Sep 30, 2016
Extremely interesting course. I feel the material and videos were very easy to absorb and understand. I certainly would recommend this to anyone with an interest in food and how it affects our health.
Mar 10, 2023
This course has a lot of great information on nutrition and simple eating without being overwhelming. It gives practical advice that anyone seeking to eat healthier can implement in their daily lives.
By Jessa C
•Feb 28, 2021
This is a great course! This course is more than just a course but it is an eye opener for me (and hopefully for everyone else) especially nowadays where we live in fast and processed foods. I will, for sure, incorporate the learnings from this course in my daily life and will even share it with the people around me. Thank you so much for accepting me in this course! God bless! :)
By Marzia H J
•Sep 11, 2020
I have come to know a lot of interesting things from this course.The presentation of the entire course is praiseworthy.The instructor has made us acquainted with the complex things in a simple way.Those who are suffering from obesity can get a lot of inspiration and hacks to come back in a healthy lifestyle from this course.Overall,this course has been an amazing experience to me.
By Sohail N K
•Apr 7, 2020
It is a nice course that unravels a few myths about food and nicely finishes with actual cooking lessons. Honestly I never thought cooking was so easy and fun. Best part is about EMPOWERMENT over what I eat in a world full of industry produced edible food like substances. I loved it. A beginning of my journey in the world of FOOD and not just about finding right nutrients. BRAVO
By Natasha
•Jul 31, 2023
I have recently gotten interested in nutrition, food and health, and I must recommend this course for those starting out in this field since it gives an overview about everything you need to know. I would also recommend it for those who already know a lot since there are a lot of smart tips to help advance your diet and furthermore your health. Overall it is a pretty good course.
By Masoom A
•Jul 9, 2019
The Stanford Introduction to Food and Health has given me an edge on other people around me. Since I am practicing weight training and fitness workshops for past 12 months. The course will empower me to help others who are striving for weight loss and fitness. I will take more courses available on Coursera related to health. Thank you Maya MD and Team. Thank you Stanford.
By Asley P
•Oct 4, 2017
This course is AMAZING. The content is practical and easy to understand. It is safe to say that the designers of this course truly care about our well being, and would like to help us live a long, satisfying, healthy life. It just so happens that eating food, not too much, and mostly plants, is a critical piece to that goal. Do yourself and your family a favor, TAKE THIS COURSE!
By Janette H
•Nov 20, 2020
I do believe that this very short course has provided me with excellent insight into my choices for healthful eating. I am especially appreciative of the manta: "Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants" This has helped me to recognize that my consumption pendulum can be pleasurable - being able to eat most of what I enjoy while eating nutritious meals. Thanks for all the videos.
By Olfirenko N
•Aug 6, 2020
Очень интересный курс о здоровом питании, о питании в семье, о выборе продуктов в магазине, о правильном приготовлении. Мая очень позитивная и заботливая мама для своей семьи, и нас учит как быть здоровыми в этом современном мире еды. Понравился урок как читать лейблы, этикетки на продуктах и конечно же Маины рецепты - это супер. Спасибо Мае и Курсере за этот курс. Люблю вас! )
By Remi M
•Jan 15, 2019
The course includes multiple ways of learning and makes it easy to study while working, studying and other life obligations. It was very nice to see Maya include her children in the videos as it is never to soon to teach children that food is good, fun and starting with healthy attitudes towards foods. I like that the videos are short and easy to follow and the text is below.
By Renata N
•Jun 11, 2022
Adorei este curso!Simples e objetivo, mas muito rico em informações. Renovou minha fé na alimentação saudável, natural, equilibrada e nos bons habitos alimentares. Com certeza, vou usar o que aprendi neste curso, para ajudar as pessoas a fazerem melhores escolhas no momento da alimentação, preparando sua propria comida de forma mais nutritiva. Muito obrigada pela oportunidade!
By Adarsh S
•May 17, 2020
I found this course to be very useful, as food is without a doubt, one of the most important things in our life, and the fact that in order to maintain our body, high processed foods should be avoided at the most and less processed foods, like fruits, vegetables and meat should be consumed, and that too in a moderate amount in order to maintain a proper and healthy lifestyle.
By Camille P
•Apr 19, 2018
I was so satisfied with this course. The information was easy to absorb, and I appreciated the references to the science behind the nutrition. I recommend this course for anyone who is looking for Nutrition 101 and tired of all the fad diets claiming all sorts of nonsense. Food is part of our culture and should be enjoyed, and this course most definitely promotes that mindset!
