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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Enterprise Computing by IBM

987 ratings

About the Course

Large Scale Enterprise Computing powers all major transactions, and the Mainframe is responsible for 87% of all credit card transactions and enables 71% of all Fortune 500 companies. Mainframes are fundamental on how we do business, and IBM Z is the only production mainframe sold today. Virtually everyone depends on it. This is your introduction to the hardware, operating systems, security, and features that make this possible. On successful completion of this course, learners are eligible to earn their Introduction to Enterprise Computing badge. More information can be found here:

Top reviews


Oct 19, 2019

Excellent course which provides an introduction to enterprise computing with IBM Z, presented in a very engaging manner by Jeff Bisti. Highly recommended for those who want to learn about mainframes.


Dec 15, 2020

The more I re-watch the videos, study materials the more exciting it is. I also want to thank Jeff Bisti and his team, Brenton Belmar, Mark Nelson for the captivating and passionate lectures.

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176 - 200 of 240 Reviews for Introduction to Enterprise Computing

By Mirzohid M


Apr 5, 2024


By Aaron R


Jul 28, 2020


By Shuaib A


Jul 14, 2020


By Ankit G


Jun 6, 2020


By Saurabh G


May 28, 2020




Feb 10, 2020


By samar r


Feb 13, 2025


By Kiran K


May 2, 2020


By Shashank G


Jun 23, 2020

This is really good course for starting with IBM Z. Even though (technically) it is pre-recorded & self-paced course, Jeff and other instructors made it very interactive. I loved the puns and surprise quizzes too. I wish there should be more.

Saying all this, I also want to highlight some points of improvement:

For IT professional like me, who is all into Intel & Windows & Linux guy, there is lots of unlearning required. PC and Mainframe worlds are different right :D. It would be helpful if you guys highlight the similarities such as Bootstrap module in IPL is like Bootloader in PC world etc.

Another issue, I observed that some of the captions are incorrect i.e. spelling mistakes.

By Scott J S


Nov 10, 2019

I felt this was a great course to learn what the mainframe is, some mainframe related terminology, and a good in-depth description of how some of those things function. I don't think this is a true beginner's course though, as it was presented to be, without some computer background knowledge and schooling, there is a lot a person would have to google and expand on to truly grasp what is being presented. As someone who is finishing up a Computer Science degree and is highly interested in the mainframe however, I found the overall course to highly informative and enjoyable.

By Michael R C


Mar 20, 2022

Very informative and interactive instruction. I enjoyed the presenters especially the main one. I was a little bit miffed at the fact that on some of the quizzes and tests that there were questions over material not covered. I was able to anser those questions but I have a lot of experience in IT across multiple systems, platforms and architectures. Overall it was great material to cacth me up with newer technology mainframe material from my days of working with mainframes in the 90's.

By Fabian d A G


Apr 25, 2021

Provides a high level idea of what IBM mainframes are capable of and how there are structured, in both hardware and software perspectives. Occasionally, several topics dip into technical details as well, with the Instructor assuring that the concepts discussed will become much clearer when doing the other courses in the series. Looking forward to the other courses!

By rocky


Oct 18, 2020

This is a great course for an introduction to IBM Z Mainframes. There are a lot of acronyms and terms to be familiar and it can be daunting. Yet, the course is able to provide great reading materials for us to peruse. This is not for beginners per se, it's really for those familiar with IT terms and wants to get their foot at the door with IBM Z Mainframes.

By Vivian W


Jul 5, 2020

-The course layout makes learning easier than traditional methods of learning.


--Information is broken down into smaller pieces

--The amount of test questions is commensurate to the material that was covered.

--Jeff Bisti is a great instructor; he presents the technical jargon in a fun format

By Karthikayani C


Mar 30, 2022

The course is self explanative. but the quizzes have questions that are not a part of the videos. It will be really helpful to have small notes about them at the end.

By Manuel L d S C R


Jun 4, 2020

Excelent course I just think more information should be given in presentations or videos instead of Redbooks or Manuals. They tend to be very boring to read

By Shuvojit B


Jun 20, 2020

It was really very informational and compact. I would have liked it more if i got to know more about IOCDS configurations in the videos.

By Pratik G


Apr 29, 2020

Excellent course, that I really enjoyed a lot. learned new terminology of IBM z/os mainframe. thanks to @team IBM and my instructor.

By Manikandan


Feb 27, 2021

course was very good..but needs to improve a little bit in explanation on complicated topics..

otherwise ,it was quite good for me

By Jared A


Nov 23, 2024

It's an amazing opportunity to learn something that moves the world, and you will always have a job opportunity with COBOL.

By Juan F B A


Nov 4, 2019

Muy interesante, bien explicado y en el se empiezan a obtener conocimientos de mainframe de una manera sencilla y amena.

By Reymark C L


Oct 23, 2020

Its a nice and easy course which starts slow but the last part felt rushed and tried to cram to much information.

By Ali K


Feb 4, 2020

The verbally explained parts were short and useful but perhaps presenting more slides and charts could be useful.

By Galupo C


Oct 24, 2020

I learned a lot of good lessons thank you ... I used to teach you a lot like me .the lord will have mercy on you

By Amrita M


Oct 14, 2020

It was tough but with all help from the instructor to break it into pieces I manage to complete

Thank u