Jan 16, 2016
Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.
May 22, 2019
Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.
By Alba G M
•Nov 20, 2017
I like the course but I think that maybe is too business oriented and I was seeking for education oriented.
By Pabla B
•Jan 25, 2021
Very good course I recommend it, as feedback it would be ideal if the cases and examples were updated
By Thomas K
•Dec 13, 2017
This is really a interesting and eyeopening challenge - especially if English is not you first lang
By Mohamed I
•Mar 22, 2020
This course was very useful and will helpful to anyone interested in learning about gamification
•May 2, 2022
it was very beneficial for me. l hope l can use the skills that l have gained by this course.
By anitha
•Dec 24, 2019
It's a nice course on gamification which is the future,few freeware can't also be suggested
By Nourhan A E
•Aug 5, 2019
The course really helped me a lot in different ways! and I can't wait to finish it up ")
By Väns V A
•May 27, 2017
I would like to see more examples and learn how this technique is applied into schools
By Denis G
•Dec 17, 2017
This course helps to understand the foundation and complexity of Gamification.
By Lorenzo
•Oct 21, 2017
Es una buena introducción a la gamificación, pero es un poco lento y evidente.
•Jun 13, 2023
Great course would love more if they aligned with any futuristic technology.
By Alejandro M
•Dec 5, 2019
Muy buen curso aunque debería actualizarse... los ejemplos son de 2013
By Akaka 。
•May 13, 2017
Nice course, useful for self improvement and user experience design
By Jin P
•Apr 28, 2017
If there is more homework to come with lecture it will be better.
By Zane F
•Apr 6, 2016
I delightful course.I especially enjoyed the parts on psychology.
By Geoffrey C
•Feb 27, 2016
Recommended ..tough course but one learns a lot if dedicated :)
By Esteban U
•Sep 16, 2019
There are some videos in English language without translate :(
By priyam g
•Jan 18, 2017
Its a great course to learn the basics of gamification.
By Shun H C
•Jul 3, 2016
very clear and give us whole picture on gamification.
By 陈扬兵
•Aug 26, 2017
good course , learned a lot, actually great course
By Tom H
•Mar 10, 2016
It good insight in gamifiacation processes.
By Szabolcs M
•Jan 24, 2016
Very useful, sometimes not very exciting.
By Drakon D
•Jun 29, 2017
неплохой но слишком долгий, много теории
By Alfredo L
•Dec 27, 2015
Very interesting and very much useful.
By Ujjwal D
•Jul 10, 2018
Very informative and well presented.