By Jhonatan J A
•Jan 23, 2017
The lectures are short and pragmatic, addressing the most relevant points of interest of an average person towards nutrition. Almost every of these lectures provide simple and doable advice to implement it right away, while all the information is research-based. Assessments allow you to strenghten your insights upon the information given through precise and thorough feed-back.
By Kelly R
•May 19, 2021
I enjoyed this course. What I got out of it was a way to communicate to othesr the importance of a healthy diet, nutritional basics and eating better. It was simple, clear well delivered. This course was informative and based on research but not academically difficult. As a teacher, I am always looking for more information and presentation methods on health and wellness.
•Jan 10, 2023
This is an outstanding course with interesting teaching techniques, easy to learn, also enlightening one more about his/her health, opening our eyes to know hidden things about the foods will eat, our habits in consumption, and the effect on our health, I am so glad to be part of this journey, and I will be delight to part of any coming through this very end again. Thank you
By Joydev M
•Feb 14, 2020
Rrespected Sir/Madam,With your kind attention I inform that I purchased the certificate of Stanford Introduction of Food and Health by STANFORD UNIVERSITY . But I cannot get any information still today .So I am very sorry for negligence about my payment on 07 .01.2020.Thanks for kind cooperation. Yous faithfully, DR.JOYDEV MONDAL,
By Veleka G
•Aug 27, 2019
I already knew a lot of the things discussed here befor eundertaking the course but I think that only made me appreciate more how well it was structured and how clearly it presented so much and such important information about health and nutrition. I really also liked the combination of theory and practice. I would happily take a Part 2 of this course should one be released.
By Diego G
•May 23, 2023
Me ha encantado el curso al ampliar mis conocimientos sobre las comida razonable y sana, cosa que en los niños de ahora es muy complicado imbuir, pero hay que perseverar para llegar a tener una alimentación mas sana , lógica y equilibrada a cada etapa de la edad y si lo logramos desde pequeños , a ver si llegamos a sanar un poco el desarrollo de la salud por el estomago.
By Ariadna R G
•Aug 27, 2018
Un curso muy interesante, los vídeos están subtitulados al español, pero no así los test, aunque considero que esto no es un grave problema, ya que se trata de un vocabulario sencillo de entender. Por lo que, si alguien no domina mucho el inglés, le recomiendo que no se preocupe y haga el curso, pues no encontrará una gran dificultad y sí le aportará buenos conocimientos .
By Gineth O
•Mar 21, 2017
Una excelente introducción al Mundo de los Alimentos, la Nutrición y la Salud. De manera simple pero con un muy buen nivel , la Doctora explica los diferentes tipos de alimentos, su naturaleza , y la mejor forma de utilizarlos . Igualmente nos introduce en el tema de los alimentos procesados y en los peligros que estos pueden constituir para nuestra salud. Muy recomendado.
By Jitka Š
•Feb 12, 2020
Great to get the basics of what eating healthy means. It is short and concise, you get the necessary information in an understandable and structured way. It is good for those who want to start eating healthy and don't know how to do it. However it is not meant for someone who already eats healthy and would like to get a bit more insight into the science behind nutrition.
By Judith S B
•Feb 4, 2016
Excelente curso me encanto!! Realmente es muy importante verlo para introducirnos en los cuidados necesarios de nuestra salud que inicia con el mantenimiento de la misma y la prevención de las enfermedades, y la mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de la nutrición. En fin, recomiendo muchisimo este curso que aborda aspectos super importantes en el margen de la nutrición .
•Dec 28, 2022
By Heisa R
•Jun 8, 2022
En mi busqueda de buscar una alimentacion mas saludable creia que mejor era consumir alimentos organicos aunque mi presupuesto aumentara. Con este curso entendi que es mejor comer un alimento que proviene de la tierra asi tenga fertilizantes y pesticidas que comer alimentos procesados. Ahora si no consigo el alimento organico que busco escojo alguno de produccion local.
By Buket A B
•Oct 2, 2019
First of all, thank you for this clear course. I said clear because eventhough I have Social Sciences Economics background, I could easily understand the content. After taking this course, I've decided to apply master class of Dietetics in my country, Istanbul/Turkey. I hope that I can reach my goal in next 2 years supporting myself with Coursera courses.