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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state by Tel Aviv University

340 ratings

About the Course

This course deals with the Israeli politics, economy, society and culture, since its creation in 1948 till today. It analyzes the construction of the Israeli historical narrative as an identity-building narrative, intending to inculcate a collective memory to a diverse society. We will focus on key events and essential components that shaped the Israeli society from the fifties till the present. We will also discuss the changes that the Israeli society experiences in its almost seventy years of existence and how it affects its politics and culture. Among the topics we will discuss issues such as immigration, economic transformation, political upheaval, religious Zionism and post-Zionism, privatization and Americanization, Holocaust increasing role in shaping Israel's identity, diversity and multiculturalism, as well as the enduring conflict with the Palestinians and the Arab world. This course is a direct extension of the first part "The History of Modern Israel: From an Idea to a State", so if you have not yet taken it, we highly recommend you start your learning from there ( In order to receive academic credit for this course you must successfully pass the academic exam on campus. For information on how to register for the academic exam – Additionally, you can apply to certain degrees using the grades you received on the courses. Read more on this here – Teachers interested in teaching this course in their class rooms are invited to explore our Academic High school program here – * This course is a joint effort of Tel Aviv University & Israel Institute ( * This course uses media material from various archives, courtesy to Yad Vashem Archive for their help. * This course is self-paced. Once you register, you can participate in the course anytime, as often as you wish and over any stretch of time...

Top reviews


Jul 22, 2020

I thanks my teacher professor Eyal Naveh for teaching me the history in such a easy way , it was fun and benifitting learning about the state of ISRAEL, lots of love from INDIA !!


Aug 25, 2022

I​ learned a lot about how the Israeli state formed and its achievements and failures from a sociocultural perspective more that a list of dates and maps. Toda raba.

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76 - 91 of 91 Reviews for The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state


Oct 24, 2016


By John L

May 25, 2019

An interesting that seemed to me (a non-Jewish Briton with some experience in the Middle East outside Israel) to have been a balanced and informative introduction to Israel since independence. I was pleasantly surprised, not knowing what to suspect. Naturally it did not go very deeply into any one topic, but I learned much that interested my and some things that surprised me too. The usual problems with subtitles persist, but the lecturers, though clearly not all native users of English, generally make their meaning clear throughout.

By Sami E

Dec 4, 2016

קורס מעולה המכיל ידע חובה לכל סטודנט ולכל אזרח במדינת ישראל. לטעמי יש להפוך אותו לקורס חובה בכל תואר.

לצערי, ישנם תכנים בקורס המציגים את עצמם כנייטרלים אך למעשה מביעים דעה הנוטה לכיוון השמאל על המפה הפוליטית, גך למשל הגדרת המצב ביו"ש כ'כיבוש', רמיזות שהכיבוש נגרם בגללינו ושאנו מונעים מהם זכויות בסיס, הצגת הקונפליקט היהודי-דמוקרטיה כבלתי פתיר, או הצגת הציונות הדתית כמשיחיים שאין בינם ובין הקרקע שום כלום.

בכל מקרה, נהניתי מאוד מתכני הקורס, ולטעמי מדובר בקורס מוצלח ומעשיר!


By kouassi n c

Jul 25, 2017

avant je résumais l'histoire d’Israël à la religion mais aujourd'hui je connais l'origine de ce peuple pourquoi et par qui ils ont été chassés de leur territoire et l’origine de leurs différents conflits.j'ai appris la construction et le développement de leur nation le seul bémol il n'y avait pas de sous-titres en français donc la traduction que j'avais était un peu archaïque.

By Alexandra K

Oct 18, 2020

The information presented is very interesting. I would have liked more reading assignments as well as some effort at historiography. It is important to teach students in introductory courses something about how historians go about formulating arguments.

By vassilopoula

Jul 13, 2020

It was a very good course. I would appreciate a more nuanced presentation and a better depiction of the Palestinian Narrative for the Wars of 1948 & 1967. Nevertheless, you are free to complete your knowledge from other sources. Thank you to Tel Aviv Uni.

By Norma J

Dec 28, 2019

Very interesting material, and some interesting guest speakers! I always appreciate the graphics, especially maps. Lots of the material was new to me. Thank you !

By Maribeth L

Aug 8, 2020

the sound quality was a bit inconsistent, but overall this was a really good introductory course. I liked the Hebrew lectures with English subtitles!

By Cesar A G Z

Jul 10, 2018

No le califiqué con 5 estrellas únicamente por la falta de una bibliografía que me permita mejorar los conocimientos adquiridos en el curso

By Roman P

Mar 19, 2019

-1 star. some videos a VERY quiet. All other are fine.

By Ron G

Aug 15, 2022

Really enjoyed it. Good refresher on recent history.

By Joy S

Jul 9, 2017

Good info. Very credible professor. Up to date.

By dan d

May 31, 2019

Very good instruction all around!

By Shishir P

Apr 10, 2020

Great Course on a great country.

By Ólafur T Y

Aug 9, 2017

A short and interesting course

By Jose R

Jul 20, 2021

exelnte , mucho conocimiento