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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,138 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Jul 12, 2022

learned alot on this course. Very knowledgeable and full of healthy recipes. Great way to start your goal. Along with excersice and healthy eating you are on your way to a great healthy mind and body.


Dec 5, 2020

Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.

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401 - 425 of 9,434 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Wendy J P

Nov 11, 2020

Excellent course. Very easy to understand and educational. I learned a lot of info here that I had always had questions in my mind about. I am very happy that I took the course and passed. I am not very much of a cook but now maybe I won't think of cooking as of much of a chore any more. Maybe adding some spices to greens will get my husband to eat more

By Thiago M

Aug 6, 2022

Um ótimo curso relacionado a alimentação e a epidemia de obesidade que passamos nos dias atuais, tem uma passagem rápida sobre questões como macronutrientes e após aborda questões relacionadas a alimentos e preparções saúdaveis que podem ser utilizadas no dia a dia com foco na manutenção da saúde. Curso dinâmico e de fácil compreensão, muito bem produzido.

By Bochkareva O

Feb 25, 2020

Прослушав этот курс, мне стало понятнее как лучше всего подходить к вопросам питания. Понравилась мысль, что если брокколи находится в упаковке, то оно уже обработано, раньше этому не предавала особого значения. Мысль разумного потребления идёт не тезисно с первого видео, а материал последовательно подводит к этому. Спасибо за просветительскую деятельность!

By Rola B G

Feb 28, 2021

I think everyone should take a course like this one, where we get to understand what really matters when it comes to food and health. I loved the course , it was presented in multiple short videos which makes it easier to understand and keep in mind, not to mention the way every detail was explain, so that anyone can understand even the most complex ideas.

By Stanley

Feb 17, 2021

This was a great course, very educational as I learnt about processed foods, fresh foods and the benefits of a home cooked meal. This will benefit me moving forward how I should treat my body and selective foods that I should eat. This has certainly created a great level of awareness of nutritional values in vegetable and various kinds of foods. Thank you.

By Iya B

Sep 10, 2020

It was the first course I've ever passed on the Coursera, and I'm so satisfied with it. Thanks for the ability to know my organism better. Now I can choose foods in grocery with understanding of all the nutrients it contains, which was a little bit harder before this course. And the main benefit for me is that I have a lot of motivation to keep myself fit.

By Vanessa C B

Jul 24, 2019

First of all, I thank you for allowing me to see this course, it has been really rewarding, I have learned a lot, and I have felt motivated to change certain eating habits and have you love to cook my own food. In addition, it allows me to continue researching with great enthusiasm the compounds of interest in food and their relationship to health benefit.

By Josalynn x

Jun 10, 2022

After I learned how to maintain the proper health concept for cooking. First, I will change to less eat fat protein meat every week and think about more vegetables and grain in our dishes per day, choosing a great balance of nutrition food when I check the nutrition facts, of course, don't forget to drink water and keep away a distance with sugary drinks.

By Khelsea M

Jun 27, 2017

This course provided a great overview of nutrition and introductory tips to increase cooking in the home. Instructions/suggestions are simple and easily applied into daily routine. I would recommend this course to others and hope to share this information to increase awareness of healthy eating, overeating and shopping in relation to labels and products.

By Birgit M

Oct 29, 2022

I enrolled in this course to learn fundamentals of nutrition in an effort to lead a more healty lifestyle. The course design and structure was user-friendly, the content easy to understand, and I gained valuable skills I can incorporate into my daily routines. I particularly appreciated Dr. Adam's friendly, encouraging approach to the topic. Thank you!

By Ashley S

Nov 9, 2021

This course is one of the most friendly courses for non-native English speakers as the lecturer speaks super clearly and slowly. Course contents are very basic and all the quizzes are quite simple, and with loads of nice pictures of great dishes or fresh fruits, plus the lecturer's yoga teacher vibe, this course is like a therapy for me. Soul soothing.

By Chase D

Jan 6, 2021

This course was very full of new information and really helped me in thinking about my dietary restrictions and how to make my meals taste even better! Having many food allergies and a medical condition that deals with gastrointestinal inflammation, I found this course to be eye opening to the ingredients lurking within seemingly harmless food products!

