
I find it very difficult to understand. Well that's why not everyone can be a doctor. It's very different from western medicine hence we need to empty our glass to fill it with new knowledge e.g. linking yin and yang and five elements to our organs.
By Sripan J
•Oct 19, 2023
Very good class. I have gained knowledges as expected. The class is understandable and not too difficult to learn. The professors who present in each topic are also knowledgeable. I have already registered for the next class. Thank you so much.
By Yaki W
•Nov 1, 2018
Great content and intro to TCM! As a bilingual student I wish the course was conducted in Chinese with English subtitles. This would allow me to calibrate what I already know in Chinese and learn the terms to explain it to an English audience.
By Tatiane B T L
•Nov 18, 2019
I really enjoyed the course, having contributed to the application of the knowledge I am already seeking. I suggest that the opposite number of hours appear on the back of the certificate. This information was missing.
By Orlando P G
•Dec 9, 2024
I learned the same things I had already learned in an extensive four-year Traditional Chinese Medicine course in my hometown. But at Cousera I was taught a didactic approach to the knowledge I had previously acquired.
By kathy S Z
•Jun 22, 2022
A wonderful overview of Chinese Medicine. Though it is hard to understand, at times, the script at the bottom is very useful. And the tests were hard enough to be challenging, but well taught in the sessions.
By K L
•Apr 1, 2021
Excellent course with comprehensive detail and explained with clear diagrams and summarising tables. Explanation is also direct and straight forward. Love this course and look forward to the Part 2. Thank you.
•Mar 3, 2021
The course is very enlightening, it was formulated gradually, generating an easy line of understanding. I loved to know more about this side of medicine that is so little talked about in my country in Brazil.
•Dec 24, 2021
Useful first class course content and efficiency in automatic generating of the Certificate of Completion! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Coursera & University Team, and everyone in the World!
By Mercedes C
•Jun 30, 2022
Me gustó mucho, me forzó a aprender otros conceptos, el único problema que veo es que los examenes son en inglés y a veces los conceptos no son tan claros para los que como yo vamos traduciendo todo
By Luis P
•Jul 31, 2019
faltarÃa añadir el tema de la acupresión y acupuntura como tambien tecnicas y remedios pero para explicar el tema de Qi y hacer un anlisis esta bien lo siguiente es ir adquiriendo mas conocimientos.
By Luis R H S O
•Aug 22, 2018
magnificente i really love it but the chinesse speaking engish was to complicated dont got a lot of explanation. but in general was awesome and reinforce my chinese medicine concepts and practice
By Fantin C
•Aug 10, 2020
I am a TCM student, and I deeply appreciated both the high quality of the contents, and the excellent pedagogy of this course. I feel grateful to have access to it, and highly recommend it.
By Thuy D
•Oct 2, 2023
The course is easy to learn and very interesting about TCM. I can apply the knowledge in my daily life to improve my health and care for my family. Please offer more courses about TCM.
By M J L M
•Jan 6, 2021
Muy buen curso como introducción a la MTC. Me volverÃa a inscribir. Y si programan otro curso de nivel más avanzado para profundizar en los conocimientos adquiridos, lo haré también.
By June P S
•Mar 29, 2021
The test questions are tricky. You have to read carefully before you answer. I enjoyed learning this overview of Chinese medicine. Hope you will have more courses on acupuncture.
By Noor-Ul-Ain
•Jul 14, 2021
Was so informative!! I loved the quiz segment at the end of each week, it allowed me to recall what I had learnt and allowed me to think back about the information I had learnt.
By Paul T
•Dec 3, 2021
Excellent introduction to the underlying theory and "process" of TCM. I had not been exposed to the Zhang-Fu organs or the larger concepts of Blood/Qi and Yin/Yang theory
By José A C S M
•May 22, 2020
very interesting and enriching to me. I study veterinary medicine, the course was fascinating. The concepts, approaches of Chinese medicine are very different and complex!
By Michal
•Feb 15, 2018
Basic course with nicely organised information, in my opinion good starting point for people who are interested in chinese medicine but do not have any medical knowledge.
By Annie H
•Jan 26, 2023
Excellent course! Opened my eyes and I learned a lot. Would definitely take another more in depth Chinese medicine course if Chinese University offers one. Thank you!