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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state by Tel Aviv University

340 ratings

About the Course

This course deals with the Israeli politics, economy, society and culture, since its creation in 1948 till today. It analyzes the construction of the Israeli historical narrative as an identity-building narrative, intending to inculcate a collective memory to a diverse society. We will focus on key events and essential components that shaped the Israeli society from the fifties till the present. We will also discuss the changes that the Israeli society experiences in its almost seventy years of existence and how it affects its politics and culture. Among the topics we will discuss issues such as immigration, economic transformation, political upheaval, religious Zionism and post-Zionism, privatization and Americanization, Holocaust increasing role in shaping Israel's identity, diversity and multiculturalism, as well as the enduring conflict with the Palestinians and the Arab world. This course is a direct extension of the first part "The History of Modern Israel: From an Idea to a State", so if you have not yet taken it, we highly recommend you start your learning from there ( In order to receive academic credit for this course you must successfully pass the academic exam on campus. For information on how to register for the academic exam – Additionally, you can apply to certain degrees using the grades you received on the courses. Read more on this here – Teachers interested in teaching this course in their class rooms are invited to explore our Academic High school program here – * This course is a joint effort of Tel Aviv University & Israel Institute ( * This course uses media material from various archives, courtesy to Yad Vashem Archive for their help. * This course is self-paced. Once you register, you can participate in the course anytime, as often as you wish and over any stretch of time...

Top reviews


Jul 22, 2020

I thanks my teacher professor Eyal Naveh for teaching me the history in such a easy way , it was fun and benifitting learning about the state of ISRAEL, lots of love from INDIA !!


Aug 25, 2022

I​ learned a lot about how the Israeli state formed and its achievements and failures from a sociocultural perspective more that a list of dates and maps. Toda raba.

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1 - 25 of 91 Reviews for The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state

By Martin C


Oct 1, 2016

The course was very informative in the areas it covered, Unfortunately it almost totally ignored the Israeli Arabs who make up about 20% of the population; perhaps it is normal to exclude them in Israel, but this is supposed to be an international course. With regard to the 'peace process', we were informed that one of the major problems with 'peace negotiations' between Israel and the Palestinians was the 1948 issue, yet Rabin was clearly murdered because it was thought he would return land occupied in 1967 - so your analysis doesn't quite add up. As right wing and religious extremism in Israel and amongst the settlers has clearly worsened since Rabin's death it would have been appropriate to explained how it is now possible with a two state solution, and how todays level of extremism is likely to affect Israel itself.

By Michael D


Jan 28, 2019

This course has provided me with a window into Israeli History and a great introduction to the contemporary situation in Israel. My suspicions of bias were repeatedly refuted and a great emphasis was put on presenting a factual history and allowing for student consideration as to the benefits or detriments of said events. Mentions of artists and cultural figures lead to an outside understanding of the Israeli people in the early days and how things have changed to become what they are today. Some students offer insightful input in the discussion forums and its great to see dissenting professors debate, as the same debate must go on in the heads of observers around the world, Israeli or not.



Jul 17, 2020

Excellent course on various facets of "Young-Ancient Nation"-Israel. Both the esteemed Professors who handled the course gave an excellent presentation on various facets of Israel-Historical, Sociological, Political and Economic.

However, as an Indian, I personally feel that atleast some reference should have been made to India and its majority Hindu Religion, as the only place/major faith which never ever persecuted Jews, always protected and respected them.

By Celia F


Feb 4, 2019

Great continuation to the first part - would totally recommend it to learn about this interesting country!

By David H


Mar 23, 2018

This course is bang on. I thought I knew quite a lot about the subject but found out all I really knew was on the fringes. I found through the course the knowledge and history of the still ongoing building of the State/Nation of Israel. I really enjoyed this course and recommend it to anyone with the interest of the true facts of what is happening now and what has already taken place, and hopes for the future.

By Luiza P


May 26, 2020

I think this i a great follow up course from History of Modern Israel I and I definitely recommend for anyone who wants to learn about Israel today. The professors Eyal Naveh and Asher Susser, who also teach the course I are incredible and show a lot of knowledge for the subject, I also really liked the other invited professors that discussed specific topics throughout the course. Thank you all.

By Marcos V M d S


Jun 9, 2018

Excellent course. I learned a lot about Israel's identity, culture and contradictions. In addition, the course clearly addresses the security issues experienced by Israel from its inception to the present day. The current debate on Israeli society about Israel being a Judaic and Democratic state - and what this, in fact means - was a differential in the course. I enjoy every week and lesson.

By Holly D


Nov 4, 2016

I really enjoyed this honest look at the history of Israel as a country. There's some dirty laundry on display, and a lot of interesting issues to think about. If you are curious about Israel's short and convoluted history, this is a good place to start your studies. (My favourite part was the last debate in week 5! It got a bit fiery...)

My thanks to everyone who made this course possible.

By Agnès L


Feb 13, 2018

Great Course and great teachers! It really helped me to have a better understanding of the creation of Israel and the conflict with palestinians. Great interviews, really interesting, really like the last one. Thank you!

By Conchi U


Jul 12, 2018

I was looking for something to help me to learn and understand the State of Israel. I find this course very intereseting and higly recomendable. More tan I expected.

By Antonia T B


May 12, 2018

An excellent course! Great teachers and very interesting interviews. I loved it and learnt a lot. Many thanks and many greetings from Madrid / Antonia

By Mohamad M


Jul 1, 2019

well and in brief explained topics that allows us to understand History of Modern Israel.

I also didn't find the course biased which is a good thing.

By Anna V


Jun 21, 2020

Dear teachers and Coursera,

thanks a lot for your job and my opportunity to get new knowledge about modern Israel.

Best regards,

Anna Vissarionova

By Mikolaj R


Nov 5, 2017

I found this course very interesting. It gave me a good background for understnding the complexity of Israeli history, politics and society.

By Zoe J


Jun 10, 2017

I like the discussion forum which are inserted in course arrangements, the professors are excellent, and I have learned a lot about Israel.

By Sebastian G


Sep 2, 2016

A fascinating course, well delivered. I was especially interested in the issues related to the dynamics and development of Israeli society.

By Orly B


Feb 10, 2018

Very informative course. I would like to have some more detail, i.e. a longer and more profound course. The test are too easy.

By Anastasia X


Feb 28, 2017

This was an amazing and enlightening course. Thank Hebrew University for setting it up in such an all-encompassing manner.

By Paccelli Z


Dec 19, 2018

Um excelente curso que mudou minha visão sobre o Estado de Israel. Não era nada do que eu pensava e ouvia no noticiário.

By Mark W M


Oct 6, 2016

Great course! Gave me a deeper understanding of much I knew, but now my knowledge is richer and fuller than what it was.

By Lourdes P


Jul 1, 2019

me ha encantado, me gustaria que tuvieran mas cursos de su historia reciente y la postura de israel en medio oriente

By Bryden M


Jan 27, 2019

Very good course, informative and lays out the foundation for anyone wanting to know about the state of Israel.

By Felipe O


Jul 19, 2019

Excellent course, open the mind to very interesting reflections on the challenges of the state

By Diego d R V M


Jun 30, 2020

Simple and objective: this course was excellent!

Thanks a lot for the Tel Aviv University!

By Amit S


May 26, 2020

Very well explained different aspects of Israel and its making as a sovereign state.