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Learner Reviews & Feedback for How Google does Machine Learning by Google Cloud

7,278 ratings

About the Course

This course explores what ML is and what problems it can solve. The course also discusses best practices for implementing machine learning. You’re introduced to Vertex AI, a unified platform to quickly build, train, and deploy AutoML machine learning models. The course discusses the five phases of converting a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning, and why it’s important to not skip them. The course ends with recognizing the biases that ML can amplify and how to recognize them....

Top reviews


Dec 27, 2019

I actually learnt lot of good stuff regarding GCP and ML on cloud. This is the beginner course for anyone who wants to start off their career in GCP and ML. Thanks coursera and GCP for this course


Nov 1, 2018

Interesting and engaging content of ML. The course is structured well and emphasizes important aspects of ML which tend to be overlooked by many. Just hope some exercises could be further refined.

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826 - 850 of 1,117 Reviews for How Google does Machine Learning

By Nagaraj S


Dec 29, 2018

Excellent material on what are the pitfalls to avoid while doing machine learning. The laying groundwork and following all the steps section made sense. It shows that the course material has been prepared by practitioners - they "know their stuff".

By Cathryn S


Jun 14, 2020

A nice overview of Google Cloud Platform's machine learning capabilities, and an intro into how Google thinks about Machine Learning. Could probably be covered more quickly, but gives you a chance to play around a little and explore if you wish.



Apr 8, 2021

Content is just right and I like the labs which are very interactive. That said, someone with prior IT background would find this a lot easier than someone who don't. I will recommend this to anyone who likes to get some introduction to ML.

By Jayank M


Jul 6, 2018

At some points it was a bit confusing. Especially the labs, where some instruction were not at easy to understand as the could be. But overall I found this course very helpful in understanding what ML meant and how we should approach it.

By Zhenyu W


Jan 1, 2019

Overall the course is good. IMHO the quiz needs to be improved. It should have more questions and the questions should be more directly related to the lecture or the contents. And I think the course should add some case studies.

By Manohar P


Jan 10, 2020

The information which is potrayed very beautifully.Lecturers are quite clear and gave very isolated information.Finally it is one of my best course on online platform with a lot of basic knowledge on ML with clarifications.

By Rohini M


Apr 20, 2019

Good introduction into Machine learning. Does not tax you with the jargon and deep concepts but more like an outline to how Machine Learning is implemented. Has Qwiklab exercises which helps you get familiar with the tools.

By Jean-Luc D


Nov 22, 2018

Very business-oriented

Large view on state of the art of Machine learning

good support on the Labs

Google culture-oriented

Sometimes difficult to understand for a non-American native (eg : I had no idea of what a slushie was)

By Stanley


Jun 28, 2018

The introduction course by google address the practical difficulties that we come across while developing and deploying ML model . Necessary for any one who would like to put their model in production in scale.

By Nivesh S


Oct 2, 2020

This is a good introductory course on how actually Machine Learning is being developed in Companies like Google. It covers the basic aspects of how ML is done using Cloud Platform using Cloud APIs.

By Gaurav M


Jan 14, 2019

An excellent overview providing a birds-eye view of where ML fits in the larger scheme of a software project and how it evolves. It also provides a good introduction to leveraging Google's ML APIs.

By Jesús O S


Jul 29, 2018

Great course for introduction. Very clean where you get a good first idea of which are the tools used by google to implement ML. Specially loved the Notebooks with the pre-installed programmings.

By Shivang M


Aug 16, 2020

It was a great experience, learned new methods and ways in which ml is being applied in various technologies which we are currently using. How google applies ml models in its various products.

By Marc W


May 17, 2020

Some of the technical task were a little dated and took some troubleshooting but being able to do the labs multiple times especially after reviewing the wrap up videos added to the experience.

By Edward H


Feb 26, 2020

While this course is a bit outside of my specific work, it was very interesting to see the "why and how" from the very people who have created Google Cloud. Very interesting and worthwhile.

By Drew F


May 13, 2018

Maybe you could require students to make some changes to the code to make it work, in order to incorporate more student interaction, and thereby more robust learning, into the tasks.

By Siddique Z A


Aug 5, 2020

Nice course and very good explanations of how the google does machine learning, how we use GCP available API and so on thank you Google Cloud for sharing your some experience to us.

By Cyriac B N


Aug 12, 2019

The course gives insights into business plans and strategies that the google team have put into practice in their products.The examples used to explain concepts were really good.

By Marcelo M C


Jun 1, 2022

Very well structured and presented. Relevant content. Provides a great overview.

Labs are good but quite lengthy, due to processing time that is required for some of the steps.

By Chiotis N


Jun 26, 2020

Nice introduction to ML logic and the capabilities of GCP, which are really impressive. However, I would prefer some more 'hands-on' tasks and not so ready to execute code.

By Evren G


Jul 5, 2018

Great and thoughtful course content. Labs could be better as they currently don't challenge the student to think. If the labs were improved, this would be a 5 star course.

By aditya k


May 6, 2018


Great overview of tools that may be useful for app developers.


Some details were not clear. Too many things to take care of, gcp, datalab, and a myriad of apis.

By Anupam S


Nov 28, 2019

This course is very good. However, before attempting this course you should have taken some basics of maths (Probability) and ML from some other entry level courses.

By Aapsi K


Mar 26, 2020

the course is really great!!!

It provides an introduction to the google cloud console and the APIs and also how google performs machine learning using cloud

By John S


May 25, 2018

Nice introduction; however, it felt like some presenters were attempting to demonstrate their technical prowess. No need for this detail at the early stage.