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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,138 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Sep 30, 2016

Extremely interesting course. I feel the material and videos were very easy to absorb and understand. I certainly would recommend this to anyone with an interest in food and how it affects our health.


Mar 10, 2023

This course has a lot of great information on nutrition and simple eating without being overwhelming. It gives practical advice that anyone seeking to eat healthier can implement in their daily lives.

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251 - 275 of 9,433 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Deleted A


Oct 19, 2020

This is, for me, an extraordinary course on food and health. Clear concepts, easy tips to improve health by changing feed habits reinforcing the healthy ones as well as clarifying and warning about unhealthy. I liked very much course presenters always going straight to the point in each presentation. In summary, short, concise, wise and friendly, that is my qualification for it. Congratulations and thank you very much. I do not hesitate to strongly recommend it.

By zory D C


Aug 26, 2020

Everything was interesting. I have a little confusion about sugar. I know it is better not to consume refined sugar, in some recipes Dr. Adam uses, probably if she says what substitutes will be more beneficial than sugar, it will help a little bit more. Other than that, I love the way she and Michael Pollan explained everything about food, and I also love her voice, sweet and determined. I am very grateful I found this web page to learn more from the best source.

By Brianna C


Jun 14, 2024

It's very informative and perfect for a beginner looking to better their eating habits and to make an overall lifestyle change to be healthier. It provides plenty of recipes you can try out yourself at the end and lots of resources to check out for yourself. The material within this course is also very transparent about how unhealthy the food the food industry pushes to us. This is definitely a course I would recommend for others who wish to better their diets.

By Naira B E


Nov 21, 2019

Me parece un muy buen curso básico sobre nutrición y alimentación, que permite a todos ser mas conscientes de lo que comemos. Como estudiante de nutrición me parece interesante las estrategias que se indican para que todos tengan una alimentación saludable dando pequeños pasos. Finalmente, me parece excelente que el curso este enfocado en todos los componentes de la alimentación tales como variables sociales, económicas, personales, disponibilidad, entre otras.

By LilWritingHood M A


Sep 26, 2020

Overall I found this course very educational and helpful. I want to become a nutritionist or dietician however classes don't start until next year. while covid has been happening I noticed all of my family including myself were starting to gain weight. Unfortunately places such as parks and gyms being closed makes it harder to get up and move but I think this course will have a very helpful role in helping me change my families eating lifestyle for the better.

By Lori R


Feb 15, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and shop the perimeter of the store. However, I am not instituting the 1/2 vegetable plate real estate rule yet. Right now they comprise a smaller portion on the plate. I found the grams of sugar converted to teaspoons helpful. I will share this knowledge with my family. Thank you for a wonderful course. I enjoyed the instructor and will look for others she might teach in the future.

By Susnetty B S


Jun 16, 2023

Stanford University has been at the forefront of research and education in the field of food and health. Their introduction to food and healthy living provides valuable insights and knowledge for individuals seeking to improve their well-being. The course covers essential topics such as nutrition, the impact of food choices on health, and practical strategies for making healthier dietary decisions.

thank you for giving me the opportunity to study here.

By Héctor S


Mar 31, 2022



By Anya H


May 5, 2020

I have successfully completed this course and it is one of a kind. It zeroes in on daily struggles pertaining to food and nutrition for the average person. This course not only simplified the complexities behind macro nutrients, it also focused on breaking down the jargon on nutrition labels - two things I had found confusing, until now. The quality of the videos is aesthetically pleasing and the lectures are engaging, and fascinating to say the least!

By Raeva I M


May 2, 2020

This course helped me to understand what the health is. Before I started it, I followed my intuition. Now I can make sensible decisions at supermarket. I got the point that the art of moderation is much better than simple elimination. Also, I am pleased to practice my English.

I want all people to watch it. Unfortunately, most of us are cynical about FOOD (not highly-processed part of it), especially in Russia. It inspires me to continue my education.

By Gemma V B


Sep 3, 2024

I liked this course, it is full of basic information that should be known by the majority of the population to be able to change routines and consume foods and not products, have a healthy diet and also change the mentality of those who do not understand that we are what we eat . This is a basic course to understand that having basic knowledge in something as important as the relationship between food and health can help change many wrong practices.

By Risalyat S


May 11, 2020

Thank you!!!!!!!!Thank you for your excellent course! I learned a lot, I learned that I eat wrong. You've been very helpful! I have acquired knowledge and skills that have helped and will help me in the future. In the future, I'm going to work as a nutritionist. I don't know if you'll answer me or not, but I have a question. Will there still be videos with recipes? can I watch them whenever possible and prepare meals at my home? Thank you again!!!!

By Carol M


Aug 26, 2017

While the information in this course is introductory, it was nice to see a nutrition course that focuses more on food choice than calculating nutrients. The information was well presented and easy for someone like me with a non-science background to understand. The amount of coursework was perfect since my motivation was personal learning and I have a full-time job. I would love to see follow-up courses since this piqued my interest to know more!

