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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Genomic Technologies by Johns Hopkins University

4,696 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces you to the basic biology of modern genomics and the experimental tools that we use to measure it. We'll introduce the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology and cover how next-generation sequencing can be used to measure DNA, RNA, and epigenetic patterns. You'll also get an introduction to the key concepts in computing and data science that you'll need to understand how data from next-generation sequencing experiments are generated and analyzed. This is the first course in the Genomic Data Science Specialization....

Top reviews


May 27, 2020

It was well taught. I liked the fact the two professors focused on two different subjects- biology and statistics portion of this course. The paragraphs written below each video was extremely helpful.


Nov 20, 2017

Relatively nice introduction course, contents are maybe rather limited, yet as an instructive course, it does provide a clear overview which correlates well with the required answers for the quizzes!

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651 - 675 of 722 Reviews for Introduction to Genomic Technologies

By Tatiana M


May 3, 2022

very brief intro



Sep 5, 2020

Great experience

By Rehana k


Jan 3, 2025

Great learning

By rupal k


Jul 1, 2020

very effective

By Weidong X


Jul 29, 2016

good course.

By hzl


Jan 12, 2017

good course

By Nikhil Y


Apr 25, 2020


By pratiti b


Jul 24, 2022

Good one

By Shukla d


Sep 17, 2021

good one

By Ayesha A


Sep 30, 2020

Good 1

By Dawale S S (


Oct 1, 2022


By Saman Z S


Sep 20, 2022




Oct 26, 2024


By Nilanjan K


Aug 23, 2023


By Gladys I


Jul 21, 2022

By Dionysios S


Dec 31, 2020

Decent introduction to Genomics.

Good challenging course project that needed a thorough understanding of the article. I do not like courses which just give you a certificate without you really learning or just watching. Although the article was very interesting and was teaching you not only genomics but how to read-search for articles and information, at the same time it felt as a separate and a bit disjointed task from the material that was taught in the rest of the course. So giving it 40% was kind of unfair.

Some feedback:

-Would have been very helpful to provide the slides in a powerpoint or pdf format.

-Would have appreciated a few more slides and pictures on the introduction to biology/DNA etc. part (week1,2).

-The statistical part (I am a statistician by the way) suddenly refers to terms from biology that have not been referred in the previous sections (e.g. replicates). The examples were hard to follow in order to understand the concept. A bit more context would have greatly increased the ability to follow the material and grasp the conclusion/information.

Feedback on chrome-cast :This is not for this course only but for all I guess (although I have not tested another course yet). When videos are cast to TV (or chromecast) the subtitles have black background and hide the slides. There is no option to turn off subtitles (at least for this course), only to change subtitle language. Very annoying as you loose important information.

By Alejandro M


Apr 28, 2020

There are two lecturers on this course, Steven and Jeff. The lectures by Steven are amazing. They are extremely interesting, clear, structured, concise and pedagogical. Seriously, great, I learned a lot and I would give Steven 5 stars. Unfortunately, the lectures by Jeff are unclear, filled with jargon (undefined and unexplained terms) and statements which are imprecise at best and incorrect at worse. Verdecit: 1 star for this second lecturer who didn't consider that the audience he was addressing was broad, and probably didn't take enough time to prepare his lectures. Average result: 3 stars.

By Dylan B


Oct 11, 2017

Basic introduction. I have a biology background so for me this was easy. But for a non-biologist I imagine this may difficult to understand. From a non-biologist point of view I imagine the lecturers can spend more time explaining the biology of the cell and genome replication in a lot more detail. This can be handy understanding why we get certain mutations and why some mutations are more interesting than others (e.g. why are most variants (SNPs) found outside coding regions?).

By Saaket V


Jan 1, 2018

A good introduction to Genomic Technologies. Positives: Concise, to the point quizzes, at times funny alternatives answers. The instructor was world class. Could have included few examples of technologies and software being used for sequencing. Trends and what to expect in next five years. Linking to the applications like Precision medicine, Companion Diagnostics, and Personalized medicine would have further improved the delivery of the course.

By Raúl O R


Sep 13, 2021

No es un curso que recomiendo para quienes ya han cursado materias básicas de biología, estadística y leído un poco sobre lo que es bioinformática. Sin embargo, es un buen punto de repaso si es que quieren iniciar desde cero todo lo que esto implica. Yo buscaba una iniciación en herramientas para trabajo de secuencias genómicas como R, Python o cualquier otra cosa, pero tarde me di cuenta que no era nada parecido a eso.



Apr 11, 2018

This course included a lot of background information which most I already had. The lecturers were engaging, however, spoke quickly. Luckily I could rewind. Some concepts were inadequately glossed over, but then tested on. Since, as I said, I already had background I could still successfully answer the quiz questions. But I could see how someone who is taking this without prior knowledge would have more difficulty.

By Jessica R


May 20, 2016

This is an extremely basic course. In my opinion, it isn't worth $49 and is thrown in just to add to the total price of the specialization. It is a useful refresher, but doesn't really contain much information. Just a couple of topics are covered at a very basic level. You could also get this info from watching Youtube videos.

By Abhinaya S


Oct 25, 2017

Average course. The initial part was taught by someone who doesn't do Molecular Biology and still tried to push off a course material. It sounded like it was dumbed down to below basic levels in some cases and while I understand the course is meant for general population, the material was presented in a very un-scientific way.

By Offer L


Oct 10, 2023

Generally, this is very good, informative and helpful course. The problem is that Prof. Salzberg's parts are very outdated today (recorded about 2015 and now we are 2023), and the statistics (Prof. Leek) parts could be explained better. I'd be really glad to see updated version of this good and important course.

By Antonio P


Mar 20, 2023

It was unbalanced the workload of the last week of the course compared to the three previous week. I would suggest distributing better the workload and move some lectures of the 4th week of course to the previous weeks even if the knowledge acquired will be assessed at the end of the course