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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Industrial Biotechnology by University of Manchester

3,444 ratings

About the Course

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need solutions for the manufacture of chemicals that are smarter, more predictable and more sustainable. Industrial biotechnology is changing how we manufacture chemicals and materials, as well as providing us with a source of renewable energy. It is at the core of sustainable manufacturing processes and an attractive alternative to traditional manufacturing technologies to commercially advance and transform priority industrial sectors yielding more and more viable solutions for our environment in the form of new chemicals, new materials and bioenergy. This course will cover the key enabling technologies that underpin biotechnology research including enzyme discovery and engineering, systems and synthetic biology and biochemical and process engineering. Much of this material will be delivered through lectures to ensure that you have a solid foundation in these key areas. We will also consider the wider issues involved in sustainable manufacturing including responsible research innovation and bioethics. In the second part of the course we will look at how these technologies translate into real world applications which benefit society and impact our everyday lives. This will include input from our industry stakeholders and collaborators working in the pharmaceutical, chemicals and biofuels industries. By the end of this course you will be able to: 1. Understand enzymatic function and catalysis. 2. Explain the technologies and methodologies underpinning systems and synthetic biology. 3. Explain the diversity of synthetic biology application and discuss the different ethical and regulatory/governance challenges involved in this research. 4. Understand the principles and role of bioprocessing and biochemical engineering in industrial biotechnology. 5. Have an informed discussion of the key enabling technologies underpinning research in industrial biotechnology 6. Give examples of industrial biotechnology products and processes and their application in healthcare, agriculture, fine chemicals, energy and the environment....

Top reviews


Mar 5, 2021

Great course. Im a chemical engineering, applying for master's in Chemical Biotechnology. This course really helped in understanding the basics of this amazing field. Thanks guys. Humans are awesome.


Apr 28, 2020

Very informative and very well organised course and it really helped me provide a good insight into the world of Biotechnology, the applications in the health sector and its potential in the future.

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626 - 650 of 799 Reviews for Industrial Biotechnology

By Saliha M


Oct 16, 2024

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable learning experience provided through the Biotechnology course. The content was not only comprehensive but also engaging and presented in a way that made complex concepts easier to understand. The course structure, combined with excellent resources, has greatly enriched my knowledge and passion for biotechnology.

By Michael S L


Jan 5, 2022

Generally very useful and I was able to put my high school science studies to good use. Does require basic scientific understanding to get more value from the course. Good that it was given by a wide variety of lecturers for diversity however it does make the depth and pace somewhat inconsistent and modules did not necessarily follow a logical sequence of buildup

By Jan H J


Oct 15, 2020

Overall, the course was a big help in introducing biotechnology to first time learners. However some video and audio quality were not that great and were sometimes not synced on what is displayed on the screen. The instructors did a great job in explaining a very wide topic although I may personally had difficult time understanding the complex diagrams displayed.

By Shuvayan D


Jun 18, 2020

A great course from wonderful professors. I am really thankful to them. The course is not completely for beginners. You need some preliminary knowledge of drugs designing, bioinformatics,tissue engineering to completely understand the course. The details and prospects of biofuels , biopharmaceuticals ,biomaterials are really exciting!

By Brendan C


Jan 27, 2019

Very informative and captivating course. I feel like my understanding of biotechnology is now at a point where I can pick up topics of interest to learn more at my leisure. I'd love to take another course like this.

Most of the lecturers were great, except for the glycoscience Prof., who just read out long wordy slides.

By Regina K


Jul 6, 2022

Great course, thank you! Some of the info needs updating as it mentions 2017 as the latest work. Some of the resorces arent available anymore which is a shame.

Overall, I found it very informative, interesting and the lecturers were passionate about their subjects which always makes the course more exciting.

Thank you.

By Miao L


Jan 21, 2019

Overall it's a great course to generally peek into Industrial Biotechnology. Since my major is biochemistry, this course is not difficult for me to catch up with. It's quite a good resource for academic researchers to broaden the horizons, especially in applications and real cases of their research.

