Oct 19, 2019
Excellent course which provides an introduction to enterprise computing with IBM Z, presented in a very engaging manner by Jeff Bisti. Highly recommended for those who want to learn about mainframes.
Dec 15, 2020
The more I re-watch the videos, study materials the more exciting it is. I also want to thank Jeff Bisti and his team, Brenton Belmar, Mark Nelson for the captivating and passionate lectures.
By Sofya C
•May 24, 2020
The course is quite dull and there are not enough visualizations of the system that instructor is talking about. The quizzes are not related to material talked about in videos at all and were quite difficult and out of context. Reading material was impossible to read - classic ibm 400 page document, incomprehensible to a beginner.
By Shayan F
•Apr 28, 2020
Basics could have been cleared out first properly, before going into detail regarding each component. Topics were discussed as if the learner had previous experience. This is not a beginner course at all!
By Matheus B B M
•May 22, 2020
for a introdutory course i guess the concepts are bad approch for one has not expirience with the IT.
By Michael S
•Apr 26, 2020
Jeff is a great icon on this course. The weekly quiz however were really hard to solve for me. I have the feeling, that some questions are not topic in the videos.
By Marcelo A N S
•Nov 12, 2019
Excelente curso pAra iniciantes, demonstra todas as particularidades do sistema z/OS e seus beneficios, de uma forma didática consegue entrar nas particularidades do sistema, demonstrando segurança, criptografia, recursos e features, softwares e particularidades de parametrização. Inclui material rico e permite interação com outros estudantes, um curso essencial para quem conhece e quer aprimorar ainda mais o conhecimento (autalizar) e para quem não teve ainda contato com o incrÃvel MAINFRAME.Parabéns pelo conteúdo, apresentação e material do curso!!
By Ranil A
•Oct 20, 2019
Excellent course which provides an introduction to enterprise computing with IBM Z, presented in a very engaging manner by Jeff Bisti. Highly recommended for those who want to learn about mainframes.
By Anna S
•Sep 21, 2019
AMAZING course covering IBM Z architecture, design, hardware and software components. Thanks Jeff and team for this very comprehensive overview of the platform.
By Yash N
•Apr 1, 2020
Exceptional course. No doubt. God Bless IBM and Coursera for providing such a course for a such a good price. Very knowledgeable..... GOD Bless YOU ALWAYS....
By Laksh k
•Apr 21, 2020
The course was excellent, full of knowledge and Trainer Jeff was very interesting and making these an good course to start your career in Mainframe.
By Florence P
•Oct 2, 2019
The speaker is top - explains well and makes funny jokes! The only reason why I give four instead of five stars is because sometimes the questions in the quiz were not covered during the videos . (pretty sure about that)
By Richard S
•Oct 9, 2019
Pretty good information, hard to comprehend but that is to be expected. Best course I have seen for beginners learning about Mainframes
By John H
•Aug 6, 2020
The Presenters were polished, knowledgeable, and well spoken, the production values high - it's IBM. But, much of the time the questions were unrelated to the content presented. Between having a good background knowledge of computing in general and having worked with mainframes long long ago I muddled through. There is plenty of good stuff in the presentations to have questions on.
By Saul M
•Jun 9, 2020
The acronyms will have your head spinning. Quick heads-up. You will need to do a lot of reading on your own to better understand the underlying concepts.
By Daniel C
•Dec 30, 2019
I think it needs more coverage, especially for people who've never seen any IBM stuff before.
By Shahriar S
•Jan 6, 2020
the is too much theory without any logical diagram explaining it.
By Rhonda L
•Mar 28, 2021
Many terms not properly explained. I had to internet search to get test answers clearly not included in material. All delivered as though I was already an expert.
By Judel V
•Nov 18, 2020
There are so much topics that aren't properly discussed during the course but appears anyways in the exams. NOT beginner friendly
By asdfa
•Sep 9, 2019
This is not a course, just some guys reading slides. Better to read IBM Redbooks.
By Lindomar R D S
•Mar 31, 2024
Gostaria de expressar minha profunda gratidão pelo curso que tive a oportunidade de realizar. Foi uma experiência incrÃvel e enriquecedora, e gostaria de compartilhar alguns pontos que realmente me impressionaram: Conteúdo Relevante e Atualizado: O conteúdo abordado foi extremamente relevante para minha área de interesse. A forma como os tópicos foram apresentados tornou o aprendizado mais acessÃvel e prático. Metodologia de Ensino: A metodologia utilizada durante as aulas foi excepcional. As explicações foram claras, e os exemplos práticos ajudaram a consolidar o conhecimento. Suporte e Disponibilidade: Agradeço pela disponibilidade em esclarecer dúvidas e fornecer feedback construtivo. Isso fez toda a diferença na minha jornada de aprendizado. Comunidade e Networking: O curso também proporcionou a oportunidade de conhecer outros profissionais da área. A troca de experiências e o networking foram valiosos. Em resumo, estou muito satisfeito com o curso e recomendo a todos que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Obrigado por contribuir para o meu crescimento profissional! Atenciosamente, Lindomar Rodrigues
By Anna U
•Dec 20, 2019
This's a very informative and useful course. It needs time to learn all themes but explanations are very clear and understandable. Thanks a lot for IBM lectors. NB! Background experience (at least, theory) in system administration is strongly recommended. There's nothing extra hard to learn but I'm glad that I was not a total newbie on the beginning of this course.
By Lindsey P
•Mar 9, 2021
I've taken an in-seat z/OS Boot Camp and read through all of the Red Books and I have not been able to understand nearly as much as what I've gleaned from this course. The topics are broken up into manageable chunks rather than the firehose technique. The quizzes are challenging but not impossible if you've been taking notes. Great course!
By Kapil P D
•Oct 5, 2019
Short but insightful.
Jeff Bisti is a fantastic communicator and convincingly delivers on all the basics in a manner that will entice beginners without overwhelming them. This course is a beautiful consolidation and the only gripe I have is that it throws the learner into the second course without a proper preamble.
By lakshmi n
•Nov 10, 2020
Though I have been using the Mainframes for 20+ years on different levels this course was great to know the internal architecture and different components of z/OS. You would not find anywhere outside videos how the z/OS built and different components in detail. I have now better idea on how it operates and IPL.
By Juan H L
•Oct 4, 2020
Excellent course! . . . The times of each presentation are adequate, the information is clear and updated. The support material is very practical and useful.And above all the instructors have extensive knowledge of the topics presented.Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to keep us updated.