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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Gamification by University of Pennsylvania

2,433 ratings

About the Course

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. For additional information on the concepts described in the course, you can purchase Professor Werbach's book For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business in print or ebook format in several languages....

Top reviews


Jan 16, 2016

Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.


May 22, 2019

Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.

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626 - 650 of 759 Reviews for Gamification

By Janki M

Jun 2, 2016


By Tomer T

Nov 9, 2015


By Moulay A E T

Feb 28, 2024


By 李宇翔TMU

Apr 18, 2023


By Ngoc P

Jun 10, 2021


By 侯顶杰

Nov 15, 2016


By Bui T L

Dec 16, 2015


By wilson j

Aug 19, 2019


By Neelesh K

Mar 9, 2016


By Chris L

Dec 17, 2015


By Christina T

Apr 26, 2020

Course itself was great. All the way through, I could see applications for the training I'm responsible to develop for my organization. My biggest problem was with the final test. I had to do it three times, so yeah, I'm stupid. There's a 40-minute time limit but no clock, so monitor your own time, for 20 questions, so 2 minutes each, right? No, a number of the questions ask you to watch youtube videos which averaged 3 minutes each; sometimes you have to search for the video or other content on a website, while the clock ticks, If you've found the right page then you can analyze it in relation to the specific question. But, did you find the right page? When I'm analyzing the Best Buy offering, what if I look at the Canadian page? Have these links been updated ever year? How do I know I'm on the right page/link? After all , the course is about 10 years old and the content doesn't have any case studies less than that. Also, memorize the contetn in the Sight video, and on every video you watch for the exam. Overall, yes, the exam questions do distinguish those who really understand the course material, which made me feel really stupid when I failed the test for not choosing all the "best" answers (adjectives are important! is it "ethical" not just a concern?) I'm still not clear on the value of being able to label the Peace Game. Anyway, I will take the elements and incentivized choices and apply them to gamifying the courses that I have to create for employees who have to demonstrate that they've "acquired" the core knowledge for good citizenship in my organization.

TL;DR, I loved everything until the final exam which is (1) hard and (2) has issues

By Machiel v W

Jan 19, 2020

It was a course in which you learn a lot, especially as background knowledge to make decisions for new projects. I can now go and implement it in my work as a designer. And it leaves me wanting to know more. But it is greatly paced, and in this particular course I would not add more info.

My two major issues are the absence of a quick summary in the end of every week, especially the models that are mentioned. Also a great overview in the end. What models are used in what You can make it yourself, but would be a great learning tool and giving more insight when to use them in the process of gamification.

And the course (especially the examples) are getting outdated, it seems. Make some reading available with updated examples?

Make sure you make notes! That helps a lot with learning!

By Mary B

Nov 5, 2020

Overall, I felt the course was really interesting. There were two things that bothered me though....

I felt that the course could be updated, a large number of the examples and resources mentioned were almost 10 years old. This course would be a lot more relevant if the info was updated.

2nd - I almost didn't finish the course, I took a long break to avoid one of the peer assessors. Even though I saved my writings as a PDF in case someone didn't have word - the same person gave me a zero for the first assignments because they couldn't open the file. No one else had a problem, but both times this one person did that. I felt penalized because they were incompetent.

By Reetika

May 24, 2020

Good course. The entire course structure is well designed. I really liked the level of assessment questions, subjective scenarios and peer-grading method. My only complaint is with the evaluation method of MCQ Quizzes. I felt the passing criteria for the Quizzes is way higher from an average limit (a 60% would have been a good choice). 80% passing criteria with NO scope of an error made the assessments difficult and sometimes frustrating to move ahead. It's not the questions which are difficult but the score counting method. So, my only suggestion is please work on the scoring method so that it doesn't spoil a learner's sense of achievement.

By Christi R

Feb 16, 2020

I found the course very engaging and thought provoking. I enjoyed the units and was highly motivated to complete the course, even though it is really on the peripheral of the kind of work that I do at the moment. The only reason I did not give the course 5 stars is because I feel it is a little out of date. Most everything is relevant, however the statistics in week 1 is out of date and could easily be updated. I also think some of the specific examples could be updated, and maybe something on social media as this has exploded since the course was created.

