Jul 16, 2020
This was a wonderful and very mathematically intensive course, but completing all the quizzes gave a great sense of accomplishment and developed my understanding of game theory and its various facets.
May 1, 2017
Very interesting! One missing thing: please write explanations for correct/incorrect questions in quizzes. In the basic course, I found them very helpful in understanding why my reasoning was wrong.
By Lisa V
•May 2, 2017
Very interesting! One missing thing: please write explanations for correct/incorrect questions in quizzes. In the basic course, I found them very helpful in understanding why my reasoning was wrong.
By Diogo C
•Jul 1, 2018
Better than the first course. The topics were less familiar to me, so it opened a few more doors.I still feel like the math was neglected, most of the time. I don't expect every derivation, but at least an acknowledgement of where the formulas come from if one wants to derive them himself.The graded quizzes should have provided an explanation of the correct answers, I think. Sometimes that explanation made everything clearer to me (when I got the correct by mistake or by simple elimination).I really appreciate the reading material! At least I can now follow the subject more in-depth if I want, so that's very welcome.Overall, still feels like a fairly light overview, but it's a good introduction to the subjects of mechanism design and auctions, I feel.
By Edmund
•Jun 6, 2020
The beginning of this course was interesting much like Game Theory I, but the latter half of the course went over my head. It would have been helpful if problem sets and exam are given explanations after submission similar to how it was done in Game Theory I. Sometimes I have no idea how particular answers are obtained.
By Prabhupad B
•Feb 13, 2021
No proper explanations were given for any of the assignment questions, and also, in the lectures, the examples were missing. The course needs a significant improvement in terms of the content
By Georges R
•Sep 9, 2019
Really enlightening class!
I now feel empowered to create project management processes that encourage truthfulness and participation of its different stakeholders in my everyday job.
I also found some very interesting parallels with the methodology of pricing and notably price elasticity, which is key when designing a new product or its associated business model.
PS: Although I understand the importance of it being mathematically formalized, I would have loved it to be sometimes more concrete (especially through exercises and quizzes).
Thank you so much,
By 汪宇恒
•Apr 3, 2018
too hard...need some analysis background
By Mohammad Z
•Sep 8, 2018
poorly explained lectures. you're better off reading a textbook
By Pere P
•Sep 26, 2024
Hello, Perhaps I found it too dense and too theoretical. The theoretical part is what I liked the most and as a mathematician I loved the proofs you provided. But from my point of view it lacked some more computational examples or computational procedures. It is true that the questionnaire covered skills but not having an explained solution made it difficult to acquire these skills. I would love a short concise argumentation of each solution because as a mathematician I find this kind of argumentation the key to understand everything as a whole. Otherwise, very good teachers! I will definitely go deeper into some of the concepts you have introduced as you have encouraged me to do so in the last video. I really enjoyed the topic. Thanks again!
By Микола К
•Jan 15, 2022
The course intoduces interesting notions on advanced applications of Game Theory. I particularly liked the theme of voting system and auctions. It shows that the results of the game depends very much on the condition of the game, even if the purpose of games under different conditions is the same(voting under different rules). The course also introduces notions of the strategy in auctions, that is pretty interesting. Moreover, here is shown mechanisms on how games are built actully. All lectures have examples, that makes understanding of the material easier.
By Kyle L
•Aug 10, 2017
I enjoyed this course quite a bit. The concepts, while very proof-heavy, could be depicted using intuitive methods of approach. And while it would have been nice for each concept to include interactive exercises- such as in Game Theory I - the repetition of quizzes and problem sets helps one to gain familiarity with the endless amount of themes and properties that get introduced each week. If you are someone that enjoys designing games or attempting to quantify human behavior, this class may offer some interesting perspectives.
By Avik S
•Sep 11, 2016
Outstanding course on Game Theory. Provides excellent mathematical and logical treatment of the concepts and theory. A perfect stepping stone for researchers willing to pursue their research in Gam
By Balazs “ F
•Aug 12, 2022
The videos are good, the assignments as well, the book recommended is especially good, but it´s unfortunate that there is no feedback on assignments.