By xtra


Feb 3, 2016

I am a pharmacist and I'm recommending pharmacists too to enroll in this course. Yes, it is true that I myself am into reviewing the Nutritional Values of every item I shop and often compare one against another brand. But this course changed my mind. Thank you Maya for sharing this. Mothers, wives, and health care practitioners must do this firstly and make themselves healthy first before making a difference to another's health. Have a great day!

By Mario A T C


Feb 2, 2021

Maya and Michael shared really important information, in the way they explain they gave me really useful insights that I will use in my work performance every day.

Maya's recipes are great; all of her dishes and the way she cook and bake them are excellent. I loved seeing the gluten free dishes.


The jury of her gastronomic dishes made up of her three children was an excellent idea,

Thank you very much.

It was an honor to participate in this course.

By Beatriz L


May 1, 2020

This course is very useful for people who want to begin caring for their health. I do care for my health and that's why I already had most of the advice given in the course. However, attending this course has aided me in many ways. Not only the course has helped me with becoming familiar with nutrition vocabulary (because I'm Spanish) but it also has given me the motivation to keep and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thank you so much, professors!

By Rodrigo C


Oct 15, 2016

There very few things today that can set you mind apart and take your soul to full realization of an actual truth.

The topic and approach, but more than that, the clear personal commitment of Doctor Maya Adam, make this course an impactful experience and a real catalyst for change in your life, i felt it, and i want to live now by this value.

I want health for me and for my family specially my children, and i want to live long for them.

Thanks Maya

By Vahideh A


Jul 2, 2023

I really enjoyed participating this course and I want to apprerciate your hard work for sharing this information. Every single session was amazing and helpful. I have begun to omit trans fats from our diet, use more vegetables and cut down on coca cola. Besides, I will recommend my beloved ones to use these helpful tips in their nutrition to stay healthy. I cant wait to make marinated drumsticks with MAYA recipe.

My best regards,




Dec 7, 2020

Me ha parecido un curso muy enriquecedor ya que ne ha oermitido conocer y comprender los elementos que debo tener presente para tomar mejores decisiones al momento de seleccionar los alimentos que son realmente nutritivos de los que no lo son, igual me parecieron muy utiles las estrategias que proponen para mejorar los habitos alimenticios con el fin de tener mejores condiciones de salud y por ende una optima calidad de vida. Muchas gracias.

By Carol S


Apr 29, 2018

This course will go over basic nutritional factors everybody should know. I really enjoyed it. I am currently considered obese, and tend to get my back up with a lot of people and their suggestions about my diet. This course offers a friendly look at the health risks, and what you can do about it. The course was well laid out and informative. I loved all the recipes at the end too. It was also very easy to understand and really well presented.

By Rick W


Feb 11, 2016

I thought this was a terrific tutorial on the practicality of eating healthy. It's one thing to be concerned calorie intake and understand the nutritional differences between protein, carbs and fat. It's another thing to become knowledgeable about real vs processed food. I really hadn't thought much about that. I will be looking at a lot more ways to eat plant-based and fresh foods. I would recommend this course to everyone I know. Thanks!

By Mahamat M


Sep 12, 2023

Je trouve ce cours très formidable. Dans mon parcours, j'ai appris que notre alimentation peut en grande partie influencé notre état de santé. Ce cours m'a permis de comprendre de manière synthétique et fluide tout ce que je voulais savoir la nutrition. Je suis presque sûr qu'après cette formation, je vais manger sainement et mon état d'esprit sur les aliments à changer. Pas de termes spécifiques, donc c'est vraiment ouvert à tout le monde.

By Sabera P


May 10, 2018

It was a beautiful experience. The language, the content and the rationale behind this course was so easy to follow. i feel nourished just by doing this course. Thank you for these valuable bits of information towards leading a more healthy lifestyle. I will share the knowledge on to my husband who is a diabetic and aso inculcate the 'pearls of wisdom' with my 3-year old angle as we cherish the meals that we enjoy together in the evenings.

By swati g


Dec 9, 2018

Excellent course. This course is a reminder that health is wealth and good food is the route to good health. And therefore, we cannot outsource this work to large manufacturers of processed food or restaurants for that matter. We need to take charge of what we eat, how we eat and how much of it we eat. And fad diets are maybe convenient ways of reaching some goals in the short term but in the long run they are harmful for our well-being.

By Bibiana O O


Apr 29, 2019

Han sido excelentes momentos de reflexión sobre los hábitos alimenticios y cómo estos contribuyen con el bienestar general de la salud, tanto individual como de la familia.

Adicionalmente, me perimitío apreciar mi tierra natal, que a pesar de vivir en un país de tercer mundo, como es Colombia contamos con una diversidad en frutas, verduras, hortalizas, que propicia una sana alimentación.

Estoy muy agradecida con lo que estoy aprendiendo.