By Ximena M

Oct 22, 2017

This course is very well design. The professors seems to be talking to you directly which makes and emotional conexion. Then he structures the parts of the course telling you what is the hierarchy between them. He uses the methods he is explaining us with us: The scaffolding, the course starts fun and easy and becomes harder in the end. The assignments evolve by adding the information from the new classes with what we already mastered. The only reason why I don't put the 5 stars is because the videos and the presentations are not as well designed as the rest.

By Xavier C

Oct 4, 2020

It needs to be updated, only a single piece of date is from 2016, most of the content is pre-2012, it needs to fit everyone around the world, most students dont seem to be from the US, assignments need to be updated and focused on creating and less on sellingand business models. The exams are hard to understand, involve new examples that are not greatly explained, some answers are very subjective, either when i missed them and even when i got them right. Needs a bit more information on gamification in the classroom, is very focused on business.

By Andrea G

Oct 23, 2016

Very interesting course, the 5th and 6th week are a little less complelling than the others but overall it is very useful, well explained and easy to understand even for non-english mothertongue speakers such as myself.

I don't give five stars because the course is 4 years old now (it was made in 2012), and even though the general informations are still effective, I think that it should need an update for what concerns the examples and the new experiences gamification has gone through during these last years.

By Charlotte D

Feb 14, 2016

A fascinating insight into the concepts, theoretical contexts and frameworks of gamification; Kevin Werbach presented the lectures clearly and eruditely. I would have liked more in the way of 'handouts' to accompany the lectures, and perhaps some more links to background reading (for those of us with a more 'reflector' learning style). Also, as this is such a fast-moving field I think it would be helpful for the course to be updated periodically with new developments and emerging ideas and trends.


Nov 28, 2018

Good course, rich of contents and turning points to reflect and create new things after the course.

Good interviews with the special guests to enrich the entire course.

Some parts in the end (module 5-6) are explained too quickly and i think that there is material enough to do a larger course about that.

Thx for the opportunity of learning with the staff of a prestigious university in a funny and immersive way.

I will bring notions and knowledge in multiple ways to do my best with it. Thx again.

By Jason T

Dec 2, 2015

This is a great course that challenged my views on gamification and its application in the sphere of business. I enjoyed thinking through the theoretical principles taught in the lectures and then assessing the potential of gamification to solve for specific business goals. Engaging with classmates to hear different perspectives on the same presented material also added to the depth of insight I gained. I definitely feel my sense of the applicability of gamification has been sharpened.

By Kelly P

Apr 1, 2016

The material in this course is great. The material is very thoughtfully structured and presented.

My one, huge comment to the professor is that all of the drawing on the slides is SUPER distracting and unnecessary. If you've got a slide with bullet points of topics you're going to talk about, you really don't need to underline or otherwise indicate them as we go along. Additionally, drawing (images) on the slides will never be better than having a slide with an image already on it.

By Erik H

Oct 12, 2017

Explains the concepts of gamification from different angles. To me it gave a lot to both discuss gamification from a psychological as well as a game design perspective. What motivation is there, what is intrinsic motivation and much more. I also like that the course had good exercises, which let you use what what you had learned in each chapter. What I didn't like was that it was sometimes hard to get meaningful criticism from the other peers on the written exams.

By Gary R B

May 13, 2020

This course was great. I loved all the lectures, how it was facilitated and the connections between each week were solid. I do think that doing this in 2020 is a bit dated now in many places. The psychology and behaviour stuff is always relevant but many of the examples are now old and in some cases newer models are out there. There are also huge jumps in gamification examples (think Pokémon GO, Ingress and more) that now exist that would be good to see explored.

By Maxwell W

Jun 21, 2021

Great course, acting as an intro or building on already acquired knowledge. The course gives you a huge amount of information and skills to use gamification in a significant manner. A insightful course, relayed with great passion. Whilst the examples were outdated (from 2012 at most recent), they made valid points and were relevant. I would have appreciated more examples of intrinsic motivators, to try and use gamification for good. Thanks Kevin Werbach!