By Cigdem K
•Oct 15, 2016
The exams did not explain why the wrong answers are wrong. Even after you succeed a test, I expect an explanation of the questions, and the correct answers. Even if I have a correct answer to a question, I don't know if my reasoning is correct..
By Quji B
•Aug 22, 2022
The course covers a lot of deep and interesting topics but some concepts are just given without proper explanation and there aren't enough exercises before writing quizzes or exams.
By Mariano B P
•May 30, 2018
Excellent! i think it shall contain more realistic examples for mechanism development and auctions
By Fred V
•Sep 6, 2020
Auction theory is left to the last lecture, and the influence of voting systems on political mechanisms is barely addressed. 3 different people lecturing, with different communication skills and flaws (hesitations, over-notating, abuse of acronyms), make following the course more difficult than it needs to be. These being said, it is clear that the authors more than know their stuff (at least the theoretical part; we would like to see them perform when bargaining in a souk) and bring a lot into the course.
•Aug 19, 2022
Way too difficult
By Jiang Y
•Oct 30, 2019
Very interesting course! It shows some rather surprising facts for instance we cannot have perfect voting system. The beauty of game theory is it relates maths theories and real-life social economical problems nicely. The lecture itself is comprehensive and well-explained. However some content related to revenue equivalence and virtual valuation in the final exams are not covered in the lecture clips. It would be nice to include it in the lecture or provide some guidance on how to access relevent learning materials.
By Johannes G
•Jul 10, 2020
Tremendous course, presented by some of the best in the business. Thank you to everyone involved. I’m delighted I undertook this challenge and proud to have persevered - has been 12 hard weeks (Game Theory I and II) balancing work, family, exercise, lockdown life and studying. And those darn difficult weekly tests! Course content is excellent; I’ve immensely enjoyed the knowledge and stretching my grey matter. Hope to be able to use the new insights profitably. And am most proud of my Stanford certificates.
By Carlos C
•Jun 28, 2019
The quality of the course is really high and I found it quite demanding, which is nice after the first course. It forces you to focus, review and think deeply about the meaning of the concepts. The exams are well-defined and they test properly the units. Some points aren't perfectly explained but that might be because the requirements for this course are quite high. Someone that is not used to mathematical notation would easily lose the track of the lessons. I hope that there'll be soon a Game Theory III.
By Ka L K
•Apr 10, 2018
A more advanced course than Game Theory I. The topics are interesting but also in depth. Beside the lecture a lot of reading is needed if you really want to understand the concepts. After finishing this course I attend the master course in my university without difficulty to follow. The only thing for improvement is the homework. If lecturers could post some optional homeworks for students who want to train more, then this course will be really a University-level course for undergraduate students.
By Jakob V
•Jan 15, 2017
5 out of 5!
I managed to finish this course in just 6 days. Pretty fascinating and practical, as it is more in depth.
Would totally recommend this to anyone who wants to know more about Game Theory. Assessments are easy relatively; a balanced number of practical calculations and theoretical questions.
All 3 instructors are friendly and experienced in lecturing, which helps a lot in understanding the materials.
By Владислав С
•Jan 7, 2018
Very interesting course, however it requires a lot of effort to put in. I struggled a little bit through math and sometimes it was difficult for me to get a concept but reading adjuctment materials helped me a lot. I think this course was a great complement to my game theory studies. You definetely will learn many fascinating things about mechanism design and auctions!
By Jie H
•Apr 15, 2019
This course could be better in many ways. However, I really appreciate the efforts the professors made to put up so much information into this short course. It opens many new worlds for me in the universe of game theory, and in particular, the Arrow's theorem is so astonishing that it almost refreshed my thinking on the mechanisms of voting.
By Lucas M
•Mar 10, 2019
The professors are great!
I think the students would profit more if there were more exercises to track their learning.
I had some difficulties because sometimes it requires an advanced level in math which I don't have.
Eventhough, I could enjoy and acquire some valuable skills.
Thank you!
Lucas M.