By Dimitra S

Dec 16, 2020

I loved this course! Enlightening information about food, food industry, food marketing made me think more when I shop for my future meals. There are a lot of graphics that helped me understand better some of the content. Also the views from experts shed light on some subjects I was unaware of. Thank you and looking forward to more courses from Ms Adam!

By Chunying L

Dec 23, 2020

This course is very helpful, as it introduces a lot of concepts on how to stay healthy by just eating the right type of diet, and it also helped me gain an excellent view on healthy lifestyles. It is also conversational, easy to take, I only spent one day to complete the course. I think the only problem with it is that it's a little short. I want more!

By andree i t

Dec 27, 2022

5:21 PM. 12-27-2022. Thank You To : Stanford University,, & , Clinical Assistant Professor Dept. Of Pediatrics - Stanford University School Of Medicine --= M.D : Maya Adam = -- . It Was Great On Line Class Room, & Study. Thank You. Happy Holidays, & , Merry Merry Christmast. Hope All Is Well With You. And, Have A Great Day. Good Bye.

By Saskia J

Jul 27, 2020

This is such an interesting and useful course! The first week is a bit though, especially if you are not familiar with this field or any related field (still very interesting though) but the rest is much more easy and practical and like I said very useful! Food plays such an important role in life and it is also key to living a healthier longer life!

By Sebastian U

Dec 24, 2018

Throughout the videos I have watched, I enjoyed the amount of rich information I was able to obtain and expressed in a manner that is easy to understand. I as the student was able to learn the different ways of evaluating food in people everyday lives and how to properly manage the amount of food intake and the do's and don'ts for everyday nutrition.


Jul 10, 2021

Excellent course very useful and will help in improving daily food cooking, presentation was good covering all necessary topics

Quiz questions was very informative, course time duration was precisely designed in weeks

Thanks to MD. Maya and Stanford team for providing good course which is very helpful and easy to understand and implement in daily life

By Katie L

Apr 9, 2021

Presentation and wording used made it very interesting and the main reason I took the class. Wanted to see how Maya and Stamford would present the material. Very familiar with the concept, being certified in this sector, and thought Stanford would be a great addition to my reading and courses. Looking forward to additional courses in this sector.

By Paul I

Oct 9, 2019

Great lecture from a superb lecturer , It was a great experience to learn what consume into our system and how they affect of health . The most important the Lecturer is a certified chef ,I lean how to make simple and rich nutritious meal. I do recommend this course to everyone no matter your profession. A big thanks to Dr. Maya for a wonderful job.

By Gabriel S E H

Dec 6, 2016

Thank you for giving me this course. Thank you for giving me a great teacher. This course has to be one of the greatest courses I've ever been in. Like I said before, thank you. I hope you can be in my next course.


By Leona H

May 12, 2016

Excellent course & instruction! I thought I knew it all regarding food and health (haha), but no, I did not. I learned so much valuable information and tools needed to rethink and assess how I shop for food, and my relationship with food. I will definitely recommend this course to my friends and family.

Thanks, Stanford. I really enjoy your courses!

By Aya Z

Feb 27, 2025

Thank you! It was a great course. I cannot deny the benefits I gained and the enjoyable, simple information provided. However, I was expecting a deeper dive, such as a more detailed explanation of nutritional elements and similar topics. But I believe the course's objectives are focused on providing simple guidance regarding healthy dietary habits.

By Natalia R

Jan 24, 2022

Very straightforward and educational course. Since starting it, I've recommended it to many of my patients at the primary care practice I work at as a PA, who have limited access to nutritionists and dietitians. I appreciated the recipe ideas at the end because although I don't have children, my fiance is as picky an eater as a toddler. Thank you!

By S. N

Dec 23, 2019

This course helped me with understading the benefits of home cooked food, especially if that's cooked on your own, and this course lets you understand the marketing strategies of big business supermarkets & the manufacturers of packaged foods who let you to buy their products by not specifying the real facts used to produce that particular product.