Dec 20, 2022
Kudos to the Team for such an Amazing class.i am eternally grateful and proud of myself for this noble privilege.. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and God bless you all. -George
Nov 3, 2022
I am very happy with the contents and also learned a lot in the field of cyber security. I will recommend this course to everyone who wants to start with cyber security.
By Abdul W
•Feb 19, 2023
Very interesting and informational course for me. Thanks IBM team for offering such informational course for the students and individuals online around the world.
By Adil K
•Nov 22, 2022
Very informative course, these knowledge can help individuals to protect their system safe online.
By Jan F
•May 31, 2023
This course taught me so much valuable information applicable to both my business and personal work. The course is very engaging and well written. The activities and labs were great for reinforcing the information. This course provided me a solid understanding of cybersecurity.
By Oluwajimisola A
•Sep 22, 2023
This course was amazing! It left me intrigued. I enjoyed every bit of it from start to finish. It is beginner friendly and was very easy to comprehend. Thank you IBM Skills Network! Thank you Coursera!
By George A
•Dec 21, 2022
Kudos to the Team for such an Amazing class.i am eternally grateful and proud of myself for this noble privilege.. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and God bless you all. -George
By Mhjah A
•Jan 10, 2023
I cannot believe they really thought it was a good idea to do the narration in the most lifeless robotic voice, this has made the whole experience of learning the basics of cybersecurity more intimidating than it already is. Not to mention that some of the explanations were unclear. It's a bummer because everything else was good.
By Rachit T
•Nov 3, 2022
I am very happy with the contents and also learned a lot in the field of cyber security. I will recommend this course to everyone who wants to start with cyber security.
By Wilson O
•Oct 13, 2022
I strongly recommend this course for all purposes: companies in general, home, universities and institutes, industries etc.
By Mumana A
•Sep 21, 2023
Great course - I don't think I'll be falling for any online scams any time soon because of this course Thanks IBM :)
By Mamdouh A
•Dec 31, 2022
Wonderful Course .. a lot of info and make me intersting for more deep infromation . I will keep to get more
By Micahael D
•Jun 20, 2022
Really good and informative would suggest if anyone wants to know the basics of Cybersecurity
By Andrey A
•Aug 5, 2023
Thanks IBM Team, you make It more easy to Understand straight to the point.
By Ravi S S 2
•Jul 13, 2023
This course is very helpful for me carrier. THANKS TO COURSERA ❤️🙌❤️
By Clare T
•Nov 3, 2022
Good structure and points revisited in each module to embed learning.
By Hamad J S A
•Nov 8, 2022
الدوره ممتازه وتعلمت الكثير من هجمات الهكر وكيف احافض على البانات
By Dominique T B
•Apr 6, 2023
great learning experience for beginners
By Prabir K S
•Jun 23, 2023
Just love it!!!!
By Marc P J
•Jan 1, 2024
Just the completed the course, it's the first of many that I want to complete. I took the course because I want to learn cybersecurity as it's one of the fields of IT that I'm most interested in. I find the course has a basic level, which is what I was looking for as I'm a newbie in the world of cybersecurity. I want to keep learning about cybersecurity, so I will take this course as a stepping stone to more advanced courses. Now I have a better understanding of VPNs, malwares and cyberattacks in general. As a suggestion, I think the labs maybe could have some more advanced exercises like how to set up a domestic VPN but at the same time it's a more complex process, that it goes beyond the level of this course. Overall I'm satisfied. Cheers and a happy new year :).
By pradeep a
•Oct 19, 2023
good and satisfying and good for beginners to start a course almost everything in video section,give more importance to video section than reading.a seminar type course including lot siled
By Aleksei A
•Jul 29, 2023
All the course looks like reading titles from Wikipedia about IT. Value of that knowledge is poor.
By Mario S
•Jan 25, 2024
more emotions would be good
By Valère K
•Jan 16, 2025
Bien le bonjour à mes pairs, Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement les professeurs DeeDee Colette, Jeff Crume, Manish Kumar, Rav Ahuja, ainsi que toute l'équipe pédagogique d'IBM, pour les cours de la spécialisation "IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Certificate". Cette formation a été extrêmement enrichissante et m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances solides et précieuses en matière de sécurité des actifs numériques, qui constituent une base réelle pour une carrière lumineuse dans le domaine. Je souhaite souligner la qualité des différents quiz notés et non-notés, les laboratoires pratiques, qui se sont révélés très utiles pour appliquer concrètement les notions apprises. Toutefois, je me permets de proposer une amélioration : introduire une nouvelle variation des questions et des réponses à chaque tentative. Cela rendrait l'exercice encore plus engageant et favoriserait une meilleure maîtrise des concepts. Enfin, je suggère l'ajout d'un cours de synthèse, un "Put it all together", qui permettrait de relier les différents concepts et outils enseignés. Une telle initiative offrirait une vision globale unifiée de la cybersécurité (ce que vous avez fait étant déjà assez exceptionnel) et surtout du poste en lui-même, ce qui serait particulièrement bénéfique pour les apprenants. Merci encore pour cette excellente formation et pour votre dévouement à transmettre des connaissances de grande valeur ! Valère Firmin KAMBO TAMBA
By Kangabam A
•Aug 11, 2022
First of all, I thank the team of this program who has provided comprehensive information and knowledge to students who are interested in exploring the nuances of how cybersecurity works. This course has given me much of insights into how security is really important, particularly in the digital space. Through this four-week course, have gained much knowledge, to list a few; Common security threats and risks, security best practices, and safe browsing practices. Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to gain some knowledge on cybersecurity through this course.
•Jan 15, 2025
The course is well organized, the basic concepts are clear and explained with simple examples. I also found the practical exercises very useful, using a virtual machine on which you can experiment with what you learned in the different modules of the course.
By Mihir C
•Aug 27, 2022
Thanks you Coursera For This Amazing course.. my entry-level knowledge regarding Cyber-Security field is understoodable, that option 10 minutes training of Cyber- analyst was most inrteresst part in the course.