Jul 16, 2020
This was a wonderful and very mathematically intensive course, but completing all the quizzes gave a great sense of accomplishment and developed my understanding of game theory and its various facets.
May 1, 2017
Very interesting! One missing thing: please write explanations for correct/incorrect questions in quizzes. In the basic course, I found them very helpful in understanding why my reasoning was wrong.
By Mikel N
•May 4, 2020
Not only it's a very interesting course, but also is offered free with graded quizes included. I wish it had been a little more extended, because subject is complex enough to expand it at least two or three more weeks.
By george v
•Feb 18, 2017
Great course. Nice retracing of some notions of the course Game Theory like Pareto Oprimality. Nice idea doing some examples on auctions and voting systems. Nice proofs
By Ajay K V
•Jun 4, 2020
Great course. Very relevant to a lot of problems in business. Content was overtly mathematical. More practical examples cold have been interesting to solve.
By Matthew W
•Nov 5, 2017
A lot of the important results were covered but sometimes results came out of nowhere (for example with optimal auctions and virtual valuations).
By Martin D
•Jul 31, 2022
A very good course. The only thing is that, in my view, some questions in tests are not fully explained in videos and the book.
By R.Athindran
•Feb 22, 2017
Overall, the course was good. Somehow, the concepts were not as clear as the basic game theory course. Definitely more advanced.
By Chow K M
•May 13, 2021
The quizzes should come with feedback on explaining the answers. It will greatly aid learning.
By Ryan B
•Jul 6, 2017
A good class with a good formal description and examples of game theoretic concepts.
By Koa Y
•Jan 3, 2019
Great course, I was really overdue but am hoping to get a certificate if possible
By Leonardo Z
•Jun 22, 2023
it would be better if there are explanations for the quizzes and exams
By Affandi I
•Apr 13, 2017
Great course, but I think It could be more vivid like its predecessor
By Roland R
•Jan 10, 2018
Great Course, same parts are challenging but i learned a lot about
By Trevor N
•Jul 6, 2022
It was kind of hard, guess should have take Game Theory I first
By Hushan J
•Oct 30, 2017
it's better to give explanations of the quiz when it is passed.
By Daniel A M S
•Jun 22, 2017
It was nice to have a second part with more specific subjects.
By Aravindh B B
•Dec 12, 2021
The course was well structured and highly informative.
By Arshia S
•Nov 11, 2020
This course gave me amazing insight into game theory.
By Muhua X
•Sep 11, 2017
It is very challenging but also interesting
By Javier F G
•Mar 14, 2021
The quizzes are not well designed.
By carlo p
•Sep 2, 2019
Excellent skills obtained
By Mufizul I A
•Jan 28, 2017
Very nice
By Telmo J P P
•Oct 18, 2017
Interesting, but not as good as part I. Some parts of the syllabus were not explained well enough: a lot of results just come out of thin air, and not a lot of intuitions are given.
By Emil
•Dec 1, 2020
Diverse course, which covered various topics. For the election processes however one could some illegal practices, which also could lead to a win. A democratic win...
By Martín B
•Sep 18, 2019
Should have much more real examples. Voting schemes was right, but mechanism design was completely abstract