Sep 13, 2019
I found that the culture of some country (especially in South East Asia) lead their people to a 'Learn and Don't Ask' culture which is a huge barrier of Learning Transfer.
Sep 19, 2019
The course content has been very-well designed. It is practical, relevant and most importantly...the need of the hour in the corporate training environment!
By Pascal W
•Mar 14, 2020
The course was extremely helpful in understanding how to design and assess learning events in a business context. In particular, it was interesting to learn how important the alignment of learner, trainer and the learner's organization (including peers and managers) is for successful learning transfer.
The reasons I am not giving five stars are firstly, the presentation of the material and secondly, gaps in the material itself.
To the first point: the presentation slide design and pacing was at times confusing and distracting. I think this is partly because of the overuse of animations and the wording on the slides not always corresponding to what the speakers say. I ended up not looking at the slides during the video sections and instead studied based on the scripts for the narration (the summaries used in the narration, especially by the female lecturer, were mostly concise and helpful). If I had not been extremely motivated by professional reasons to study learning transfer, I would likely not have completed this course for this reason.
To the second point: There were some omissions in the presentation of the learning transfer system inventory (LTSI). In particular, while the final assessment uses a case study where the 16 factors of the LTSI are evaluated with numerical values, the course does not introduce these numerical values or how to give scores in this model. I would have appreciated practical guidelines for this assessment process. In addition, there was no critical engagement with the LTSI model. Some parts of the model are counterintuitive (e.g. separating manager responses into support and sanctions but having only one score for peer support; and the distinction between positive outcomes when transferring learning and negative personal outcomes when not transferring learning - what about negative consequences when transferring learning or positive outcomes when not transferring learning). In my impression, there seems to be a lot of overlap between the factors in the model which makes it difficult to understand why barriers and enablers were broken down into these specific categories. It would therefore been helpful to get the lecturers' perspective, as practitioners, on why they find this particular model, in contrast to other models, useful in their work and why it does make sense to them. Without additional information, it is difficult to assess the model's utility and research what potential alternatives would be.
I want to thank you for putting together this helpful and practical guide to learning transfer and hope you can further improve the content for future learners.
By Sineenad R
•Sep 14, 2019
I found that the culture of some country (especially in South East Asia) lead their people to a 'Learn and Don't Ask' culture which is a huge barrier of Learning Transfer.
By Natalia E
•May 18, 2020
Thank you for a simple framework helping predict and influence if the training is going to be effective. Knowing and implementing Ed Holton's 16 factors is a must for any training professional. I'm happy I've learned them through this course and it is definitely applicable in what I do.
•May 1, 2020
Well structured to provide the basic knowledge and understanding of learning transfer. I really enjoyed and learned a lot from this course
By Yehan B
•May 27, 2020
Can recommend this course for gaining knowledge to improve your working background and how to become a prolific member at office
By Minakshi P
•Jan 16, 2020
The course was good in terms of establishing basics, but it could have been more extensive in terms of applications we can build towards a system of earning transfer, that's relevant to the VUCA world.
By Rod B
•Nov 3, 2024
Loved the course on learning transfer. Not only did it enlighten me on behavioral objectives, motivation and learner transfer characteristics, it provided goals to strive for in the work environment, and really gave me insight into my personal perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and actions. This is a course I will recommend to colleagues. Challenging as the subject was, it challenged me also. I will refer back to the course material as the company I am affiliated with currently is in a growth phase. Exciting stuff! Ps. I will keep the course materials I downloaded as reference material for future use.
•Jul 28, 2023
This course has developed a bite side content which easy for learner to understand step by step. The Quiz was evaluated that learner can analyze and apply the content or not to make sure that learners understand it clearly and effectively. If we choose wrong answer, it will explain the reason why, to rethink. That's nice to begin with this course to make sure that I can enroll for another. Thanks
By Chelsea C
•Feb 12, 2021
I have nothing to say about the content. It's good. However, the e-signature on the final certificate looks forged. It looks like a photoshopped version (copy paste of the signature w/o making the background transparent) of a certificate and may actually be questioned by some employers. I hope this gets fixed ASAP since this is a valid concern.
By Cristiane d C G
•Jul 29, 2021
Great course! This is a deep overview on Learning transfer processes, barriers and catalysts. It helps us to support Learning strategy aligned to the business needs. Thanks, professors and Coursera! It is energizing to learn with amazing specialists in Learning & Development.
By Umme A T
•Sep 14, 2022
This course is really helpful as i am from L&D background. It did give me deeper insights in terms of ROI , how we invest money in training without expecting a return. Ways to measure impact , ROI & Learning transfer benefits.
By Mikhail D
•Mar 28, 2022
Highly intensive and relevant. 16 factors help to design own LT educational project and take into account all the things help people to change their behaviors
By Ramnath D
•Sep 20, 2019
The course content has been very-well designed. It is practical, relevant and most importantly...the need of the hour in the corporate training environment!
By Mary A
•Nov 2, 2020
When you know the barriers to learning, you can do something about it and create an impactful training modules.
By Уйсинбаева А К
•Nov 24, 2024
Thanks for your work. Everything was clear and simple to understand. I promise to apply the gained knowledge.
By عبدالعزيز ا
•May 4, 2021
great course that digs deep in the root causes of poor utilization of training events in organizations
By Nick G
•Jan 12, 2023
Great course. Reinforcement of what I have been fighting for in Learning & Development.
•Aug 29, 2020
it was very rich. i am glad i invested my time and energy at right place. Thank you!
•Aug 16, 2021
Awesome Course . Really helpful for applying learning to Day to Day operation
By Jody T
•Mar 3, 2022
topics were easy to follow and made connections to examples I could relate.
By Shatha A
•Nov 7, 2020
I enjoyed and learned a lot from this course. Thank you for your efforts ❤️
By Karen B
•Oct 6, 2021
Practical steps for creating learning programs that will promote transfer.
By Charli H
•Jun 3, 2021
Insightful, useful and valuable especially in my role within Learning
By Sandeep S
•Jun 11, 2020
Very effective program into both ways as a trainer and trainee.
By Aiswarya M
•May 15, 2020
Really informative course... 100 percent worth doing it..