By Sravya P


Jul 27, 2024

I wanted to respectfully give feedback that the lectures for week 4 were not clearly explained and I felt a disconnect of the quiz with the lecture. It would be great if someone could look into this. Overall I loved the course and it was very easy to follow! Would highly recommend

By Daniel Q R


Dec 5, 2022

Excelente como uma visão geral da biotecnologia que se faz principalmente nos países desenvolvidos com muitos exemplos das aplicações industriais. Algumas aulas são superficiais em assuntos bem específicos, mas fora isso foi muito bom para conhecer melhor os tópicos importantes.

By Mohammad S


Oct 4, 2020

this course is benificial for those who want to revised their acadamic syllabus in fast way

this course includes some of main chapter of biotechnology engg,

This short term course is very useful for those whose are unable to go out for internship in this pandemic.

thanking you!

By Andrea B


May 2, 2021

It was a really great course! But I would appreciated more if its updated to 2021 because I believe some of the references are a bit old but good of course.

Overall I think it was great! I am a chemical engineer so I really enjoyed de the biotechnology process part :)

By Mimansa D


Jul 12, 2022

The course is descriptive and definitely covers the main topics. It was very informative to acknowledge the utilities of the biotech field, which currently remain unknown to many. However, some concepts can be a bit tricky for high schollers or middle schoolers.

By Zachary B


Jul 21, 2021

Very in-depth overview on the growing field of Industrial Biotechnology. All professors did an excellent job explaining their respective material. Examples were a bit hard to follow at times, but overall a course I'd recommend to anyone interested in the field.

By Shivani K


Aug 23, 2021

I am very happy with all the content i learned from this course. I got know about the latest trends in Biotechnology with the industrial point of view and i am really grateful to the professors and coursera for that. Thank you Regards, Shivani Pramod Khataokar

By Asim P


Feb 1, 2022

The course was a tough one but was the best in class. This course gives the perfect idea about biotechnology and its respective branches and is super informative in terms of Industrial Examples and Course Studies. Overall this course is a must study kind.

By Bibhuti B P


Jun 10, 2022

This course was much helpful for me and covered all the necessary concepts of Industrial Biotechnology, which was not possible with normal classroom teaching. The assignments were well-framed and helped to get clarity over the learned concepts.

By Niraj K


Sep 1, 2020

A great course for those who are to work in industries or become an entrepreneur.

The course gave the basic and in depth knowledge on Enzymes, Synthetic Biology, Biochemistry and Bioprocess Engineering, Glycoscience and Biopharmaceuticals.

By Jorge A C B


Mar 5, 2021

It is well stablish but I think that in some lessons the thematic is way too deepen, more that what it should, and in other is just too simple. I would reorganize better the course and work with more pedagogic slides.

By Ahmed I H A M


Jan 9, 2018

I really loved this course, I gained more knowledge in terms of general industrial biotechnology. However, It would be tremendously helpful to put some examples of applied techniques in production of bio medicines.

By G.H.M.R. J


Jun 9, 2020

The course content is very important and updated. it will be a great support in our career as well. thank you so much for attractive presentations.

There are some issues related to the obtaining of the certificate.

By Aditya V


May 18, 2019

Good overview of industrial biotechnology. I especially enjoyed the modules on bioprocessing, they were general enough to teach broadly applicable concepts. The later modules were a little too specific for me.

By Nicolás D M


Sep 9, 2021

La calidad del curso y de los profesores es muy buena. Quizás tiene un carácter más divulgativo que explicativo en cuanto a la biotecnología industrial, enfocándose, quizás demasiado, en ejemplos prácticos.

By Francisco R


Aug 2, 2023

Ha estado bastante bien, ha sido idóneo para saber que era la biotecnología y que partes tiene, he echado en falta hablar más sobre biomateriales ya que el curso se centra mucho en bioquímica y farmacia.

By Mariia B


Nov 10, 2022

Bin zwar kein Biochemicker, aber habe fast alles verstanden und viel neues gelernt. Was mir etwas fehlte - Empfehlungen für die Bücher um bestimmte Vorlesungen in organischen Chemie besser zu verstehen.

By Bruno V F R


Feb 16, 2020

Please, note that the test to the 3rd week has lots of "X" marked at the end of some questions: the sames that are the correct showing the response before the students can even think about the questions.